LibrariaNPCs Freighter Creation Thread

By LibrariaNPC, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

You could have given me something a bit more challenging.

Here's the writeup I put together while I set water to boil for tea and breakfast:

Stathas[/size] -class Freighter[/size]

Era: [/size] Rebellion[/size]

Hull type: [/size] Shuttle[/size]

Ship Class: [/size] Stathas[/size] -class Freighter[/size]

Manufacturer: [/size] MandalMotors[/size]

Hyperdrive: [/size] Class 1 (Backup Class 15)[/size]

Navcomp: [/size] Equipped[/size]

Sensor Range: [/size] Medium[/size]

Ship's Complement: [/size] Pilot; Co-pilot and Gunners (2) Optional[/size]

Encumbrance Capacity: [/size] 180 (110 tons)[/size]

Passenger Capacity: [/size] 8[/size]

Consumables: [/size] 2 months[/size]

Cost/Rarity: [/size] Not openly available for sale. Estimated at 150,000 credits/8[/size]

Customization Hard Points: [/size] 3[/size]

Silhouette: [/size] 4[/size]

Speed: [/size] 3[/size]

Handling: [/size] 0[/size]

Defense: [/size] 1/1[/size]

Armor: [/size] 3[/size]

Hull Threshold: [/size] 24[/size]

System Threshold: [/size] 20[/size]


Ventral mounted Quad Laser Cannon ([/size] Fire Arc Turret; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Accurate; Linked 3)[/size]

Forward Mount Proton Torpedo Launcher ([/size] Fire Arc Forward; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [short]; Breach 6, Blast 6, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 8, Slow-Firing 1)[/size]

Creator's Note: It's not quite perfect. I based it off of a YT-1300 with a few perks that MandalMotors would put on an experimental ship that appears to have been built to rival the YT-1300. I don't have access to the original stats in Polyhedron 100, so I couldn't do a proper comparison, but I think this one will suffice.

Doesn't the model feature some kind of twin canon on the dorsal surface?



That ship is awesome, my new fav.

Where is the cockpit located though?

Are there internal layouts anywhere?

Edited by tadamir

You could have given me something a bit more challenging.

Here's the writeup I put together while I set water to boil for tea and breakfast:

Stathas[/size] -class Freighter[/size]

Era: [/size] Rebellion[/size]

Hull type: [/size] Shuttle[/size]

Ship Class: [/size] Stathas[/size] -class Freighter[/size]

Manufacturer: [/size] MandalMotors[/size]

Hyperdrive: [/size] Class 1 (Backup Class 15)[/size]

Navcomp: [/size] Equipped[/size]

Sensor Range: [/size] Medium[/size]

Ship's Complement: [/size] Pilot; Co-pilot and Gunners (2) Optional[/size]

Encumbrance Capacity: [/size] 180 (110 tons)[/size]

Passenger Capacity: [/size] 8[/size]

Consumables: [/size] 2 months[/size]

Cost/Rarity: [/size] Not openly available for sale. Estimated at 150,000 credits/8[/size]

Customization Hard Points: [/size] 3[/size]

Silhouette: [/size] 4[/size]

Speed: [/size] 3[/size]

Handling: [/size] 0[/size]

Defense: [/size] 1/1[/size]

Armor: [/size] 3[/size]

Hull Threshold: [/size] 24[/size]

System Threshold: [/size] 20[/size]


Ventral mounted Quad Laser Cannon ([/size] Fire Arc Turret; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Accurate; Linked 3)[/size]

Forward Mount Proton Torpedo Launcher ([/size] Fire Arc Forward; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [short]; Breach 6, Blast 6, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 8, Slow-Firing 1)[/size]

Creator's Note: It's not quite perfect. I based it off of a YT-1300 with a few perks that MandalMotors would put on an experimental ship that appears to have been built to rival the YT-1300. I don't have access to the original stats in Polyhedron 100, so I couldn't do a proper comparison, but I think this one will suffice.

Doesn't the model feature some kind of twin canon on the dorsal surface?



According to Wookieepedia, no. What we see in this image may be a modified version with the second cannon. Of course, without a copy of Polyhedron 100, I can't be 100% certain.

It also doesn't help that only a few of these were made.

If it helps, I am adding another HP to it to allow for an extra gun to be placed. I don't want to add too many more or else it will be far superior to the YT-1300 it appears to be rivaling!

Hello again. I am having a terrible time getting the functions I used in Excel to work in any of the other spreadsheet programs. Thats why I decided to make up some tables for d100 rolls.

Have at it.

Here you go. I posted this a little while ago. Feel free to use the Deficiencies I came up with in your own chart.

Some of that is pretty close to what I had in my notebook. Great minds, ne?

Thanks for the extra ideas there, though! I'll start working on mine again soon enough!

Some of that is pretty close to what I had in my notebook. Great minds, ne?

