LibrariaNPCs Freighter Creation Thread

By LibrariaNPC, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

XS-800 Light Freighter


Era: Rise of the Empire

Hull type: Light Freighter

Ship Class: XS-800 Light Freigther

Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation

Hyperdrive: Class 3

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot, Co-Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 190 (115 tons)

Passenger Capacity: 8

Consumables: 2 months

Cost/Rarity: 70,000 credits (37,500 used)/5

Customization Hard Points: 3

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 3

Handling: 0

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 22

System Threshold: 17


Forward Mounted Double Laser Cannon (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close])

Special : The cockpit region can be sealed off and launched like an escape pod as a way to ensure the safety of passengers.

XS Stock Light Freighter


Era: Old Republic

Hull type: Freighter

Ship Class: XS Light Freighter

Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation

Hyperdrive: Class 3; Class 12 Backup

Navcomp: Yes

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: One pilot; Co-pilot and 2 gunners (optional)

Encumbrance Capacity: 100 (+25 in Smuggling Compartments)

Passenger Capacity: 6

Consumables: Two Months

Cost/Rarity: 125,000 / 5

Customization Hard Points: 3

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 4

Handling: 0

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 25

System Threshold: 15


Dorsal and Ventral Turret Mounted Medium Laser Cannons (Fire Arc All; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1*)

Forward Mounted Concussion Missile Launcher (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [short]; Breath 4, Blast 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 6, Slow-Firing 1).

*These weapons may be set to forward firing and can be fired from the cockpit. Should this occur, the Linked quality may be used.

Note: This ship comes "standard" with smuggling compartments.

This is an old write-up from before I could get my hands on Dangerous Covenants (around the same time I started moving in June). I'm leaving it here just in case I should ever want to build another ship similar to this for my own campaign.

YZ-775 Medium Transport (OUTDATED)


Era: Rise of the Empire / Rebellion

Hull type: Medium Transport

Ship Class: YZ-775 Medium Transport

Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation

Hyperdrive: Class 1 (Backup Class 12)

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range:

Ship's Complement: Pilot, Co-pilot, Gunners (4-6)

Encumbrance Capacity: 660 (400 tons)

Passenger Capacity: 14

Consumables: 6 months

Cost/Rarity: 500,000 credits (350,000 used)/7

Customization Hard Points:

Silhouette: 5

Speed: 3

Handling: 0

Defense: 1/1/1/1

Armor: 4

Hull Threshold: 38

System Threshold: 28


Aft and Starboard Laser Cannons (Fire Arc Turret; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close])

Dorsal and Ventral Quad Laser Cannons (Fire Arc Turret; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Accurate; Linked 3)

2 Forward Mounted Proton Torpedo Tubes (Fire Arc ; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [short]; Breach 6, Blast 6, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 24, Slow-Firing 1; Linked 1)

Creator’s Notes : The ship supposedly comes stock with turbolasers, which are restricted weapons, so I have replaced them with quad laser cannons. You are free to change them back, of course.

A lot of this is conjecture, of course, so I am up for thoughts on how to make it better.

Edited by LibrariaNPC

Z-10 Seeker


Era: Rise of the Empire

Hull type: Scout Vessel/Freighter

Ship Class: Starfeld Z-10 Seeker

Manufacturer: Starfeld Industries

Hyperdrive: Class 1 (Class 12 Backup)

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Long

Ship's Complement: Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 20 (5 metric tons); +30 (20 metric tons) for each cargo pod

Passenger Capacity: 2

Consumables: 2 months

Cost/Rarity: 45,000 credits/4 (Additional Cargo Pods cost in the area of 5,000 credits)

Customization Hard Points: 2

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 3

Handling: 0

Defense: 0

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 18

System Threshold: 14


1 Forward firing Light Laser Cannon (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close])

Creator’s Note : I was debating about having this become slower or less maneuverable with the cargo pods attached. The less maneuverable due to the extra bulk on the ship that isn’t normally meant to be there.
Additionally, the sensors of a Z-10 are powerful to protect it. I was debating between Medium and Long range, but settled for Long.

