The AGoT Vancouver, BC Regional

By RenaissanceMan, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

Calling all Thrones players!

The regional in Vancouver will be held on Saturday, May 24th, and I was hoping to see if anyone was thinking of visiting from out of state/province/country to attend.

As FFG has reduced the amount of regionals from last year, Vancouver's will be one of the few offered in the area (with the next closest being in Saskatoon or in Portland, depending on where you're travelling from). If you're one of the welcome folks that is thinking of making the trip or wants any more information on the event, please let me know! For what it's worth, I'm not a rep for the store that's hosting in any way, I'm just curious as to what to expect for numbers, and to make connections before the tournament itself.

If you have any questions about the regional, getting here, or anything else, feel free to PM me here, or at either (sorry for cross promoting, FFG) or


- RM