2014 Regionals results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

As soon as I saw the z95 (and c3p0) I called the yt1300 build w z95 mini swarm as completely broken and vorpal sword and major juggler argued with me saying statistically it was the same as Han shoots first.

Hm, I don't recall saying that they were statistically identical. Functionally they are similar, but I was on record very shortly after 3P0 was spoiled suggesting the "Fat Han" build (w/ PtL instead of Predator) that became very prevalent in the wave 4 Regionals:


I was certainly on record as Z's being very efficient, which is half of what is making the YT-1300 + 3P0 builds work so well now.


"Wait and see" - yeah, I usually take that approach pre-release unless something is a really strong outlier.

That said, on the immediate to-do list is:

  • Update wave 3 statistics (FYI all the Spainish Regional results have been pulled in)
  • Run the statistics with all squads weighted equally
  • Run the statistics looking at only the winners
  • ... and more.

Stunning analysis ultimately showing a 12% swing from Imperials to Rebels in Wave 4. Wave 6 will need to show Imperials some love IMO. Big base ships are not going away anytime soon.

Bigger jump is 4 rebel ships to Falcon+support seems like everyone using XXBB or 4 X decided to use the Falcon

Major Juggler was wave 3.5 the addition of the Huge ships(read as 3PO)?

1. As soon as I saw the z95 (and c3p0) I called the yt1300 build w z95 mini swarm as completely broken and

2. vorpal sword and major juggler argued with me saying statistically it was the same as Han shoots first. I ended that debate saying just to wait until it's release and the results are So far showing blatantly obvious how badly the swing for rebels has been.

3. Sadly rebels are going to be much more overpowered when rebel aces release because the a wing w refit is an even better mini swarm ship.

4. The decimator is worse then both YTs because the cost of it doesn't allow for proper support.

5.The yt1300 was always a great ship with its turret and a pretty much garaunteed ship kill each turn.

6.It's biggest weakness was and still is the swarm. However the swarm has been beaten to death by ffg with nearly ever new release having something to deliberately target a swarm build.

1. Oh, so this is all your fault then?

2. You beat the math of two major contributors to this forum with speculation? Impressive. Given that Rebels had the larger share (based on the above data) in Wave 3, followed by an Imperial Wave 4 meta, which has now swung back the other way, I'd say it might just be a natural progression from wave to wave. Is it a larger swing? Sure. But the more people feel one side or build is dominant, the more people who are going to try something else/to beat it the next chance they get. (In other words, now everyone is looking for "Super-Falcon" counters, so we might see more people playing Imperial with whatever tools they get in Wave 5 to that end.)

3. I hardly think the A-Wing, even with its upcoming upgrades, is going to be "overpowered". It's a minimum of 15 points to the Z's 12, which leaves quite a bit less room for important upgrades in the rest of the build.

4. We hardly know anything about the Decimator yet...

5. I'm not one of the math guys, but I'm pretty sure it's far from a "guaranteed" kill.

6. Like I said, everyone wants to counter whatever is currently dominant. Let me put it this way: if there's a 20-30% chance of running into a certain build, especially the higher you climb at your tournament, why wouldn't you be looking for some way to beat that build? I can understand disliking so much (some perceived, some very real) swarm hate being released by FFG upsetting some people. On the other hand, they recognized that something in their game was unbalanced and they fixed it without completely removing it. See the data above: swarms are still the 3rd most played Imperial build. And they happen to be one of the best things to fly against "Super-Falcons" so...

Major Juggler was wave 3.5 the addition of the Huge ships(read as 3PO)?

I consider wave 3.5 to be anything after Imperial Aces (i.e. all of 2014 Regionals that is NOT wave 4 legal) and don't have any special consideration for when C-3P0 came in. So that one card is odd in that in came in midway through the wave 3 Regionals.

Edited by MajorJuggler

So is there any way to consistently beat Falcon builds and Phantom builds without running either one of those builds yourself?

I especially want to know for the Empire side.

Thank you on both counts!

The list distribution is pretty interesting from wave to wave.

Wave 3 statistics are updated on the first page!

The list distribution is pretty interesting from wave to wave.

Under Tournament Statistics (wave 3 and wave 4) / Squad Archetypes on the first page, I sorted all of the individual squads by usage within their category, so you can quickly see which ships mixes were used most successfully.

Enjoy. More to come later. :)

Edited by MajorJuggler

The list distribution is pretty interesting from wave to wave.

Agree. I love it when we can use data to prove what we were thinking.

1. As soon as I saw the z95 (and c3p0) I called the yt1300 build w z95 mini swarm as completely broken and

2. vorpal sword and major juggler argued with me saying statistically it was the same as Han shoots first. I ended that debate saying just to wait until it's release and the results are So far showing blatantly obvious how badly the swing for rebels has been.

3. Sadly rebels are going to be much more overpowered when rebel aces release because the a wing w refit is an even better mini swarm ship.

4. The decimator is worse then both YTs because the cost of it doesn't allow for proper support.

5.The yt1300 was always a great ship with its turret and a pretty much garaunteed ship kill each turn.

6.It's biggest weakness was and still is the swarm. However the swarm has been beaten to death by ffg with nearly ever new release having something to deliberately target a swarm build.

1. Oh, so this is all your fault then?

2. You beat the math of two major contributors to this forum with speculation? Impressive. Given that Rebels had the larger share (based on the above data) in Wave 3, followed by an Imperial Wave 4 meta, which has now swung back the other way, I'd say it might just be a natural progression from wave to wave. Is it a larger swing? Sure. But the more people feel one side or build is dominant, the more people who are going to try something else/to beat it the next chance they get. (In other words, now everyone is looking for "Super-Falcon" counters, so we might see more people playing Imperial with whatever tools they get in Wave 5 to that end.)

3. I hardly think the A-Wing, even with its upcoming upgrades, is going to be "overpowered". It's a minimum of 15 points to the Z's 12, which leaves quite a bit less room for important upgrades in the rest of the build.

4. We hardly know anything about the Decimator yet...

5. I'm not one of the math guys, but I'm pretty sure it's far from a "guaranteed" kill.

6. Like I said, everyone wants to counter whatever is currently dominant. Let me put it this way: if there's a 20-30% chance of running into a certain build, especially the higher you climb at your tournament, why wouldn't you be looking for some way to beat that build? I can understand disliking so much (some perceived, some very real) swarm hate being released by FFG upsetting some people. On the other hand, they recognized that something in their game was unbalanced and they fixed it without completely removing it. See the data above: swarms are still the 3rd most played Imperial build. And they happen to be one of the best things to fly against "Super-Falcons" so...

1. As soon as I saw the z95 (and c3p0) I called the yt1300 build w z95 mini swarm as completely broken and

2. vorpal sword and major juggler argued with me saying statistically it was the same as Han shoots first. I ended that debate saying just to wait until it's release and the results are So far showing blatantly obvious how badly the swing for rebels has been.

3. Sadly rebels are going to be much more overpowered when rebel aces release because the a wing w refit is an even better mini swarm ship.

4. The decimator is worse then both YTs because the cost of it doesn't allow for proper support.

5.The yt1300 was always a great ship with its turret and a pretty much garaunteed ship kill each turn.

6.It's biggest weakness was and still is the swarm. However the swarm has been beaten to death by ffg with nearly ever new release having something to deliberately target a swarm build.

1. Oh, so this is all your fault then?

2. You beat the math of two major contributors to this forum with speculation? Impressive. Given that Rebels had the larger share (based on the above data) in Wave 3, followed by an Imperial Wave 4 meta, which has now swung back the other way, I'd say it might just be a natural progression from wave to wave. Is it a larger swing? Sure. But the more people feel one side or build is dominant, the more people who are going to try something else/to beat it the next chance they get. (In other words, now everyone is looking for "Super-Falcon" counters, so we might see more people playing Imperial with whatever tools they get in Wave 5 to that end.)

3. I hardly think the A-Wing, even with its upcoming upgrades, is going to be "overpowered". It's a minimum of 15 points to the Z's 12, which leaves quite a bit less room for important upgrades in the rest of the build.

4. We hardly know anything about the Decimator yet...

5. I'm not one of the math guys, but I'm pretty sure it's far from a "guaranteed" kill.

6. Like I said, everyone wants to counter whatever is currently dominant. Let me put it this way: if there's a 20-30% chance of running into a certain build, especially the higher you climb at your tournament, why wouldn't you be looking for some way to beat that build? I can understand disliking so much (some perceived, some very real) swarm hate being released by FFG upsetting some people. On the other hand, they recognized that something in their game was unbalanced and they fixed it without completely removing it. See the data above: swarms are still the 3rd most played Imperial build. And they happen to be one of the best things to fly against "Super-Falcons" so...