Thanks for the extra ideas there, though! I'll start working on mine again soon enough!

I was never comfortable with the idea of listing a "used" price for a ship. In real life you pay less for something that is used because you expect it to be more prone to problems than a fresh off the assembly line model. You expect it to break faster. Maybe that could be something to include.

Add a house rule where every time a ship takes a serious (>75) critical hit it accumulates a point of "age" The QM could also use a Despair to add a point and every decade (or so) the ship is in service it earns another. You add the age score to every critical hit roll you make on the ship. Eventually you get to the point where it becomes extremely dangerous to fly and you either scrap the ship or do a full retrofit (equal to the base cost of the ship). Frankly I'm sorry I didn't think of this before my players went shopping for their ship.

Edited by Ryoden

Some of that is pretty close to what I had in my notebook. Great minds, ne?

Thanks for the extra ideas there, though! I'll start working on mine again soon enough!

I was never comfortable with the idea of listing a "used" price for a ship. In real life you pay less for something that is used because you expect it to be more prone to problems than a fresh off the assembly line model. You expect it to break faster. Maybe that could be something to include.

Add a house rule where every time a ship takes a serious (>75) critical hit it accumulates a point of "age" The QM could also use a Despair to add a point and every decade (or so) the ship is in service it earns another. You add the age score to every critical hit roll you make on the ship. Eventually you get to the point where it becomes extremely dangerous to fly and you either scrap the ship or do a full retrofit (equal to the base cost of the ship). Frankly I'm sorry I didn't think of this before my players went shopping for their ship.

As you noticed, my current approach is to do a roll using setback, difficulty and challenge dice to determine just how bad of shape it is in. My approach with "old" ships is to add extra challenge dice to the roll.

I'm trying not to get too nitty-gritty with this, because adding more numbers to keep track of isn't very fun.

I will admit that your system is interesting, but I'd hate to track that kind of thing.

As another note, though: not all old cars have problems. To use a real-world example, I used to own a used 1996 Honda Civic. My wife bought a new 2011 Honda Civic. Her car spent more time in the shop within two years than mine did in five. The only reason I don't have it now is the transmission finally went after 200k miles and it was more expensive to replace it than a down payment on a new car.

I also know a few guys who take care of their cars like they are children, and I'm sure someone has a Ford Model T that runs better than my 2013 Hyundai.

For Star Wars references: the Y-Wings and Z-95 Headhunters were new during the Clone Wars and were considered outdated by the time the Rebellion started picking up. These ships were still used WELL after the fall of the Emperor, and sometimes were more reliable than the newer B-Wings.

There is also a capital ship in The Clone Wars that dates back to The Old Republic but runs just fine.

That said, I think your Age system is double edged. Go with the speed of plot and, if you really want to keep track of things, make sure it has a nice plot reason behind it beyond "It's old."

As another note, though: not all old cars have problems. To use a real-world example, I used to own a used 1996 Honda Civic. My wife bought a new 2011 Honda Civic. Her car spent more time in the shop within two years than mine did in five. The only reason I don't have it now is the transmission finally went after 200k miles and it was more expensive to replace it than a down payment on a new car.

I also know a few guys who take care of their cars like they are children, and I'm sure someone has a Ford Model T that runs better than my 2013 Hyundai.

Seems like your 96 model had fewer crits rolled on than the 2011, but when it did it got pretty high on the chart :P

You are right however. Keeping track of numbers is only fun if you like keeping track of numbers.

More to consider, is also the differences between quality of brands and even manufacturing standards within the same brand. Your two Hondas are a prime example.. That all has a huge impact on the "life" of a product.

As another note, though: not all old cars have problems. To use a real-world example, I used to own a used 1996 Honda Civic. My wife bought a new 2011 Honda Civic. Her car spent more time in the shop within two years than mine did in five. The only reason I don't have it now is the transmission finally went after 200k miles and it was more expensive to replace it than a down payment on a new car.

I also know a few guys who take care of their cars like they are children, and I'm sure someone has a Ford Model T that runs better than my 2013 Hyundai.

Seems like your 96 model had fewer crits rolled on than the 2011, but when it did it got pretty high on the chart :P

You are right however. Keeping track of numbers is only fun if you like keeping track of numbers.

More to consider, is also the differences between quality of brands and even manufacturing standards within the same brand. Your two Hondas are a prime example.. That all has a huge impact on the "life" of a product.

Very true, but I did want to point out the concerns I have, especially with those who think there is enough bookkeeping in EotE (Obligation, Credits, weapon stats, ship stats, personal stats, keeping track of bonus dice, qualities, talents, and who's trying to kill whom).

And yeah, I guess my car did pretty well when you think about it :-p

I'm just about done with my chart. Work has been slow enough to let me make some progress on transferring my notes and cleaning them up (even if only in draft form). I'll put it out here soon enough if things go well.

