Ideas for Battleground - maps or others

By de99ial, in Mutant Chronicles


Everybody knows that MC requre a battlegrounds. And the Starter got ony one, so everyone i know try other stuff. Some are printing maps from other fans, some are using elements from different miniature games (like WH40K or WH battle).

I do something else - i got boardgame Frontiers. It has a nice board and mobile terrain marks so i can make whatever i want without any complications. More - a can print other maps and use marks as i want on them.

What do You think about this and what You do to have fun from MC games?

Ah, but it has no hexes.

"HEX is LIFE!"

Doesnt have to ;) 1 hex = 1 inch and GOGOGO!!!!

Actually for non-mini player a game which force you to use a ruler can be a real turn-off. YMMV of course.

Ruvion said:

Actually for non-mini player a game which force you to use a ruler can be a real turn-off. YMMV of course.

Yes i understand. Nobody force anybody to do anything. But i will try MC battles on War Zone battlefields.

Rather , I will play with paper figures . all board games with hexes were with paper figures in the past. So you can call it " back to basics " :)