Just be honest and admit you missed the entire point on how it was stated the releases for rebels was going to make them much stronger and people like you argued it wasn't true. When in fact the exact same builds that were called out for being broken are actually the builds winning he majority of tournaments. Instead of admitting your mistakes you continue to argue even after I dropped the subject and used the wait and see approach to show people like you that in fact what was actually said was true. And even the stats on this page show this. Once again I'll leave you to argue with yourself and simply say that the rebel swing will only get worse when rebel aces releases. I already listed what build using the falcon and awings I believe will evolve in this meta further unbalancing the game. There really is no point arguing about it since it's going to release regardless however the only people on denial about the impact these back to back rebel releases have on game balance are people like you and vorpal who refuse to believe in these facts even after it's blatantly in your face.

You keep saying "you" like I was around for some previous argument on this topic. Hint: I wasn't and I have no idea who you are. You may have dropped the subject before, but here you come to say "I told you so." Who cares? Whether as you claim C3PO Falcons are broken (they're not, or they'd win everything; a lot of people need to learn what broken really means) or as I hypothesized the Rebels are the hotness because people are both tired of Swarms and afraid of Phantoms, doesn't really matter. If you don't like it, don't play. But there is always going to be a "top build" that wins more because more people play it, and more people play because it wins more. Such is the nature of almost any game. Will even more Rebels be played when Aces come out? That seems likely. However, you like to jump to the conclusion that something is going to be broken, while a more logical guess is that they are both added versatility to peoples' favorite ships and shiny new toys.

An interesting factor to weigh in on the dispute is the players themselves. I confess I'm new on the X-Wing scene, but I can see some players who I feel would show strong with any well designed list. If the current flavor bubbles up into their list designs, I suspect the list will triumph. I am not suggesting that this notion alone explains the full weight of a paradigm shift away - but it must factor in on some level. Well, that my 2 credits...my time is up.

1. As soon as I saw the z95 (and c3p0) I called the yt1300 build w z95 mini swarm as completely broken and

2. vorpal sword and major juggler argued with me saying statistically it was the same as Han shoots first. I ended that debate saying just to wait until it's release and the results are So far showing blatantly obvious how badly the swing for rebels has been.

3. Sadly rebels are going to be much more overpowered when rebel aces release because the a wing w refit is an even better mini swarm ship.

4. The decimator is worse then both YTs because the cost of it doesn't allow for proper support.

5.The yt1300 was always a great ship with its turret and a pretty much garaunteed ship kill each turn.

6.It's biggest weakness was and still is the swarm. However the swarm has been beaten to death by ffg with nearly ever new release having something to deliberately target a swarm build.

1. Oh, so this is all your fault then?

2. You beat the math of two major contributors to this forum with speculation? Impressive. Given that Rebels had the larger share (based on the above data) in Wave 3, followed by an Imperial Wave 4 meta, which has now swung back the other way, I'd say it might just be a natural progression from wave to wave. Is it a larger swing? Sure. But the more people feel one side or build is dominant, the more people who are going to try something else/to beat it the next chance they get. (In other words, now everyone is looking for "Super-Falcon" counters, so we might see more people playing Imperial with whatever tools they get in Wave 5 to that end.)

3. I hardly think the A-Wing, even with its upcoming upgrades, is going to be "overpowered". It's a minimum of 15 points to the Z's 12, which leaves quite a bit less room for important upgrades in the rest of the build.

4. We hardly know anything about the Decimator yet...

5. I'm not one of the math guys, but I'm pretty sure it's far from a "guaranteed" kill.

6. Like I said, everyone wants to counter whatever is currently dominant. Let me put it this way: if there's a 20-30% chance of running into a certain build, especially the higher you climb at your tournament, why wouldn't you be looking for some way to beat that build? I can understand disliking so much (some perceived, some very real) swarm hate being released by FFG upsetting some people. On the other hand, they recognized that something in their game was unbalanced and they fixed it without completely removing it. See the data above: swarms are still the 3rd most played Imperial build. And they happen to be one of the best things to fly against "Super-Falcons" so...

Just be honest and admit you missed the entire point on how it was stated the releases for rebels was going to make them much stronger and people like you argued it wasn't true. When in fact the exact same builds that were called out for being broken are actually the builds winning he majority of tournaments. Instead of admitting your mistakes you continue to argue even after I dropped the subject and used the wait and see approach to show people like you that in fact what was actually said was true. And even the stats on this page show this. Once again I'll leave you to argue with yourself and simply say that the rebel swing will only get worse when rebel aces releases. I already listed what build using the falcon and awings I believe will evolve in this meta further unbalancing the game. There really is no point arguing about it since it's going to release regardless however the only people on denial about the impact these back to back rebel releases have on game balance are people like you and vorpal who refuse to believe in these facts even after it's blatantly in your face.

You keep saying "you" like I was around for some previous argument on this topic. Hint: I wasn't and I have no idea who you are. You may have dropped the subject before, but here you come to say "I told you so." Who cares? Whether as you claim C3PO Falcons are broken (they're not, or they'd win everything; a lot of people need to learn what broken really means) or as I hypothesized the Rebels are the hotness because people are both tired of Swarms and afraid of Phantoms, doesn't really matter. If you don't like it, don't play. But there is always going to be a "top build" that wins more because more people play it, and more people play because it wins more. Such is the nature of almost any game. Will even more Rebels be played when Aces come out? That seems likely. However, you like to jump to the conclusion that something is going to be broken, while a more logical guess is that they are both added versatility to peoples' favorite ships and shiny new toys.

In addition to these factors, I think it's well worth thinking about how much the information itself then pushes the meta quickly and maybe even to extremes it might not otherwise see.

I'm not saying I don't like or appreciate the efforts of Major Juggler as I regularly follow them, but anyone that pretends that the numbers themselves are pure observation (even though I realize that is the intent) or that his prediction/analysis thread aren't influencing what some people bring (and then influencing the results to fit those predictions) is kidding themselves.

Edited by AlexW

Nature of the beast. He would have kept them to himself or something along these lines. I'm glad for the information. It's interesting.

Nature of the beast. He would have kept them to himself or something along these lines. I'm glad for the information. It's interesting.

Absolutely, but I think it's important to note and I've seen only Vorpal Sword hint at the idea. Most people take the numbers and results at pretty much face value as the "strength" of each ship, which it is to some degree, but it also obscures that as it pushes large numbers of people to a smaller variety of builds.

Edited by AlexW

All of the above is true!

On the other hand, the player base, especially the highly skilled ones that consistently place well, are ultimately significantly smarter than I am. Even if the Regional stats tracking or Math Wing would suggest a certain strategy / ship / etc is optimal, someone is going to figure out a better way eventually. Right now the meta is in an upheaval and is still digesting all the new stuff. It does look like Super Falcon and Super Phantoms are very powerful, but things should settle down a little after some more time.

That said, I have a minor update for the Philippines Regional. After the Final Cut to Top 4, they only had one round of elimination, to determine #1 and #2. The players then decided to not play the final match since it was late, and determined first place based on Strength of Schedule.

So SuperHan (or "Fat Han", whatever the name is) did not play against Whisper in a final match.

Quezon City, Philippines
July 27, 2014
Neutral Grounds Eton Centris

wave 4 legal

Attendance: 29

Format: 4 rounds of Swiss, Cut to Top 4. One elimination match to get #1 and #2, then winner declared by Strength of Schedule.

  • Winner ( beat #2 by SoS ): Han Solo + Veteran Instincts + C-3P0 + Luke Skywalker + Engine Upgrade + Millennium Falcon; 2x Tala Sq. Pilot; Bandit Sq. Pilot
  • 2nd place: Whisper + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire Control System; Howlrunner + Swarm Tactics + Hull Upgrade; 3x Academy Pilot
  • Top 4 (lost to winner): Wedge + Swarm Tactics; Biggs; Gold Sq. Pilot + Ion Cannon Turret; Rookie Pilot
  • Top 4 (lost to 2nd place): Krassis Trelix + Heavy Laser Cannon; Howlrunner + Stealth Device; 3x Academy Pilot
  • #5: Han Solo + Veteran Instincts + Gunner; 4x Bandit Sq. Pilot
  • #6: Corran Horn + Veteran Instincts + R2-D2 + Engine Upgrade + Fire Control System; Chewbacca + Predator + C-3P0 + Gunner + Millennnium Falcon
  • #7: Krassis Trelix + Heavy Laser Cannon + Recon Specialist; 2x Royal Guard Pilot + Push the Limit + Targeting Computer
  • #8: Echo + Advanced Cloaking Device + Veteran Instincts + Fire Control System; Darth Vader + Engine Upgrade; Soontir Fel + Push the Limit
  • #9: Biggs; Tarn + R7; 2x Blue Sq. Pilot + Advanced Sensors
Edited by MajorJuggler

As soon as I saw the z95 (and c3p0) I called the yt1300 build w z95 mini swarm as completely broken and vorpal sword and major juggler argued with me saying statistically it was the same as Han shoots first.