ZH-25 Questor


Era: Rebellion Era

Hull type: Light Freighter

Ship Class: ZH-25 Questor

Manufacturer: Starfeld Industries

Hyperdrive: Class 1 (Backup Class 12)

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 140

Passenger Capacity: 6

Consumables: 3 months

Cost/Rarity: 136,000 credits (89,000 used)/7 (rarity note: the ship was in high demand)

Customization Hard Points: 3

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 2

Handling: -1

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 2

Hull Threshold: 24

System Threshold: 18


Forward Mounted Laser Turret (Fire Arc Forward Turret; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close])

Creator’s Note : This ship is listed as being “slightly slower than the Z-10,” and I have it listed as Speed 2 for that reason. I think a 3 may make more sense as it isn’t a lumbering beast, so I could use some input.

And that's all I have. I'll be adding links when I can this weekend from the table of contents to their respective posts.

I'll also try to get more writing done on a few more ships (more of the YZ and VCX line, as well as hitting some of the Saga Edition books) this weekend, but I can't promise much. My in-laws are coming to town and I need to pack before I move things into storage next week, so my computer time will be non-existent until Sunday.

I'm always game for feedback, input, and requests, to keep them coming!

I'd like to see your take on the YT-2000. don't know if that's been asked for exists so far.

Wow, I get back from my workout and now I have this to go over before bed! Sweet!

Excellent work LibrariaNPC! Now my players will be spoiled for choice (for once) on their next beater! :lol:

Edit: BT-7 "Thunderclap" sounds like something a former supervisor of mine caught in Thailand. :lol:

*I know, I know, poor taste.*

Edited by swiftdraw

Awesome thread, LibrariaNPC! I just got done statting up an MC18 for my players, and I replaced it with yours instead - great work!

I'd like to see your take on the YT-2000. don't know if that's been asked for exists so far.

I'm actually avoiding the ENTIRE YT line at the moment for a list of reasons (like those in my first post). I'm sorry to disappoint you there.

Wow, I get back from my workout and now I have this to go over before bed! Sweet!

Excellent work LibrariaNPC! Now my players will be spoiled for choice (for once) on their next beater! :lol:

Edit: BT-7 "Thunderclap" sounds like something a former supervisor of mine caught in Thailand. :lol:

*I know, I know, poor taste.*

I was going to send you a message to tell you that the majority of your requests were up, but I didn't have the time to do so before leaving work. Glad to see that you've spotted them. I hope you and your players enjoy them!

And if it helps, I have some notes in my notebook regarding using ancient/aged ships and buying used ships that I'll be writing up, just in case you want to be a vindictive GM when they decide to get a real "beater" :-D

Awesome thread, LibrariaNPC! I just got done statting up an MC18 for my players, and I replaced it with yours instead - great work!

Thank you! The Mon Calamari ships have always been a personal favorite, so I've been chugging them out when I can find them in old books (and when they don't mesh with the situations in the first post).

I'm glad to hear that you do like my writeup, though. I have to wonder if I did the little ship justice, but clearly it sounds like I have. Enjoy it for me!

And if it helps, I have some notes in my notebook regarding using ancient/aged ships and buying used ships that I'll be writing up, just in case you want to be a vindictive GM when they decide to get a real "beater" :-D

I'm sure that thought never crossed my mind. :D

Good news; you got options to finally replace the YT-1000. Bad news; here's your choices for your next ship!

And if it helps, I have some notes in my notebook regarding using ancient/aged ships and buying used ships that I'll be writing up, just in case you want to be a vindictive GM when they decide to get a real "beater" :-D

I'm sure that thought never crossed my mind. :D

Good news; you got options to finally replace the YT-1000. Bad news; here's your choices for your next ship!

My players have learned to always fear choices. Not in a horrible way, mind you, but rather the "how is this going to go wrong" kind of way.

