New players first attempt at a deck.

By Monkerton, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

Am new to the game and only have the Core set plus Trace Amount and Cyber Exodus packs.

This is my first attempt at building a deck. Any and all feedback would be great. Thanks.

Gabriel Santiago, 45 cards, 15 influence spent.

Event ( 17 )

Hardware ( 5 ) Resource ( 11 )

It's not bad considering your card pool. Not sure that the link from Dyson and Access to Globalsec are pulling their weight for you, though. Putting Magnum Opus and Sneakdoor in the same deck puts a tremendous strain on your MU, so I'd look for a different economy option.

The Dysons were put in to increase the MU, to allow for all the programs, but to be honest the Sneakdoors are really there as a "might be handy if the situation allows for it".

So I might remove them and thus could remove the Dysons as well.