Hm, I don't recall saying that they were statistically identical. Functionally they are similar, but I was on record very shortly after 3P0 was spoiled suggesting the "Fat Han" build (w/ PtL instead of Predator) that became very prevalent in the wave 4 Regionals:


I was certainly on record as Z's being very efficient, which is half of what is making the YT-1300 + 3P0 builds work so well now.


"Wait and see" - yeah, I usually take that approach pre-release unless something is a really strong outlier.

That said, on the immediate to-do list is:

  • Update wave 3 statistics (FYI all the Spainish Regional results have been pulled in)
  • Run the statistics with all squads weighted equally
  • Run the statistics looking at only the winners
  • ... and more.

Thanks for all the time and effort put into this.

No one is asking you to do this and yet you have. I appreciate it for one.

Statistics updates! I added a new weighting type to wave 4 statistics: tournament winners only. To-do:

  1. Calculate and post stats for equal weighting
  2. Calculate and post stats for conditional success: (weighted average) / (equal weighting).

Commentary on winners only statistics:

  1. There are only 18 squads here, so the results are going to have a higher standard deviation than using a weighted average of all Final Cut + Top Third.
  2. The only generic ships that are present are TIE Fighters, B-wings, and Z-95s. If you brought a generic pilot of any of the other 13 ships, then you did not win a wave 4 2014 Regionals that has been reported.
  3. TIE Phantom + mini-swarm is the new dominant Imperial build.
  4. YT-1300 + support is the new dominant Rebel build.

Here's the data. It's copied from the first page, which I will be updating and filling in with more information.

Wave 4 tournament statistics (last updated August 8th)

Only includes results for tournaments where wave 4 is legal.


Tournaments with reports 18
Reported Attendance 609
Reported squads in Final Cut + Top Third 189
Unreported: Mexico, D.F., Mexico (18), Toruń, Poland (29)
Total attendance: 656
median 32
mean 34.1
Standard deviation 19.5
Smallest event 6
Largest event 72
  • 6 - 12: 3
  • 13 - 19: 1
  • 20 - 29: 4
  • 30 - 39: 4
  • 40 - 49: 1
  • 50 - 99: 3
  • 100+ 0

Weighting method #1: points

Description: Equal weighting for all squads that made the Final Cut or Top Third, regardless of eventual placement.

Weighting method #2: points * attendance / squad placement.

Description: A weighted average that best represents the competitive meta, proportionally to how widespread and how well squads do.

Tournament Winners

Rebels 52.38%
Imperials 47.62%

Final Cut + Top Third

Rebels 58.41%
Imperials 41.59%


Turret points 23.31%
Rebel turret points 39.76%

Initiative bid

100 points 57.10%
99 points 25.90%
98 points 7.65%
97 points 8.46%
96 points 0.28%
incomplete data 0.61%

PS bid (Swarm Tactics, Roark not included)

Mean PS 5.28
PS1 11.16%
PS2 24.63%
PS3 7.45%
PS4 6.26%
PS5 13.42%
PS6 1.66%
PS7 3.54%
PS8 10.95%
PS9 20.93%
PS10 1.48%
PS11 2.46%

General Point Distribution

top 5 ships 74.90%
middle 6 ships 22.70%
bottom 5 ships 2.39%

Overall ship usage

  1. YT-1300 22.45%
  2. TIE Fighter 17.56%
  3. Z-95 11.95%
  4. TIE Phantom 11.63%
  5. B-wing 11.31%
  6. X-wing 7.67%
  7. TIE Interceptor 4.00%
  8. Firespray 3.46%
  9. Lambda Shuttle 3.16%
  10. E-wing 2.66%
  11. Y-wing 1.75%
  12. TIE Defender 0.77%
  13. TIE Bomber 0.64%
  14. HWK-290 0.57%
  15. A-wing 0.27%
  16. TIE Advanced 0.13%

Base attack dice

4 attack ships 11.63%
3 attack ships 47.61%
2 attack ships 32.69%
1 attack ships 0.57%

Base defense dice (ACD Phantom counted as 2)

3 defense ships 25.40%
2 defense ships 35.92%
1 defense ships 38.68%

Named / Non-named statistics

Non-named ship points 45.2%
Named ship points (all) 54.8%
Named ship points (pilots 1-3) 28.2%
% of Imperial points spent on named pilots 54.4%
% of Rebel points spent on named pilots 55.2%

Non-named ships + named YT-1300 (normalized, adds to 100%)

  1. YT-1300 (named) 33.07%
  2. TIE Fighter 18.99%
  3. Z-95 16.82%
  4. B-wing 16.60%
  5. Lambda Shuttle 3.24%
  6. Firespray 3.05%
  7. X-wing 2.62%
  8. Y-wing 2.22%
  9. TIE Interceptor 0.98%
  10. TIE Bomber 0.95%
  11. TIE Phantom 0.48%
  12. A-wing 0.40%
  13. TIE Defender 0.27%
  14. YT-1300 (ORS) 0.19%
  15. E-wing 0.11%
  16. HWK-290 0.00%
  17. TIE Advanced 0.00%

Named pilot usage (not normalized)

  1. Han Solo 10.44%
  2. Chewbacca 10.33%
  3. Whisper 7.38%
  4. Howlrunner 3.94%
  5. Echo 3.93%
  6. Soontir Fel 2.89%
  7. Biggs Darklighter 2.49%
  8. Corran Horn 1.96%
  9. Tarn Mison 1.58%
  10. Lando Calrissian 1.55%
  11. Krassis Trelix 1.01%
  12. Captain Yorr 0.98%
  13. Wedge Antilles 0.89%
  14. Etahn A'baht 0.63%
  15. Rexler Brath 0.59%
  16. Luke Skywalker 0.52%
  17. Airen Cracken 0.47%
  18. Kath Scarlet 0.39%
  19. Roark Garnet 0.34%
  20. Mauler Mithel 0.26%
  21. "Dutch" Vander 0.25%
  22. Carnor Jax 0.24%
  23. Wes Janson 0.23%
  24. Backstabber 0.23%
  25. Turr Phennir 0.21%
  26. Jan Ors 0.17%
  27. Night Beast 0.16%
  28. Dark Curse 0.15%
  29. Garven Dreis 0.14%
  30. Lieutenant Blount 0.13%
  31. Darth Vader 0.13%
  32. Ten Numb 0.11%
  33. Kyle Katarn 0.07%
  34. "Hobbie" Klivian 0.05%
  • Winged Gundark 0.00%
  • Maarek Steele 0.00%
  • Tetran Cowell 0.00%
  • Kir Kanos 0.00%
  • Lieutenant Lorrir 0.00%
  • "Fel's Wrath" 0.00%
  • Boba Fett 0.00%
  • Major Rhymer 0.00%
  • Captain Jonus 0.00%
  • Captain Kagi 0.00%
  • Colonel Jendon 0.00%
  • Colonel Vessery 0.00%
  • Jek Porkins 0.00%
  • Horton Salm 0.00%
  • Tycho Celchu 0.00%
  • Arvel Crynyd 0.00%
  • Ibitsam 0.00%