It happens every time they get a new ship, of course :-)

While eating breakfast, I decided to thumb threw a few SAGA edition books before I begin packing and listed the following ships that caught my eye (as well as listing freighters from the Knights of the Old Republic and Rebellion Campaign Guides. I'll add them to the docket and stat them when I can:

Pursuer -class Enforcement Ship

YV-666 Light Freighter

YM-2800 Limpet Ship

Mesens Scout

578-R Space Transport

G-Type Light Shuttle

Lethisk -class Armed Freighter

Of course, if anyone has a request I can fulfill for their games, I'll gladly give it priority.

I wouldn't mind seeing some of the smaller Cap ships, or some small-carriers. Something you could see a few gunships docking in.

I wouldn't mind seeing some of the smaller Cap ships, or some small-carriers. Something you could see a few gunships docking in.

I'm actually working on a Capital Ship chapter after this one. Some freighters hit that grey area, but I don't see too many.

If you have any requests there, I'll start putting that chapter together. I'm working on it slowly as I want a copy of AoR in hand before I send them out, as I want to see how they handle armament and the new qualities for capital ships.

My apologies for the delay, everyone! The in-laws stayed longer than expected and I lost the rest of the weekend with getting things packed (the joys of being an adult).

But now that I have some slow time at the office, I'm back to producing ships! The first one I plugged out today: the 578-R!

578-R Space Transport


Era: Old Republic

Hull type: Transport

Ship Class: 578-R Space Transport

Manufacturer: Amalgamated Hyperdyne (bankrupt)

Hyperdrive: Class 3

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot, Co-Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 65 (40 tons)

Passenger Capacity: 10

Consumables: 4 months

Cost/Rarity: 75,000 credits (28,000 credits)/5 (7 after bankruptcy).

Customization Hard Points: 4

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 3

Handling: 0

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 22

System Threshold: 16


Retractable Forward Mounted Medium Laser (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close])

Special : The 578-R was the death knell of Amalgamated Hyperdyne, as they cut corners on production and many safety recalls were made.

With that said, all 578-Rs automatically have a problem fresh off the market. This can be the GMs choosing or can be a roll from the critical hit table. Some examples include lacking a hyperdrive motivator or having transparisteel windows falling off mid-flight.

Creator's Note : The medium laser cannon is supposedly a turret, but I don’t see where it is supposed to fit. My guess would be a dorsal or ventral mount, but still retractable (as there is not obvious place for it). You are welcome to make that change if you see fit.

Edited by LibrariaNPC

Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship


Era: Rise of the Empire

Hull type: Heavy Patrol/Prisoner Transport

Ship Class: Pursuer - class Enforcement Ship

Manufacturer: MandalMotors

Hyperdrive: Class 1 (Backup Class 16)

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 60 (35 tons)

Passenger Capacity: 7; 2 guards, 5 prisoners

Consumables: 5 weeks

Cost/Rarity: 200,000 credits (40,000 used)/7

Customization Hard Points: 4

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 4

Handling: 0

Defense: 2/1

Armor: 4

Hull Threshold: 28

System Threshold: 22


Forward Mounted Twin Blaster Cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Close])

Forward Mounted Ion Cannon Turret (Fire Arc Turret; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range [short]; Ion)

Creator’s Note : The Proton Torpedo Launcher in most other stat blocks is noted as a common after-market addition, which is why it is not included here.

YV-666 Light Freighter


Era: Rise of the Empire

Hull type: Light Freighter

Ship Class: YV-666 Light Freighter

Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation

Hyperdrive: Class 2

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 200 (pure conjecture; Hound’s Tooth has 20 tons but has a hangar)

Passenger Capacity: 6

Consumables: 6 months

Cost/Rarity: 140,000 credits

Customization Hard Points: 5

Silhouette: 5

Speed: 3

Handling: -1

Defense: 1/1/1/1

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 30

System Threshold: 23


Dorsal mounted retractable laser cannon (Fire Arc Dorsal Turret; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close])

Creator's Note : I should be upfront and say that this ship involved a lot of guesswork, as the only one we really see is the Hound's Tooth.

I think I may have done it some semblance of justice, but that is up for debate.

