Shifty Lookout + Against all Odds order

By sageleader, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Rules Questions

This came up in a game for me today and we disagreed about how it was resolved.

I was attacking with only Shifty Lookout and had Against All Odds in play. He had no defenders because they were all focused. We each had two cards in our hand.

Against All Odds text: "Each unit you control gains [blast Damage] while attacking an opponent who has more cards in hand than you."
Shift Lookout text: "While this unit is ready, each opponent is considered to have 1 additional card in his hand."

So how many blast damage do I get? 1 for unopposed bonus, but do I get the extra for the Against All Odds bonus?

His argument was that I don't get the extra blast because Lookout isn't ready when he attacks, thus we each have 2 cards in hand. He is focused and then the icons are resolved. My argument is that the objective text says I get the extra blast damage "while attacking". It doesn't say "if he still has more cards in his hand when you resolve strikes." So I think the objective give me the blast when the unit is ready

So who is right?

So as soon as the unit focused to strike, it would no longer get the bonus because it is no longer "ready".

The key to this lies in the steps involved in resolving a strike, in order:

1. Choose a unit to strike

2. Focus the unit to strike

3. Resolve combat icons

As step 2 is where the Shifty Lookout's ability will be turned off, you'll not have that extra card in your opponent's hand come step 3 when you're calculating blast damage.