Points Spent on Upgrades 11.31%

Upgrade point breakdown (% below as a portion of upgrade points spent)
System Upgrades 13.78%
Advanced Sensors 7.85%
Fire-Control Sytems 4.96%
Sensor Jammer 0.97%
Modifications 21.32%
Advanced Cloaking Device 9.97%
Anti-Pursuit Lasers 0.09%
Engine Upgrade 6.31%
Hull Upgrade 2.09%
Shield Upgrade 0.93%
Stealth Device 1.30%
Stygium Cloaking Device 0.15%
Munitions Failsafe 0.17%
Targeting Computer 0.31%
Cannons 3.77%
Autoblaster 0.00%
Heavy Laser Cannon 3.52%
Ion Cannon 0.25%
Turrets 3.42%
Blaster Turret 0.35%
Ion Cannon Turret 3.07%
Torpedoes 0.43%
Advanced Proton Torpedoes 0.00%
Flechette Torpedoe 0.36%
Proton Torpedoes 0.07%
Missiles 1.43%
Assault Missiles 1.11%
Cluster Missiles 0.07%
Concussion Missiles 0.00%
Homing Missiles 0.08%
Ion Pulse Missiles 0.16%
Bombs 0.26%
Proton Bombs 0.00%
Proximity Mines 0.00%
Seismic Charges 0.26%
Titles 2.88%
Millenium Falcon 2.66%
Moldy Crow 0.22%
Slave 1 (0 points, not counted)
ST-321 0.00%
Droids 3.85%
R2 0.16%
R2-D2 1.85%
R2-D6 0.05%
R2-F2 0.13%
R3-A2 0.57%
R4-D6 0.02%
R5 0.00%
R5-D8 0.00%
R5-K6 0.00%
R5-P9 0.10%
R7 0.98%
R7-T1 0.00%
Crew 32.38%
C-3P0 7.24%
Chewbacca 0.48%
Darth Vader 0.97%
Luke Skywalker 9.24%
Flight Instructor 0.09%
Gunner 7.07%
Han Solo 0.08%
Intelligence Agent 0.46%
Mercenary Copilot 0.10%
Navigator 0.72%
Nien Nunb 0.49%
R2-D2 0.11%
Rebel Captive 1.44%
Recon Specialist 3.17%
Saboteur 0.00%
Tactician 0.55%
Weapons Engineer 0.18%
Elite Pilot Talents 16.48%
Adrenaline Rush 0.00%
Daredevil 0.00%
Deadeye 0.00%
Determination 0.07%
Draw Their Fire 0.25%
Elusiveness 0.14%
Expert Handling 0.56%
Expose 0.00%
Marksmanship 0.42%
Opportunist 0.06%
Outmaneuver 0.32%
Predator 4.63%
Push the Limit 5.34%
Swarm Tactics 1.18%
Squad Leader 0.11%
Veteran Instincts 3.32%
Wingman 0.09%

Squad Archetypes

TIE/Ln: TIE Fighter
TIE/In: TIE Interceptor
TIE/sa: TIE Bomber
TIE/Ad: TIE Advanced
TIE/D: TIE Defender
TIE/Pha: TIE Phantom
Fire: Firespray
Lam: Lambda Shuttle
X: X-wing
B: B-wing
E: E-wing
Y: Y-wing
A: A-wing
Z: Z-95
YT: YT-1300 (ORS or named)
HWK: HWK-290

Imperial Squads 41.59%
1 TIE Phantom + mini-swarm 19.22%
4TIE/Ln, 1TIE/Pha 12.70%
5TIE/Ln, 1TIE/Pha 3.77%
3TIE/Ln, 1TIE/sa, 1TIE/Pha 1.27%
3TIE/Ln, 1TIE/Pha, 1Lam 1.15%
3TIE/Ln, 1TIE/Pha 0.34%
TIE Phantom + anything 7.60%
1TIE/In, 1TIE/Pha, 1Lam 2.45%
1TIE/Ln, 1TIE/Pha, 1Fire 1.09%
2TIE/Pha, 1Lam 0.69%
2TIE/In, 1TIE/Pha 0.63%
1TIE/Pha, 1Fire, 1Lam 0.59%
2TIE/Ln, 2TIE/Pha 0.57%
1TIE/In, 1TIE/Pha, 1Fire 0.43%
3TIE/Pha 0.37%
1TIE/Pha, 2Fire 0.37%
1TIE/In, 2TIE/Pha 0.23%
1TIE/In, 1TIE/Ad, 1TIE/Pha 0.20%
TIE Swarms (6-8 TIEs) 6.02%
5TIE/Ln, 1TIE/In 3.76%
8TIE/Ln 0.86%
6TIE/Ln, 1TIE/sa 0.43%
4TIE/Ln, 2TIE/In 0.42%
6TIE/Ln 0.31%
7TIE/Ln 0.24%
4-5 TIEs 1.06%
4TIE/Ln, 1TIE/D 0.59%
4TIE/Ln, 1TIE/Ad 0.19%
4TIE/sa, 1TIE/D 0.28%
3 TIEs 0.37%
2TIE/In, 1TIE/sa 0.20%
2TIE/In, 1TIE/D 0.17%
2+ large base Imperial ships 4.41%
1TIE/In, 3Lam 1.97%
1TIE/In, 1TIE/D, 1Lam 0.51%
2Fire, 1Lam 0.48%
3Fire 0.42%
1TIE/In, 2Fire 0.35%
2TIE/Ln, 3Lam 0.25%
1TIE/D, 1Fire, 1Lam 0.24%
2TIE/Ln, 2Fire 0.20%
1 large Imperial ship + support 2.91%
4TIE/Ln, 1Fire 2.10%
3TIE/Ln, 1TIE/In, 1Lam 0.39%
2TIE/In, 1Fire 0.23%
4TIE/Ln, 1Lam 0.18%

Rebel Squads 58.41%

2 large Rebel ships 4.24%
2YT 2.83%
1Z, 2YT 1.41%
1 large Rebel ship + support 32.28%
3Z, 1YT 14.60%
2X, 1YT 3.72%
4Z, 1YT 3.69%
1E, 1YT 3.44%
1X, 1Z, 1YT 1.52%
1B, 2Z, 1YT 1.48%
2B, 1YT 1.36%
1X, 1A, 1YT 0.51%
3B, 1YT 0.48%
1B, 1Y, 1YT 0.46%
1X, 1B, 1YT 0.36%
1B, 1YT 0.31%
2Z, 1YT 0.18%
1X, 1Y, 1YT 0.17%
5+ small Rebel ships 10.12%
3B, 2Z 3.94%
2X, 1B, 3Z 1.19%
7Z 0.90%
1E, 5Z 0.88%
2B, 1E, 2Z 0.68%
4B, 1Z 0.68%
2B, 1Y, 1A, 1Z 0.44%
2X, 1B, 2Z 0.25%
1B, 1Y, 3Z 0.25%
2X, 1Y, 2A 0.20%
2B, 1A, 2Z 0.19%
8Z 0.19%
2X, 2Z, 1HWK 0.17%
1X, 2B, 2Z 0.17%
4 small rebel ships 11.20%
2B, 2Y 2.03%
4B 1.67%
4X 1.05%
2X, 2B 0.89%
3X, 1Z 0.82%
1X, 2B, 1Z 0.70%
2X, 1HWK 0.64%
1X, 3B 0.60%
3X, 1Y 0.53%
2X, 1Y, 1Z 0.34%
1X, 2B, 1Y 0.33%
3B, 1HWK 0.31%
2X, 1E, 1Z 0.31%
2B, 1E, 1HWK 0.25%
2X, 1E, 1Y 0.25%
1X, 1B, 1Z, 1HWK 0.18%
2X, 1B, 1HWK 0.18%
3B, 1E 0.13%
3 small Rebel ships 0.58%
1X, 1E, 1HWK 0.24%
2X, 1E 0.19%
3X 0.15%

Weighting method #3 (tournament winners only): points * attendance

Description: Statistics for only the winners of Regionals Tournaments, weighted by attendance.

Tournament Winners

Rebels 52.38%
Imperials 47.62%


Turret points 19.36%
Rebel turret points 36.68%

Initiative bid

100 points 39.90%
99 points 29.06%
98 points 11.00%
97 points 20.03%
96 points 0.00%
incomplete data 0.00%

PS bid (Swarm Tactics, Roark not included)

Mean PS 5.38
PS1 14.93%
PS2 22.87%
PS3 6.78%
PS4 4.65%
PS5 14.65%
PS6 0.59%
PS7 3.19%
PS8 11.34%
PS9 21.00%
PS10 2.51%
PS11 3.15%

General Point Distribution

top 5 ships 86.25%
middle 6 ships 13.75%
bottom 5 ships 0.00%

Overall ship usage

  1. TIE Fighter 25.36%
  2. YT-1300 19.36%
  3. TIE Phantom 16.76%
  4. B-wing 13.33%
  5. Z-95 11.44%
  6. X-wing 5.64%
  7. TIE Interceptor 3.84%
  8. E-wing 2.70%
  9. Lambda Shuttle 1.28%
  10. Y-wing 0.30%
  • Firespray 0.00%
  • TIE Defender 0.00%
  • TIE Bomber 0.00%
  • HWK-290 0.00%
  • A-wing 0.00%
  • TIE Advanced 0.00%

Base attack dice

4 attack ships 16.76%
3 attack ships 41.36%
2 attack ships 37.62%
1 attack ships 0.00%

Base defense dice (ACD Phantom counted as 2)