Sadly I'm losing my break to play phone-tag regarding more of my landlord's screwups (ugh!), so I may be a bit later than expected. . .

Edited by LibrariaNPC

Here's the revised information:

Used and Ancient Ships

When purchasing a used ship, the player’s success on the negotiation (or similar) roll will determine the quality of the ship in question. Note that ANY used ship should have some sort of flaw or quirk in exchange for the bargain price.

If they players choose to have a used ship as a starting ship, the GM is free to determine the flaws and quirks.

Also note that the GM may pick and choose from this list (or add their own) as they see fit depending on the campaign. Some of the below options may not be campaign friendly while others may seem “too nice.” The GM is the final call and may even combine results.

Success : The player rolls a single Challenge die.

If Remaining Advantage : Add a single boost die to this roll.

If Remaining Threa t: Add a single setback die to the roll.

If Triumph : Reduce a Challenge die to a Difficulty die.

If Despair : Add another Challenge Die.

The result of this roll determines the quality of the ship.

Success : The ship is in pretty good shape! Roll once on the “Minor Annoyances” table to see what is going on.

Advantage : The ship is pretty good but needs a bit of worth. Roll for two Minor Annoyances.

Threat : This thing is pretty beat up. Roll for a Minor Annoyance and an Inconvenience.

Failure : The ship has seen better days. Roll two Inconveniences.

Despair : You’re lucky this thing is spaceworthy. Roll two Rust Buckets and hope she’ll fly!

When purchasing an obviously old or ancient ship (or if the GM is feeling rather vindictive for a new, poorly treated ship), the ship automatically has at least one flaw from the Rust Bucket list depending on the age and treatment of the craft.

Example : A Clone Wars ship that served in many battles may have two Rust Bucket rolls when the Rebel Alliance gets their hands on it. If those same rebels were to find an old Class VI Bulk Cruiser that was well cared for, restored and upgraded over the years, it may only have a single Rust Bucket roll.

LibrariaNPCs Thoughts On Choosing Problems

There are three approaches here.

1) Percentile Based. This one gives the best range of results, and may be the best approach overall.

Mark each as 8%, and the 97-100 range is saved for GM caveat/Story Hook. Alternatively, you can have each count as 9% and leave the 99-100 for GM caveat/Story Hook.

2) Using EotE dice: This one is a bit tougher, but is still viable. This can be a flat roll (like the above) set to Daunting or can be a contested roll. There are twelve options, so for those using a standard d12 instead of buying the special dice, this is an option.

3) GM’s choice. Hey, when you’re the Emperor, why not?

Remember that the GM can add new options as they see fit, so the roll options can change.

Minor Annoyances

These are exactly that: minor annoyances. They could be fixed with enough time and the right parts, but sometimes they are just quirky things.

-- Minor Malfunction : A system just won’t work properly all the time. This can be anything that is annoying but not immediately deadly. Options include randomly garbled communications, doors opening of their own accord, alarms that sound every six hours, a maneuvering jet that won’t fire under stress, a galley with odd temperature settings, etc.

-- Slapped together Repairs : Whoever did the work on this ship must have had another day job. Add a setback die to all attempts to do a repair on the ship.

-- Temperamental Droid Brain : The previous owner installed a droid brain (or two, or three. . .) to help around the ship. Sadly, it has a bit of an attitude and is wired into the system. The droid doesn’t have control over much beyond a few minor things (certain doors, diagnostic tools, etc). The droid may dislike or distrust the new owners, but will not purposely try to harm them.

-- Minor Damage : The ship still has the lingering effects of a critical hit. Roll a critical hit and subtract 20 from the result. If the result is “temporary,” make it permanent until “proper repairs” are completed.

Note : “Proper Repairs” should involve docking somewhere and tearing the whole problem area apart, not something easily done on the run.

-- Bad Reputation : The previous owner had a bit of a. . .reputation. Those who recognize the ship may assume that the reputation will continue. The reputation is solely up to the GM, but it shouldn’t be anything more than sidelong glances and a minor stigma.

-- Incomplete Modification : The previous owner was undergoing some work before losing the ship. The ship has a single modification attached, but it is currently using twice the hard points.

-- Faulty Hyperdrive : Either the ship wasn’t maintained or the hyperdrive was never repaired. Add two setback dice to all Astrogation checks.

-- Engine Fluctuations : The engine has a few problems that you are still working out. Whenever you use the Punch It maneuver, double the System Strain.

-- Removed system : Someone turned the ship into a Do-It-Yourself project but didn’t replace what they took out! Choose a weapon (or a minor system on an unarmed ship) and remove it. Add a hard point to the ship to warrant a replacement.

-- What a lovely smell you’ve discovered! : Something must have crawled into the ship and died at some point. All activities done within the ship are done with a setback die until it has been found, cleaned, disinfected, etc.

Note : A simple Mouse Droid won’t be able to fix this problem. Make them work for it!

-- Roll twice on this table .