Edited by LibrariaNPC

YM-2800 Limpet Ship


Era: Rebellion Era

Hull type: Mining Vessel

Ship Class: YM-2800 Limper Ship

Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation

Hyperdrive: Class 3

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Medium

Ship's Complement: 6 (Conjecture: Pilot, Co-Pilot, Navigator/Sensors, “Gunner”/machine operator, 2 miners)

Encumbrance Capacity: 205 (1256tons)

Passenger Capacity: 6

Consumables: 2 months

Cost/Rarity: 150,000 credits (70,000 credits)/4

Customization Hard Points: 2

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 2

Handling: 0

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 28

System Threshold: 22


Forward Mounted Medium Laser Cannon (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close])

Special : This ship is equipped with a Plasma Beam Cutter to slice through rocks and, as the Rebel pointed out, ship’s hulls. Treat these as cofferdams from Dangerous Covenants.

And with that I need to put this on hold as I'm already late to head my way home.

Tomorrow you can expect to see more! So far, I have the X4 Gunship, the YE-4 Gunship, the SCT Scout Ship, and the Conductor -class Short-Haul Landing Craft squared away, so stayed tuned!

Alright, the table of contents has been updated with hyperlinks. I'll add in a few more after I get set up at work.

If you have requests, keep them coming!

Great work as always. Thank you so much or doing the grunt work on this. Don't worry, take your time and get it done right

I have a request that might fit here. almost consider this ship a freighter, even tho it is classified as a scout ship, it has some cargo capacity. I could use some help creating stats for it since i like to use it in my adventure this weekend.
Here are the WEG stats (from NO DISINTEGRATIONS! and some inconsitancies in Secrets of the SIssar run (SotSR)

Craft: Modified sydon Vehicle works MRX-BR Pacifier combat/Scout vehicle
Type: Exploration fighter
Scale Starfighter
Length 25m
Skill: Space Transports (this is why i think it should be included)
Crew: 1, Gunners 3 (dont understand this)
Passengers: 3
Consumables: 1 year
Hyperdrive: X1
Backup: X8
Nav computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D (1D in SotSR)
Space: 7
Atmosphere: 450;1200 kmh (350;1000 kmh in SotSR)
Hull: 2D+2 (2D in SotSR)
Shields: 3D (2D in SotSR)
Sensors: P 30/1D, Sc60/2D, Sr 120/3D, F10/3D+2
2 Proton Torpedo Launchers
3 Heavy laser cannons (fire-linked forward) 5D damage
(in SotSR the above is replaced with 3 laser cannons, but do an incorrect 3D damage)

Thanks in advance!

Great work as always. Thank you so much or doing the grunt work on this. Don't worry, take your time and get it done right

I have a request that might fit here. almost consider this ship a freighter, even tho it is classified as a scout ship, it has some cargo capacity. I could use some help creating stats for it since i like to use it in my adventure this weekend.

Here are the WEG stats (from NO DISINTEGRATIONS! and some inconsitancies in Secrets of the SIssar run (SotSR)

Craft: Modified sydon Vehicle works MRX-BR Pacifier combat/Scout vehicle

Type: Exploration fighter

Scale Starfighter

Length 25m

Skill: Space Transports (this is why i think it should be included)

Crew: 1, Gunners 3 (dont understand this)

Passengers: 3

Consumables: 1 year

Hyperdrive: X1

Backup: X8

Nav computer: Yes

Maneuverability: 2D (1D in SotSR)

Space: 7

Atmosphere: 450;1200 kmh (350;1000 kmh in SotSR)

Hull: 2D+2 (2D in SotSR)

Shields: 3D (2D in SotSR)

Sensors: P 30/1D, Sc60/2D, Sr 120/3D, F10/3D+2


2 Proton Torpedo Launchers

3 Heavy laser cannons (fire-linked forward) 5D damage

(in SotSR the above is replaced with 3 laser cannons, but do an incorrect 3D damage)

Thanks in advance!

I saw this one pop up while I was looking up another scout ship last night, so I'll put this at the top of my docket after I get out to my desk!