3 defense ships 31.90%
2 defense ships 33.84%
1 defense ships 34.26%

Named / Non-named statistics

Non-named ship points 42.8%
Named ship points (all) 57.2%
Named ship points (pilots 1-3) 33.8%
% of Imperial points spent on named pilots 61.9%
% of Rebel points spent on named pilots 53.1%

Non-named ships + named YT-1300 (normalized, adds to 100%)

  1. YT-1300 (named) 31.15%
  2. TIE Fighter 28.99%
  3. B-wing 21.45%
  4. Z-95 18.41%
  • Lambda Shuttle 0.00%
  • Firespray 0.00%
  • X-wing 0.00%
  • Y-wing 0.00%
  • TIE Interceptor 0.00%
  • TIE Bomber 0.00%
  • TIE Phantom 0.00%
  • A-wing 0.00%
  • TIE Defender 0.00%
  • YT-1300 (ORS) 0.00%
  • E-wing 0.00%
  • HWK-290 0.00%
  • TIE Advanced 0.00%

Named pilot usage (not normalized)

  1. Chewbacca 13.40%
  2. Whisper 13.06%
  3. Howlrunner 7.35%
  4. Han Solo 5.96%
  5. Soontir Fel 3.84%
  6. Echo 3.70%
  7. Biggs Darklighter 2.85%
  8. Tarn Mison 2.53%
  9. Corran Horn 2.06%
  10. Captain Yorr 1.28%
  11. Etahn A'baht 0.64%
  12. "Dutch" Vander 0.30%
  13. Garven Dreis 0.26%
  • Lando Calrissian 0.00%
  • Krassis Trelix 0.00%
  • Wedge Antilles 0.00%
  • Rexler Brath 0.00%
  • Luke Skywalker 0.00%
  • Airen Cracken 0.00%
  • Kath Scarlet 0.00%
  • Roark Garnet 0.00%
  • Mauler Mithel 0.00%
  • Carnor Jax 0.00%
  • Wes Janson 0.00%
  • Backstabber 0.00%
  • Turr Phennir 0.00%
  • Jan Ors 0.00%
  • Night Beast 0.00%
  • Dark Curse 0.00%
  • Lieutenant Blount 0.00%
  • Darth Vader 0.00%
  • Ten Numb 0.00%
  • Kyle Katarn 0.00%
  • "Hobbie" Klivian 0.00%
  • Winged Gundark 0.00%
  • Maarek Steele 0.00%
  • Tetran Cowell 0.00%
  • Kir Kanos 0.00%
  • Lieutenant Lorrir 0.00%
  • "Fel's Wrath" 0.00%
  • Boba Fett 0.00%
  • Major Rhymer 0.00%
  • Captain Jonus 0.00%
  • Captain Kagi 0.00%
  • Colonel Jendon 0.00%
  • Colonel Vessery 0.00%
  • Jek Porkins 0.00%
  • Horton Salm 0.00%
  • Tycho Celchu 0.00%
  • Arvel Crynyd 0.00%
  • Ibitsam 0.00%


Points Spent on Upgrades 10.86%
Upgrade point breakdown (% below as a portion of upgrade points spent)
System Upgrades 17.43%
Advanced Sensors 12.75%
Fire-Control Sytems 4.68%
Sensor Jammer 0.00%
Modifications 24.83%
Advanced Cloaking Device 14.98%
Anti-Pursuit Lasers 0.00%
Engine Upgrade 6.91%
Hull Upgrade 2.16%
Shield Upgrade 0.37%
Stealth Device 0.41%
Stygium Cloaking Device 0.00%
Munitions Failsafe 0.00%
Targeting Computer 0.00%
Cannons 0.00%
Autoblaster 0.00%
Heavy Laser Cannon 0.00%
Ion Cannon 0.00%
Turrets 0.46%
Blaster Turret 0.00%
Ion Cannon Turret 0.46%
Torpedoes 0.00%
Advanced Proton Torpedoes 0.00%
Flechette Torpedoe 0.00%
Proton Torpedoes 0.00%
Missiles 0.00%
Assault Missiles 0.00%
Cluster Missiles 0.00%
Concussion Missiles 0.00%
Homing Missiles 0.00%
Ion Pulse Missiles 0.00%
Bombs 0.00%
Proton Bombs 0.00%
Proximity Mines 0.00%
Seismic Charges 0.00%
Titles 3.20%
Millenium Falcon 3.20%
Moldy Crow 0.00%
Slave 1 (0 points, not counted) 0.00%
ST-321 0.00%
Droids 3.61%
R2 0.00%
R2-D2 1.65%
R2-D6 0.09%
R2-F2 0.00%
R3-A2 0.00%
R4-D6 0.00%
R5 0.00%
R5-D8 0.00%
R5-K6 0.00%
R5-P9 0.00%
R7 1.87%
R7-T1 0.00%
Crew 35.43%
C-3P0 9.59%
Chewbacca 0.00%
Darth Vader 0.00%
Luke Skywalker 9.20%
Flight Instructor 0.00%
Gunner 7.87%
Han Solo 0.00%
Intelligence Agent 0.76%
Mercenary Copilot 0.00%
Navigator 1.56%
Nien Nunb 0.93%
R2-D2 0.00%
Rebel Captive 1.61%
Recon Specialist 3.90%
Saboteur 0.00%
Tactician 0.00%
Weapons Engineer 0.00%
Elite Pilot Talents 15.05%
Adrenaline Rush 0.00%
Daredevil 0.00%
Deadeye 0.00%
Determination 0.00%
Draw Their Fire 0.09%
Elusiveness 0.00%
Expert Handling 0.00%
Expose 0.00%
Marksmanship 0.00%
Opportunist 0.00%
Outmaneuver 0.00%
Predator 3.85%
Push the Limit 6.33%
Swarm Tactics 0.40%
Squad Leader 0.00%
Veteran Instincts 4.37%
Wingman 0.00%

Squad Archetypes

TIE/Ln: TIE Fighter
TIE/In: TIE Interceptor
TIE/sa: TIE Bomber
TIE/Ad: TIE Advanced
TIE/D: TIE Defender
TIE/Pha: TIE Phantom
Fire: Firespray
Lam: Lambda Shuttle
X: X-wing
B: B-wing
E: E-wing
Y: Y-wing
A: A-wing
Z: Z-95
YT: YT-1300 (ORS or named)
HWK: HWK-290

Imperial Squads 47.62%
1 TIE Phantom + mini-swarm 34.98%
4TIE/Ln, 1TIE/Pha 29.23%
5TIE/Ln, 1TIE/Pha 5.75%
TIE Phantom + anything 5.25%
1TIE/In, 1TIE/Pha, 1Lam 5.25%
TIE Swarms (6-8 TIEs) 7.39%
5TIE/Ln, 1TIE/In 7.39%
4-5 TIEs 0.00%
3 TIEs 0.00%
2+ large base Imperial ships 0.00%
1 large Imperial ship + support 0.00%
Rebel Squads 52.38%
2 large Rebel ships 0.00%
1 large Rebel ship + support 34.32%
3Z, 1YT 14.12%
4Z, 1YT 5.75%
1E, 1YT 4.43%
5+ small Rebel ships 13.46%
3B, 2Z 11.49%
2B, 1E, 2Z 1.97%
4 small rebel ships 4.60%
4B 3.61%
2X, 1Y, 1Z 0.99%
3 small Rebel ships 0.00%

Conditional success: weighting #2 / weighting #1

Description: Gives the conditional success of how well ships / upgrades / squads do. This takes into account both how often something is used, and how well it end up placing. Only uses data for the Final Cut and Top Third squads as the baseline, since that it all that is consistently available.

Edited by MajorJuggler

Points 3 & 4 were pretty obvious already. Point 2 is disappointing, but makes sense because of Points 3 & 4.

As deadly as the ACD Phantom and Super Falcon builds are, I still probably would have been more likely to go to my regional if it had been after Wave 4 just so I could use the Predator card.

For details on the multi-column stats approach, see the post on the first page here:


Wave 4 tournament statistics (last updated August 15th)

Only includes results for tournaments where wave 4 is legal.