OR Roll once on this table and once on Inconveniences.

-- GM Caveat/Story Hook


These are issues that can range from a minor problem to a “major inconvenience” that just so happens to leave spacers stranded in the middle of the unknown regions. . .

These problems tend to be bigger and tied to more “vital” systems for most ship owners.

-- Supply Problem : There were some issues with the water recycling system, or the life support is horribly out of date. Cut the consumables for the vessel in half.

-- Faulty Targeting Computers : The cannons targeting tends to drift off to the left, or you can’t seem to lock on to your target with your torpedoes. Add two setback dice to all attack rolls with one of the weapons on the ship.

-- Crossed Wires : Whoever installed these things must have done a crappy job! There’s an upgrade or some nature on the ship (better sensors, stronger shields, faster engines), but as soon as it is activated, something else shuts down! It will take a Hard <D><D><D> Mechanics check to get things restarted afterward.

-- Engines Like a Hutt : The engines don’t like going from a stop to full speed. The ship cannot perform a Punch It maneuver.

-- Incompatible Parts : Some parts have been swapped out and aren’t functioning as well as they should. Choose a component (Sensors, Engines, Maneuvering Systems, Hyperdrive or Shields) and reduce it’s rating by one.

If a weapon is chosen, reduce the damage or take away a quality (such as accurate or linked).

-- Removed System : An important part of the ship was removed and never replaced! These options include important things that aren’t normally removed, like escape pods, reinforced hatches (or even just normal doors!), gravity systems, engine containment (or some other technobabble), or even the transponder!

While it doesn’t sound like much, these are things that can get you into trouble or lead to serious injury in the long run.

-- You hear me, hold together. . . : The ship is a bit unstable whenever it goes through some tight maneuvers. Double the System Strain of any maneuver or extra maneuvers.

-- Patchwork Plating : While trying to repair some damage, the previous owner made the the ship less sturdy than it once was! Reduce the Armor rating by 1.

-- Open Paneling : The previous owner was doing some work that involved pulling out wires from the paneling, and now the systems don’t like working well. Reduce the System Strain by 10%.

-- It Builds Character! : The ship has a lingering critical hit. Roll once on the Critical Hit table. This Critical Hit will remain until proper repairs are complete.

-- Roll twice on this table .

OR Roll once on this table and once on Rust Bucket.

-- GM Caveat/Story Hook

Rust Bucket

She might say “You came in that thing? You’re braver than I thought.” Or maybe you’ll be dead as soon as you leave the atmosphere. You’ll never know what sort of surprises an old rust bucket will have for you.

-- Nest of Wires : This must have been bet together by Squibs and Jawas in a junkyard! Wires are everywhere and don't match up to anything correctly. Reduce System Strain by 50%.

-- Rusted Armor : The ship must have been sitting in a bath of salt water for years, because there are holes big enough to march through! Reduce the vehicles Armor to 0.

-- Flying Rust Bucket : You must be brave to by flying in something that is barely held together by luck and maybe some application of the Force. Reduce the Hull rating by 50%.

-- Overloaded System : Choose a system that needs to be activated, like the Hyperdrive, shields or a weapon’s system. It works once before shorting out altogether. It will need to be repaired against a <D><D><D><D> roll or replaced.

-- Handyman’s Nightmare : There are ships built by Squibs, and then there are these. No sane mechanic would have done repairs like this. Upgrade the difficulty of all Mechanics checks one time.

-- One Too Many Hits : She's seen more than her fair share of battles. Roll on the Critical Hit table, adding 20 to the roll. If it would destroy the ship, roll twice instead.

-- Not As Sturdy As She Used To Be : Maybe the repairs weren't as good as they could have, or maybe a Wookiee used the support bulkheads as a punching bag. Add 20 to all Critical Hit rolls made to the vessel.

-- Deadly Droid Brain : The previous owner either had a bad sense of humor or an insane degree of paranoia when they installed this droid brain! The droid brain is one that doesn’t mind seeing the death of the new owners. Upgrade all difficulties to do any work with the computers (like rerouting power and planning hyperspace jumps) and two setback dice to piloting (due to distractions or random fluctuations with systems).

-- Traps! : The previous owner apparently put in a hidden security system that no one found while sweeping through. These traps are mostly automated weapons. The GM may design these traps, but a good approach is to either make an attack roll with 3 <G> dice and deal damage with a heavy blaster pistol or to allow a check (Coordination or Resilience are common) again 3 <D> to avoid/resist the trap.

-- Scum and Villainy : The reputation of this ship is much, much worse than you can imagine. Many live in fear and most of the proper authorities will shoot this vehicle down. You better fly fast or talk even faster if you plan on landing on a civilized world.

-- It’s Just For Display : Choose a system that needs to be activated. The system in question looks like it should operate. . .until you fire it up. It is a very well done model that will never work. This is ideal for weapon systems.