Tournaments with reports 18

Reported Attendance 609
Reported squads in Final Cut + Top Third 189
Total Tournaments: 20
No report: Mexico, D.F., Mexico (18), Toruń, Poland (29)
Total attendance: 656
median 29
mean 33.0
Standard deviation 18.8
Smallest event 6
Largest event 72
  • 6 - 12: 3
  • 13 - 19: 2
  • 20 - 29: 6
  • 30 - 39: 4
  • 40 - 49: 1
  • 50 - 99: 4
  • 100+ 0

General Statistics

Tournament Winners

Rebels 52.38%
Imperials 47.62%
Final Cut + Top Third
Rebels 58.73% 58.41% 52.38% 99.45% 89.18%
Imperials 41.26% 41.58% 47.61% 100.7% 115.3%
Turret points 22.13% 23.31% 19.35% 105.3% 87.47%
Rebel turret points 37.58% 39.76% 36.68% 105.7% 97.59%
Initiative bid
100 points 65.60% 57.09% 39.90% 87.02% 60.81%
99 points 25.39% 25.90% 29.06% 101.9% 114.4%
98 points 4.232% 7.652% 11.00% 180.7% 259.9%
97 points 3.174% 8.457% 20.03% 266.4% 631.0%
96 points 0.529% 0.281% 0% 53.19% 0%
incomplete data 1.058% 0.612% 0% 57.85% 0%
PS bid (Swarm Tactics, Roark not included)
Mean PS 5.42 5.28 5.38
PS1 9.587% 11.16% 14.92% 116.4% 155.7%
PS2 23.05% 24.63% 22.86% 106.8% 99.16%
PS3 8.913% 7.447% 6.781% 83.55% 76.07%
PS4 5.749% 6.261% 4.654% 108.9% 80.96%
PS5 11.94% 13.41% 14.64% 112.3% 122.6%
PS6 3.418% 1.659% 0.589% 48.53% 17.24%
PS7 4.037% 3.538% 3.193% 87.65% 79.09%
PS8 12.19% 10.95% 11.34% 89.76% 92.98%
PS9 21.09% 20.92% 20.99% 99.21% 99.54%
PS10 1.761% 1.483% 2.510% 84.22% 142.5%
PS11 2.104% 2.461% 3.154% 116.9% 149.9%

Ship Breakdown

General Point Distribution
top 5 ships 69.01% 74.90% 86.24% 108.5% 124.9%
middle 6 ships 26.87% 22.70% 13.75% 84.48% 51.17%
bottom 5 ships 4.110% 2.393% 0% 58.23% 0%
Overall Ship Usage
YT-1300 20.41% 22.45% 19.35% 109.9% 94.83%
TIE Fighter 15.26% 17.55% 25.36% 115.0% 166.1%
Z-95 9.528% 11.94% 11.43% 125.4% 120.0%
TIE Phantom 10.86% 11.63% 16.75% 107.0% 154.1%
B-wing 10.69% 11.31% 13.33% 105.7% 124.6%
X-wing 11.77% 7.665% 5.642% 65.11% 47.92%
TIE Interceptor 4.493% 4.004% 3.835% 89.13% 85.37%
Firespray 5.593% 3.459% 0% 61.84% 0%
Lambda Shuttle 2.440% 3.164% 1.275% 129.6% 52.25%
E-wing 2.998% 2.659% 2.699% 88.69% 90.03%
Y-wing 1.818% 1.749% 0.298% 96.21% 16.43%
TIE Defender 1.350% 0.769% 0% 57.00% 0%
TIE Bomber 0.749% 0.644% 0% 85.91% 0%
HWK-290 1.169% 0.571% 0% 48.86% 0%
A-wing 0.478% 0.273% 0% 57.08% 0%
TIE Advanced 0.361% 0.134% 0% 37.27% 0%
Non-named ships + named YT-1300 (normalized, adds to 100%)
YT-1300 (named) 31.51% 33.07% 31.15% 104.9% 98.85%
TIE Fighter 16.70% 18.99% 28.98% 113.6% 173.5%
Z-95 13.43% 16.82% 18.40% 125.2% 137.0%
B-wing 16.34% 16.60% 21.45% 101.5% 131.2%
Lambda Shuttle 3.182% 3.242% 0% 101.8% 0%
Firespray 4.976% 3.048% 0% 61.26% 0%
X-wing 5.034% 2.620% 0% 52.06% 0%
Y-wing 2.116% 2.217% 0% 104.7% 0%
TIE Interceptor 2.537% 0.980% 0% 38.62% 0%
TIE Bomber 1.165% 0.954% 0% 81.88% 0%
TIE Phantom 1.215% 0.475% 0% 39.09% 0%
A-wing 0.743% 0.404% 0% 54.40% 0%
TIE Defender 0.570% 0.266% 0% 46.72% 0%
YT-1300 (ORS) 0.223% 0.192% 0% 86.37% 0%
E-wing 0.239% 0.106% 0% 44.45% 0%
HWK-290 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
TIE Advanced 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Base attack dice
4 attack ships 10.86% 11.63% 16.75% 107.0% 154.1%
3 attack ships 59.61% 55.35% 46.14% 92.85% 77.39%
2 attack ships 28.34% 32.43% 37.10% 114.4% 130.8%
1 attack ships 1.169% 0.571% 0% 48.86% 0%
Base defense dice (ACD Phantom counted as 2)
3 defense ships 24.94% 25.39% 31.89% 101.8% 127.8%
2 defense ships 39.68% 35.92% 33.83% 90.52% 85.27%
1 defense ships 35.36% 38.67% 34.26% 109.3% 96.86%

Pilot Breakdown

Named / Non-named statistics
Non-named ship points 44.05% 45.16% 42.78% 102.5% 97.11%
Named ship points (all) 55.94% 54.83% 57.21% 98.01% 102.2%
Named ship points (pilots 1-3) 23.69% 28.15% 33.80% 118.8% 142.6%
% of Imperial named pilot points 52.52% 54.38% 61.86% 103.5% 117.7%
% of Rebel named pilots points 58.34% 55.15% 53.06% 94.53% 90.94%
Named pilot usage (not normalized)
Han Solo 10.73% 10.44% 5.961% 97.30% 55.55%
Chewbacca 7.140% 10.33% 13.39% 144.7% 187.6%
Whisper 5.822% 7.378% 13.05% 126.7% 224.2%
Howlrunner 3.158% 3.941% 7.349% 124.7% 232.6%
Echo 4.264% 3.933% 3.699% 92.24% 86.75%
Soontir Fel 2.201% 2.891% 3.835% 131.3% 174.2%
Biggs Darklighter 2.871% 2.489% 2.851% 86.71% 99.29%
Corran Horn 2.079% 1.958% 2.062% 94.19% 99.19%
Tarn Mison 1.456% 1.576% 2.532% 108.2% 173.8%
Lando Calrissian 2.398% 1.546% 0% 64.47% 0%
Krassis Trelix 1.680% 1.007% 0% 59.95% 0%
Captain Yorr 0.393% 0.976% 1.275% 248.0% 324.1%
Wedge Antilles 1.850% 0.889% 0% 48.05% 0%
Etahn A'baht 0.765% 0.629% 0.637% 82.22% 83.27%
Rexler Brath 0.983% 0.590% 0% 59.97% 0%
Luke Skywalker 1.446% 0.523% 0% 36.22% 0%
Airen Cracken 0.664% 0.466% 0% 70.22% 0%
Kath Scarlet 0.712% 0.394% 0% 55.39% 0%
Roark Garnet 0.797% 0.336% 0% 42.17% 0%
Mauler Mithel 0.483% 0.258% 0% 53.33% 0%
"Dutch" Vander 0.457% 0.253% 0.298% 55.35% 65.36%
Carnor Jax 0.356% 0.237% 0% 66.55% 0%
Wes Janson 0.478% 0.233% 0% 48.86% 0%
Backstabber 0.350% 0.229% 0% 65.42% 0%
Turr Phennir 0.303% 0.214% 0% 70.86% 0%
Jan Ors 0.207% 0.168% 0% 81.29% 0%
Night Beast 0.255% 0.157% 0% 61.74% 0%
Dark Curse 0.271% 0.153% 0% 56.44% 0%
Garven Dreis 0.287% 0.136% 0.259% 47.38% 90.21%
Lieutenant Blount 0.223% 0.130% 0% 58.37% 0%
Darth Vader 0.361% 0.134% 0% 37.27% 0%
Ten Numb 0.186% 0.109% 0% 59.04% 0%
Kyle Katarn 0.164% 0.066% 0% 40.40% 0%
"Hobbie" Klivian 0.143% 0.047% 0% 32.95% 0%
Winged Gundark 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Maarek Steele 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Tetran Cowell 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Kir Kanos 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Lieutenant Lorrir 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
"Fel's Wrath" 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Boba Fett 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Major Rhymer 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Captain Jonus 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Captain Kagi 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Colonel Jendon 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Colonel Vessery 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Jek Porkins 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Horton Salm 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Tycho Celchu 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Arvel Crynyd 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Ibitsam 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A


Points Spent on Upgrades 11.10% 11.30% 10.85% 101.8% 97.76%
Upgrade point breakdown (% below as a portion of upgrade points spent)
System Upgrades 11.77% 13.77% 17.43% 117.0% 148.0%
Advanced Sensors 5.457% 7.848% 12.75% 143.8% 233.6%
Fire-Control System 5.361% 4.960% 4.678% 92.53% 87.26%
Sensor Jammer 0.957% 0.968% 0% 101.1% 0%
Modifications 21.25% 21.31% 24.83% 100.2% 116.8%
Advanced Cloaking Device 9.191% 9.972% 14.98% 108.5% 163.0%
Anti-Pursuit Lasers 0.191% 0.085% 0% 44.50% 0%
Engine Upgrade 5.552% 6.305% 6.911% 113.5% 124.4%
Hull Upgrade 1.723% 2.092% 2.155% 121.4% 125.1%
Shield Upgrade 1.531% 0.933% 0.366% 60.94% 23.95%
Stealth Device 1.866% 1.304% 0.412% 69.85% 22.11%
Stygium Cloaking Device 0.382% 0.147% 0% 38.61% 0%
Munitions Failsafe 0.143% 0.167% 0% 116.9% 0%
Targeting Computer 0.670% 0.306% 0% 45.67% 0%
Cannons 5.122% 3.769% 0% 73.60% 0%
Autoblaster 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Heavy Laser Cannon 4.691% 3.521% 0% 75.07% 0%
Ion Cannon 0.430% 0.247% 0% 57.54% 0%
Turrets 4.116% 3.421% 0.458% 83.11% 11.14%
Blaster Turret 0.765% 0.351% 0% 45.87% 0%
Ion Cannon Turret 3.350% 3.070% 0.458% 91.62% 13.68%
Torpedoes 0.287% 0.431% 0% 150.0% 0%
Advanced Proton Torpedoes 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Flechette Torpedoe 0.095% 0.360% 0% 376.9% 0%
Proton Torpedoes 0.191% 0.070% 0% 36.64% 0%
Missiles 2.058% 1.432% 0% 69.58% 0%
Assault Missiles 1.196% 1.114% 0% 93.08% 0%
Cluster Missiles 0.191% 0.070% 0% 36.64% 0%
Concussion Missiles 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Homing Missiles 0.239% 0.084% 0% 35.33% 0%
Ion Pulse Missiles 0.430% 0.163% 0% 37.95% 0%
Bombs 0.191% 0.260% 0% 136.1% 0%
Proton Bombs 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Proximity Mines 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Seismic Charges 0.191% 0.260% 0% 136.1% 0%
Titles 2.632% 2.879% 3.195% 109.3% 121.3%
Millenium Falcon 2.202% 2.662% 3.195% 120.9% 145.1%
Moldy Crow 0.430% 0.216% 0% 50.31% 0%
Slave 1 (0 points, not counted)
ST-321 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Droids 4.930% 3.848% 3.608% 78.05% 73.18%
R2 0.239% 0.156% 0% 65.36% 0%
R2-D2 2.680% 1.846% 1.651% 68.88% 61.60%
R2-D6 0.095% 0.046% 0.091% 48.28% 95.82%
R2-F2 0.287% 0.131% 0% 45.71% 0%
R3-A2 0.670% 0.571% 0% 85.27% 0%
R4-D6 0.047% 0.016% 0% 33.74% 0%
R5 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
R5-D8 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
R5-K6 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
R5-P9 0.143% 0.101% 0% 70.97% 0%
R7 0.765% 0.978% 1.865% 127.7% 243.5%
R7-T1 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Crew 29.58% 32.38% 35.42% 109.4% 119.7%
C-3P0 5.457% 7.239% 9.587% 132.6% 175.6%
Chewbacca 0.382% 0.476% 0% 124.3% 0%
Darth Vader 1.292% 0.967% 0% 74.88% 0%
Luke Skywalker 6.031% 9.242% 9.204% 153.2% 152.6%
Flight Instructor 0.191% 0.090% 0% 47.11% 0%
Gunner 7.659% 7.069% 7.874% 92.29% 102.8%
Han Solo 0.191% 0.084% 0% 44.05% 0%
Intelligence Agent 0.478% 0.456% 0.764% 95.28% 159.7%
Mercenary Copilot 0.191% 0.103% 0% 54.05% 0%
Navigator 0.574% 0.720% 1.559% 125.3% 271.5%
Nien Nunb 0.430% 0.487% 0.932% 113.1% 216.4%
R2-D2 0.191% 0.111% 0% 57.99% 0%
Rebel Captive 1.579% 1.436% 1.605% 90.90% 101.6%
Recon Specialist 3.590% 3.173% 3.899% 88.38% 108.6%
Saboteur 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Tactician 1.053% 0.546% 0% 51.86% 0%
Weapons Engineer 0.287% 0.178% 0% 62.17% 0%
Elite Pilot Talents 18.04% 16.48% 15.04% 91.32% 83.37%
Adrenaline Rush 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Daredevil 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Deadeye 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Determination 0.095% 0.067% 0% 70.41% 0%
Draw Their Fire 0.430% 0.253% 0.091% 58.77% 21.29%
Elusiveness 0.191% 0.136% 0% 71.33% 0%
Expert Handling 0.478% 0.561% 0% 117.2% 0%
Expose 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A
Marksmanship 0.574% 0.418% 0% 72.85% 0%
Opportunist 0.191% 0.055% 0% 28.79% 0%
Outmaneuver 0.718% 0.317% 0% 44.24% 0%
Predator 4.308% 4.627% 3.853% 107.4% 89.43%
Push the Limit 5.313% 5.343% 6.330% 100.5% 119.1%
Swarm Tactics 1.914% 1.183% 0.397% 61.80% 20.76%
Squad Leader 0.191% 0.107% 0% 56.20% 0%
Veteran Instincts 3.446% 3.321% 4.373% 96.36% 126.8%
Wingman 0.191% 0.087% 0% 45.81% 0%