-- Roll twice on this table

-- GM Caveat/Story Hook

Story Hook

If it comes up on a roll or the GM wants to feel a bit evil (or creative), a Story Hook could be the “problem” with the ship. You can make your own or roll for/choose one of the following:

-- Stolen : The ship is actually stolen, and the real owner is out looking for it.

-- Merchandise : The ship is carrying some merchandise that was never finally delivered but was well hidden in the ship. The party may keep it or deliver it to it’s destination, and dealing with the ramifications of either choice.

-- Unexpected “Passenger” : Somewhere on board, there’s a “passenger.” This could be a deactivated droid, a stowaway, or even someone frozen in carbonite and hidden behind a panel near the engines.

-- Precious Cargo : There is something hidden on board that is worth a great deal to the right person. Options can range from a holocron to a well-known piece of art (or a reproduction) that was presumably lost hundreds of years ago.

-- History : The ship has a rather interesting history, both good and bad. If you know where to look, you just might be able to learn about it and why everyone is out to capture or destroy your ship.

-- Experimental : There is a component (or perhaps the whole ship!) that is different from the rest. It’s a special component that was an experiment that was still being tested, that was stolen, or just “acquired” by the previous owner. The nature of the component(s) and what the uses are are left to the GM.

-- Forgotten Star Charts : The navicomputer has data for trade routes and planets that were considered lost long ago. Perhaps it will lead you to Rakata Prime, or a wild world which stores many lost riches.

Optional Approach: The Good Side of Used

Sometimes, buying a used ship allows you to inherit someone’s boons and not just their problems. If the player rolled a Triumph on the roll to acquire the ship, you may roll on this chart as well to see what “extra” they are walking away with.

Alternatively, a player may request a roll on this chart in exchange for a Rust Bucket roll (with GM approval).

-- Well Cared For : This ship has been kept in VERY good shape. So good that all of its potential damage is gone! The ship is considered new.

The GM can ignore the roll for damage but is still allowed to give it a story or allow another error that has nothing to do with the physical being of the ship.

-- Upgraded System : The previous owner(s) did a good job with installing something on the ship. The ship comes with a specific upgrade of the GM’s choosing.

-- Replaced Weaponry : The previous owner needed a bit more firepower, and decided to remove a single weapon with a larger or simply better version.

-- Good Reputation : The ship has a clean record of owners and hasn’t been flagged for any illegal activity. In fact, it may even be welcomed on some worlds. . .

-- Integrated Droid Brain/Astromech : Exactly what it says. A droid has been integrated into the system to offer help and support in any way it is able to. Count this as having an Astromech hooked into the system.

Edited by LibrariaNPC

Herald-class Shuttle


Era: Old Republic

Hull type: Shuttle

Ship Class: Herald -class Shuttle

Manufacturer: Star Forge

Hyperdrive: Class 2

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot, Co-Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 115 (70 tons)

Passenger Capacity: 5

Consumables: 1 month

Cost/Rarity: Estimated at 120,000 credits/9

Customization Hard Points: 0

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 2

Handling: 0

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 4

Hull Threshold: 27

System Threshold: 22


“Wing” Mounted Heavy Laser Cannon (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [short])

Point Defense Cannon System (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Linked 1; Accurate)

Special : The above is set for the standard Herald-class Shuttle. There was a “Shuttle Only” model as well, which has the following changes:

Cost: 222,500

Encumbrance: 30 (15 tons)

Passengers: 10

Note : As this was produced in the Star Forge, it was hard to find outside of the respective militaries, thus the estimated costs (from the Knights of the Old Republic Guide) and high rarity.

Creator’s Note : This supposedly has a Light Turbolaser equipped to it, but as the scale doesn’t match and the price is reasonably low, I’ve decided against it and instead gave it the heavy laser cannon (which is a Silhouette 5 weapon but not the same degree of overkill)

Lethisk-class Armed Freighter


Era: Old Republic

Hull type: Freighter

Ship Class: Lethisk -class armed freighter

Manufacturer: Arakyd Industries

Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup Class 12)

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot, Co-Pilot, Gunner

Encumbrance Capacity: 100 (60 tons)

Passenger Capacity: 8

Consumables: 2 months

Cost/Rarity: 470,000 credits (225,000 credits, used)/6 ®

Customization Hard Points: 3

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 3

Handling: +1

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 24

System Threshold: 18


Port and Starboard mounted laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

Forward mounted Concussion Missile Launcher (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [short]; Breach 4, Blast 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 12, Slow-Firing 1)

Teroch-type Fast Attack Gunship


Era: Old Republic

Hull type: Fast Attack Gunship

Ship Class: Teroch -type Fast Attack Gunship

Manufacturer: Manalorians

Hyperdrive: Class 2

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Medium

Ship's Complement: 8

Encumbrance Capacity: 15 (8 tons)

Passenger Capacity: 6

Consumables: 3 weeks

Cost/Rarity: 400,000 credits (200,000 used)/8 ®

Customization Hard Points: 0

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 4

Handling: +1

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 4

Hull Threshold: 27

System Threshold: 20


Forward mounted laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward Turret; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Accurate; Linked 3)

Creator’s Note : I had to do a bit of guesswork, and with how expensive this ship is, I decided to tweak it a bit from the original writing.