Squad Archetypes

Imperial Squads 41.26% 41.58% 47.61% 100.7% 115.3%
1 TIE Phantom + mini-swarm 12.16% 19.21% 34.97% 157.9% 287.4%
3TIE/Ln, 1TIE/Pha 0.529% 0.337% 0% 63.83% 0%
4TIE/Ln, 1TIE/Pha 6.878% 12.69% 29.22% 184.6% 424.9%
5TIE/Ln, 1TIE/Pha 3.174% 3.765% 5.747% 118.6% 181.0%
3TIE/Ln, 1TIE/sa, 1TIE/Pha 0.529% 1.266% 0% 239.3% 0%
3TIE/Ln, 1TIE/Pha, 1Lam 1.058% 1.150% 0% 108.6% 0%
TIE Phantom + anything 11.11% 7.602% 5.254% 68.41% 47.29%
3TIE/Pha 1.058% 0.365% 0% 34.57% 0%
2TIE/Ln, 2TIE/Pha 1.058% 0.565% 0% 53.48% 0%
1TIE/In, 2TIE/Pha 0.529% 0.230% 0% 43.52% 0%
1TIE/In, 1TIE/Pha, 1Fire 1.058% 0.427% 0% 40.37% 0%
1TIE/In, 1TIE/Pha, 1Lam 1.587% 2.448% 5.254% 154.2% 331.0%
1TIE/Pha, 1Fire, 1Lam 1.058% 0.591% 0% 55.85% 0%
2TIE/In, 1TIE/Pha 1.058% 0.626% 0% 59.18% 0%
1TIE/Pha, 2Fire 0.529% 0.365% 0% 69.15% 0%
1TIE/Ln, 1TIE/Pha, 1Fire 1.587% 1.090% 0% 68.71% 0%
1TIE/In, 1TIE/Ad, 1TIE/Pha 0.529% 0.204% 0% 38.56% 0%
2TIE/Pha, 1Lam 1.058% 0.685% 0% 64.80% 0%
TIE Swarms (6-8 TIEs) 5.820% 6.015% 7.389% 103.3% 126.9%
8TIE/Ln 0.529% 0.858% 0% 162.2% 0%
7TIE/Ln 0.529% 0.239% 0% 45.21% 0%
6TIE/Ln, 1TIE/sa 0.529% 0.429% 0% 81.12% 0%
6TIE/Ln 0.529% 0.309% 0% 58.51% 0%
5TIE/Ln, 1TIE/In 2.645% 3.756% 7.389% 141.9% 279.3%
4TIE/Ln, 2TIE/In 1.058% 0.422% 0% 39.89% 0%
4-5 TIEs 2.116% 1.062% 0% 50.20% 0%
4TIE/Ln, 1TIE/D 1.058% 0.591% 0% 55.85% 0%
4TIE/Ln, 1TIE/Ad 0.529% 0.189% 0% 35.90% 0%
4TIE/sa, 1TIE/D 0.529% 0.281% 0% 53.19% 0%
3 TIEs 1.058% 0.365% 0% 34.57% 0%
2TIE/In, 1TIE/D 0.529% 0.168% 0% 31.91% 0%
2TIE/In, 1TIE/sa 0.529% 0.197% 0% 37.23% 0%
2+ large base Imperial ships 4.232% 4.412% 0% 104.2% 0%
2TIE/Ln, 3Lam 0.529% 0.246% 0% 46.54% 0%
1TIE/In, 3Lam 0.529% 1.970% 0% 372.3% 0%
1TIE/In, 1TIE/D, 1Lam 0.529% 0.506% 0% 95.75% 0%
3Fire 0.529% 0.422% 0% 79.79% 0%
1TIE/In, 2Fire 0.529% 0.351% 0% 66.49% 0%
2TIE/Ln, 2Fire 0.529% 0.197% 0% 37.23% 0%
2Fire, 1Lam 0.529% 0.478% 0% 90.43% 0%
1TIE/D, 1Fire, 1Lam 0.529% 0.239% 0% 45.21% 0%
1 large Imperial ship + support 4.761% 2.909% 0% 61.10% 0%
4TIE/Ln, 1Fire 3.174% 2.103% 0% 66.25% 0%
2TIE/In, 1Fire 0.529% 0.233% 0% 44.07% 0%
4TIE/Ln, 1Lam 0.529% 0.179% 0% 33.85% 0%
3TIE/Ln, 1TIE/In, 1Lam 0.529% 0.394% 0% 74.47% 0%
Rebel Squads 58.73% 58.41% 52.38% 99.45% 89.18%
2 large Rebel ships 5.291% 4.236% 0% 80.06% 0%
2YT 4.761% 2.828% 0% 59.40% 0%
1Z, 2YT 0.529% 1.407% 0% 265.9% 0%
1 large Rebel ship + support 26.98% 32.27% 34.31% 119.6% 127.1%
4Z, 1YT 2.645% 3.690% 5.747% 139.4% 217.2%
3Z, 1YT 9.523% 14.60% 14.12% 153.3% 148.2%
3B, 1YT 0.529% 0.478% 0% 90.43% 0%
1B, 2Z, 1YT 2.116% 1.480% 0% 69.95% 0%
2X, 1YT 1.587% 3.715% 10.01% 234.0% 631.0%
1X, 1B, 1YT 1.058% 0.360% 0% 34.03% 0%
2B, 1YT 2.116% 1.358% 0% 64.18% 0%
2Z, 1YT 0.529% 0.180% 0% 34.04% 0%
1B, 1Y, 1YT 1.058% 0.458% 0% 43.31% 0%
1X, 1A, 1YT 0.529% 0.506% 0% 95.75% 0%
1X, 1Z, 1YT 1.587% 1.524% 0% 96.05% 0%
1X, 1Y, 1YT 0.529% 0.168% 0% 31.91% 0%
1E, 1YT 2.645% 3.438% 4.433% 129.9% 167.5%
1B, 1YT 0.529% 0.311% 0% 58.92% 0%
5+ small Rebel ships 8.994% 10.12% 13.46% 112.5% 149.6%
8Z 0.529% 0.190% 0% 36.05% 0%
7Z 0.529% 0.900% 0% 170.2% 0%
1E, 5Z 1.058% 0.881% 0% 83.34% 0%
2X, 1B, 3Z 1.058% 1.187% 0% 112.1% 0%
2B, 1E, 2Z 0.529% 0.675% 1.970% 127.6% 372.4%
4B, 1Z 1.058% 0.675% 0% 63.83% 0%
2X, 1B, 2Z 0.529% 0.253% 0% 47.87% 0%
2X, 2Z, 1HWK 0.529% 0.168% 0% 31.91% 0%
1X, 2B, 2Z 0.529% 0.168% 0% 31.91% 0%
1B, 1Y, 3Z 0.529% 0.246% 0% 46.54% 0%
2X, 1Y, 2A 0.529% 0.202% 0% 38.30% 0%
2B, 1Y, 1A, 1Z 0.529% 0.437% 0% 82.75% 0%
3B, 2Z 0.529% 3.940% 11.49% 744.7% 2172.%
2B, 1A, 2Z 0.529% 0.189% 0% 35.90% 0%
4 small rebel ships 15.87% 11.19% 4.597% 70.53% 28.96%
4X 2.116% 1.050% 0% 49.61% 0%
2X, 2B 1.058% 0.885% 0% 83.63% 0%
1X, 3B 1.058% 0.597% 0% 56.42% 0%
4B 1.058% 1.667% 3.612% 157.6% 341.3%
1X, 2B, 1Y 1.058% 0.330% 0% 31.25% 0%
3X, 1Z 2.116% 0.815% 0% 38.51% 0%
1X, 1B, 1Z, 1HWK 0.529% 0.175% 0% 33.10% 0%
2B, 1E, 1HWK 0.529% 0.246% 0% 46.54% 0%
1X, 2B, 1Z 0.529% 0.703% 0% 132.9% 0%
2B, 2Y 0.529% 2.026% 0% 383.0% 0%
3X, 1Y 1.058% 0.534% 0% 50.53% 0%
3B, 1HWK 0.529% 0.312% 0% 59.00% 0%
2X, 1HWK 1.058% 0.642% 0% 60.72% 0%
2X, 1B, 1HWK 0.529% 0.181% 0% 34.28% 0%
2X, 1Y, 1Z 0.529% 0.337% 0.985% 63.83% 186.2%
2X, 1E, 1Y 0.529% 0.253% 0% 47.87% 0%
3B, 1E 0.529% 0.126% 0% 23.93% 0%
2X, 1E, 1Z 0.529% 0.309% 0% 58.51% 0%
3 small Rebel ships 1.587% 0.584% 0% 36.79% 0%
3X 0.529% 0.154% 0% 29.25% 0%
2X, 1E 0.529% 0.189% 0% 35.90% 0%
1X, 1E, 1HWK 0.529% 0.239% 0% 45.21% 0%

Key statistics vs. different meta (last updated August 5)
Much more coming soon:

  • More comprehensive statistics comparison
  • 2013 Worlds Top 16 data
  • 2014 Store Championships data
  • Graphical form

Squad Archetypes

  • wave 3: 2014 Store Championships (winners only, weighted by attendance. Average attendance used when non was provided)
  • wave 3.5: 2014 Regionals, wave 4 not legal.
  • wave 4: 2014 Regionals, wave 4 legal.

wave 3 wave 3.5 wave 4
Imperial Squads 44.14% 53.88% 41.59%
1 TIE Phantom + mini-swarm 0.00% 0.00% 19.22%
TIE Phantom + anything 0.00% 0.00% 7.60%
TIE Swarms (6-8 TIEs) 16.01% 32.29% 6.02%
4-5 TIEs 5.52% 5.39% 1.06%
3 TIEs 0.65% 0.46% 0.37%
2+ large base Imperial ships 11.14% 8.32% 4.41%
1 large Imperial ship + support 10.84% 7.42% 2.91%
Rebel Squads 55.86% 46.12% 58.41%
2 large Rebel ships 6.02% 5.64% 4.24%
1 large Rebel ship + support 11.04% 10.73% 32.28%
5+ small Rebel ships 5.02% 2.81% 10.12%
4 small rebel ships 28.65% 23.64% 11.20%
3 small Rebel ships 5.12% 3.30% 0.58%

Overall Ship Usage
(coming soon)

Non-named ship Usage
(coming soon)

Base Attack Dice
(coming soon)

Base Defense Dice
(coming soon)

PS Bid
(coming soon)

Initiative Bid
(coming soon)

Final Cut + Top Third Squad placement
(coming soon)

Turret Usage
(coming soon)

Edited by MajorJuggler


Wave 3 statistics have been updated like the wave 4 statistics. They wouldn't all fit on one page so wave 4 stats got moved to the above post.

Now tracking 5 columns of statistics: :o

  1. How often squads make it to Final Cut + Top Third
  2. Weighted average of how well squads do (same method I have been using all along)
  3. Winners-only statistics, weighted by attendance
  4. Overall "efficiency": #2 divided by #1
  5. Winning "efficiency": #3 divided by #1

I'm glad I got this started but MJ, you've taken it to the next next level! Thank you thank you thank you again.

Is there an consolidated spreadsheet of full, specific lists used as items, as opposed to macro usage stats? Keep opening excel files with percentages only that I can see....