I converted the single dual laser cannon into a quad cannon (as there appears to be four barrels), and I gave it decent speed and armor to show it’s supposed to go in, get into position, blow something up, possibly drop off a squad, and get out.

As it is a military craft and made for the Mandalorian war machine, I didn’t think it should have rooms for much customization.

Edited by LibrariaNPC

KT-400 Military Droid Carrier


Era: Old Republic

Hull type: Freighter

Ship Class: KT-400 Military Droid Carrier

Manufacturer: Republic Fleet Systems (Designed by Kellenech Technologies)

Hyperdrive: Class 2

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: 8

Encumbrance Capacity: 65 (40 tons)

Passenger Capacity: 400 droids

Consumables: 2 weeks

Cost/Rarity: 280,000 credits (150,000 used)/7

Customization Hard Points: 1

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 3

Handling: -1

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 26

System Threshold: 22


Two forward mounted dual laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close])

Creator’s Note : I find it odd that it only holds 40 tons and there’s the claim that smugglers liked it for the cargo.

I am assuming that without the 400 droids (especially the Sentinel droids it was made for), the encumbrance is probably closer to the 140-165 range.

And with that, I'm calling it a night. I'll see what I can do tomorrow; need to meet the new landlord and get the place inspected. The joys of being an adult!

You could have given me something a bit more challenging.

Here's the writeup I put together while I set water to boil for tea and breakfast:

Stathas[/size] -class Freighter[/size]

Era: [/size] Rebellion[/size]

Hull type: [/size] Shuttle[/size]

Ship Class: [/size] Stathas[/size] -class Freighter[/size]

Manufacturer: [/size] MandalMotors[/size]

Hyperdrive: [/size] Class 1 (Backup Class 15)[/size]

Navcomp: [/size] Equipped[/size]

Sensor Range: [/size] Medium[/size]

Ship's Complement: [/size] Pilot; Co-pilot and Gunners (2) Optional[/size]

Encumbrance Capacity: [/size] 180 (110 tons)[/size]

Passenger Capacity: [/size] 8[/size]

Consumables: [/size] 2 months[/size]

Cost/Rarity: [/size] Not openly available for sale. Estimated at 150,000 credits/8[/size]

Customization Hard Points: [/size] 3[/size]

Silhouette: [/size] 4[/size]

Speed: [/size] 3[/size]

Handling: [/size] 0[/size]

Defense: [/size] 1/1[/size]

Armor: [/size] 3[/size]

Hull Threshold: [/size] 24[/size]

System Threshold: [/size] 20[/size]


Ventral mounted Quad Laser Cannon ([/size] Fire Arc Turret; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Accurate; Linked 3)[/size]

Forward Mount Proton Torpedo Launcher ([/size] Fire Arc Forward; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [short]; Breach 6, Blast 6, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 8, Slow-Firing 1)[/size]

Creator's Note: It's not quite perfect. I based it off of a YT-1300 with a few perks that MandalMotors would put on an experimental ship that appears to have been built to rival the YT-1300. I don't have access to the original stats in Polyhedron 100, so I couldn't do a proper comparison, but I think this one will suffice.

Doesn't the model feature some kind of twin canon on the dorsal surface?



According to Wookieepedia, no. What we see in this image may be a modified version with the second cannon. Of course, without a copy of Polyhedron 100, I can't be 100% certain.

It also doesn't help that only a few of these were made.

If it helps, I am adding another HP to it to allow for an extra gun to be placed. I don't want to add too many more or else it will be far superior to the YT-1300 it appears to be rivaling!

Go to about 19:10, it's a shot of the belly turret firing. This is originally from the people that did the effects for Imps and to my knowledge creators of the class, ergo, it always had a belly gun.

Edited by 2P51

You could have given me something a bit more challenging.

Here's the writeup I put together while I set water to boil for tea and breakfast:

Stathas[/size] -class Freighter[/size]

Era: [/size] Rebellion[/size]

Hull type: [/size] Shuttle[/size]

Ship Class: [/size] Stathas[/size] -class Freighter[/size]

Manufacturer: [/size] MandalMotors[/size]

Hyperdrive: [/size] Class 1 (Backup Class 15)[/size]

Navcomp: [/size] Equipped[/size]

Sensor Range: [/size] Medium[/size]

Ship's Complement: [/size] Pilot; Co-pilot and Gunners (2) Optional[/size]

Encumbrance Capacity: [/size] 180 (110 tons)[/size]

Passenger Capacity: [/size] 8[/size]

Consumables: [/size] 2 months[/size]

Cost/Rarity: [/size] Not openly available for sale. Estimated at 150,000 credits/8[/size]

Customization Hard Points: [/size] 3[/size]

Silhouette: [/size] 4[/size]

Speed: [/size] 3[/size]

Handling: [/size] 0[/size]

Defense: [/size] 1/1[/size]

Armor: [/size] 3[/size]

Hull Threshold: [/size] 24[/size]

System Threshold: [/size] 20[/size]


Ventral mounted Quad Laser Cannon ([/size] Fire Arc Turret; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Accurate; Linked 3)[/size]

Forward Mount Proton Torpedo Launcher ([/size] Fire Arc Forward; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [short]; Breach 6, Blast 6, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 8, Slow-Firing 1)[/size]

Creator's Note: It's not quite perfect. I based it off of a YT-1300 with a few perks that MandalMotors would put on an experimental ship that appears to have been built to rival the YT-1300. I don't have access to the original stats in Polyhedron 100, so I couldn't do a proper comparison, but I think this one will suffice.

Doesn't the model feature some kind of twin canon on the dorsal surface?



According to Wookieepedia, no. What we see in this image may be a modified version with the second cannon. Of course, without a copy of Polyhedron 100, I can't be 100% certain.

It also doesn't help that only a few of these were made.

If it helps, I am adding another HP to it to allow for an extra gun to be placed. I don't want to add too many more or else it will be far superior to the YT-1300 it appears to be rivaling!

Go to about 19:10, it's a shot of the belly turret firing. This is originally from the people that did the effects for Imps and to my knowledge creators of the class, ergo, it always had a belly gun.

My only thought is: is the vehicle they are using a stock configuration that is fresh off of the floor or is this a vehicle that was modified for the Empire before seeing use? We really can't tell.

Edit : If it makes people feel better, I'll change both guns to medium laser cannon turrets, regardless of what the entry says.

I do feel it makes it too much like a stock YT-1300, though.

Edited by LibrariaNPC

Aggressor Assault Fighter

Famous Model: IG-2000


Era: Rise of the Empire

Hull type: Assault Fighter

Ship Class: Aggressor Assault Fighter


Hyperdrive: Class 2

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 12 (465kg)

Passenger Capacity: 8

Consumables: 1 week

Cost/Rarity: 150,000 credits (100,000 used)/7

Customization Hard Points: 3

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 4

Handling: +1

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 20

System Threshold: 18


Two mandible mounted laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

Dorsal mounted ion cannon (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Ion)

Creator’s Notes: First, these stats are a lot of guesswork as the only version we see most of the time is the heavily modified IG-2000 . That said, I think I’ve done this justice.

I’ve also placed it in the Freighters chapter as it seats eight, making this a possible “courier” vessel of sorts.

Also, I think you can easily turn some of the passenger space into storage lockers, greatly increasing the type of gear you can cram in here.

Aggressor Assault Fighter

Famous Model: IG-2000


Era: Rise of the Empire

Hull type: Assault Fighter

Ship Class: Aggressor Assault Fighter


Hyperdrive: Class 2

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 12 (465kg)

Passenger Capacity: 8

Consumables: 1 week

Cost/Rarity: 150,000 credits (100,000 used)/7

Customization Hard Points: 3

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 4

Handling: +1

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 20

System Threshold: 18


Two mandible mounted laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

Dorsal mounted ion cannon (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Ion)

Creator’s Notes: First, these stats are a lot of guesswork as the only version we see most of the time is the heavily modified IG-2000 . That said, I think I’ve done this justice.

I’ve also placed it in the Freighters chapter as it seats eight, making this a possible “courier” vessel of sorts.

Also, I think you can easily turn some of the passenger space into storage lockers, greatly increasing the type of gear you can cram in here.

It's funny, I have one of these in my current game. I came up with pretty much the exact stats.

I just took a look at my docket of ships I wanted and realized I'm down to the last four ships from Knights of the Old Republic (as my players are looking at an Old Republic campaign starting next month).

I'd like to keep this thread going as long as possible with as many ships as I can cram in here, so keep those requests coming!

Aggressor Assault Fighter

Famous Model: IG-2000


Era: Rise of the Empire

Hull type: Assault Fighter

Ship Class: Aggressor Assault Fighter


Hyperdrive: Class 2

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 12 (465kg)

Passenger Capacity: 8

Consumables: 1 week

Cost/Rarity: 150,000 credits (100,000 used)/7

Customization Hard Points: 3

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 4

Handling: +1

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 20

System Threshold: 18


Two mandible mounted laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

Dorsal mounted ion cannon (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Ion)

Creator’s Notes: First, these stats are a lot of guesswork as the only version we see most of the time is the heavily modified IG-2000 . That said, I think I’ve done this justice.

I’ve also placed it in the Freighters chapter as it seats eight, making this a possible “courier” vessel of sorts.

Also, I think you can easily turn some of the passenger space into storage lockers, greatly increasing the type of gear you can cram in here.

It's funny, I have one of these in my current game. I came up with pretty much the exact stats.

Great minds think alike?

What was different about yours if I may ask?

Aggressor Assault Fighter

Famous Model: IG-2000


Era: Rise of the Empire

Hull type: Assault Fighter

Ship Class: Aggressor Assault Fighter


Hyperdrive: Class 2

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 12 (465kg)

Passenger Capacity: 8

Consumables: 1 week

Cost/Rarity: 150,000 credits (100,000 used)/7

Customization Hard Points: 3

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 4

Handling: +1

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 20

System Threshold: 18


Two mandible mounted laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

Dorsal mounted ion cannon (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Ion)

Creator’s Notes: First, these stats are a lot of guesswork as the only version we see most of the time is the heavily modified IG-2000 . That said, I think I’ve done this justice.

I’ve also placed it in the Freighters chapter as it seats eight, making this a possible “courier” vessel of sorts.

Also, I think you can easily turn some of the passenger space into storage lockers, greatly increasing the type of gear you can cram in here.

It's funny, I have one of these in my current game. I came up with pretty much the exact stats.

Great minds think alike?

What was different about yours if I may ask?

number of hard points and hyper drive. I went more and less respectively. The weapon layout was the same and the speed and size and handling were the same. I haven't given it a HT or ST yet as it is an NPC ship but all the others were figured out.

Aggressor Assault Fighter

Famous Model: IG-2000


Era: Rise of the Empire

Hull type: Assault Fighter

Ship Class: Aggressor Assault Fighter


Hyperdrive: Class 2

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 12 (465kg)

Passenger Capacity: 8

Consumables: 1 week

Cost/Rarity: 150,000 credits (100,000 used)/7

Customization Hard Points: 3

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 4

Handling: +1

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 20

System Threshold: 18


Two mandible mounted laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

Dorsal mounted ion cannon (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Ion)

Creator’s Notes: First, these stats are a lot of guesswork as the only version we see most of the time is the heavily modified IG-2000 . That said, I think I’ve done this justice.

I’ve also placed it in the Freighters chapter as it seats eight, making this a possible “courier” vessel of sorts.

Also, I think you can easily turn some of the passenger space into storage lockers, greatly increasing the type of gear you can cram in here.

It's funny, I have one of these in my current game. I came up with pretty much the exact stats.

Great minds think alike?

What was different about yours if I may ask?

number of hard points and hyper drive. I went more and less respectively. The weapon layout was the same and the speed and size and handling were the same. I haven't given it a HT or ST yet as it is an NPC ship but all the others were figured out.

Heh. I figured a Class 1 is usually saved for military vessels, so I treat it as such, but as I see that the IG-2000 has some extra weapons and modifications, I thought HP was fitting.

Still working on the last four ships. Expect one or more of them by Sunday!

I received a request and wanted to fulfill it while I had some time this weekend. I'll try to get the others on my docket done in short order (if time permits).

But for now, that request!

LSP-4 Enforcer


Era: New Republic

Hull type: Patrol Craft

Ship Class: LSP-4 Enforcer

Manufacturer: Luxor Spaceworks

Hyperdrive: Class 1 (Backup Class 6)

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Medium

Ship's Complement: Pilot; Co-pilot (Optional)

Encumbrance Capacity: 165 (100 tons)

Passenger Capacity: 8 Prisoners

Consumables: 3 months

Cost/Rarity: 900,000 credits (600,000 used)/8

Customization Hard Points: 2

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 4

Handling: 0

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 4

Hull Threshold: 25

System Threshold: 20


Port and Starboard Mounted Laser Cannons ( Fire Arc Turret; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close])

Forward Mounted Ion Cannon ( Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range [short]; Ion)

Forward Mounted Concussion Missile Launcher (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [short]; Breach 4, Blast 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 12, Slow-Firing 1)

Creator’s Notes : This was a request, and even though it is not canon, it was still interesting to have on the docket.

As the ship was written as a replacement for the Firespray, I used that as a guideline. Like the Firespray, it doesn’t have many hard points, but it is fast and relatively agile for it’s size. It holds 100 tons of cargo (like the YT-1300), so I thought the size makes it a bit ungainly, thus the 0 Handling. As it is prohibitively expensive, I can see the argument for raising the Hard Points to 3 and/or raising the Handling to +1.

Again, as it is a Firespray replacement and it is so small, I thought having the lower Hull/System approach would be best for balance purposes. Again, it can be argued that high cost means better quality, but we all know that isn’t always the case.

Further note: Anyone else think this looks like the SS-54 Assault Gunship? Maybe that’s what the original art was supposed to be. . .

Edited by LibrariaNPC

You say it doesn't have many Hard Points, but when I look I see "8" which is a whole lot.