New Player - Alignment Question

By ShotGun Jolly, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Hey all..

Just recently decided to jump into GMing Black Crusade and I got a couple of questions. Maybe I missed it in the FAQ/Errata but I am having trouble understanding something.

In the character creation chapters, it talks about alignments to a particular path of Chaos. And it states that when you make a corruption check 10 30..etc.. .. if you are 5 or more advances in a particular path you become aligned to that path.

In the next section, where you choose your devotion it says when ever you have 3 or more advances you are said to be devoted to that path..

Is there a difference between aligned and devoted?? if so what is it...?

Or is it a typo and it was meant to be the same 5 or 3, and if so what would it be?

Looking for some clarity..Think any of you vets could help me out?

Page 75 (Core), bottom left corner says that players check their alignment to the dark gods every 10 corruption points, so at 10, 20, 30 etc.

When the character hits one of these thresholds, they must check if they have five or more advances to any one Chaos god over the others. At which point if they do, they become Aligned to that god, basically meaning they are on the path to devotion to that god. This just makes a few skills/talents cheaper and others more expensive. It is also easier to withdraw from alignment as there are no repercussions from changing from one alignment to neutral or another entirely. Any reference to threes on the alignment is probably a spelling error. The Errata is a bit out of date...

Devotion however is a different matter entirely. My interpretation on this is a little rusty as it says you need 20 advances down a particular path. Our lot do it as 20 advances total (excluding the initial ones) and still having five more to one god than any of the others. Once this criteria has been met, you dont take a check and you dont need to wait for a threshold, that god generally looks upon you and grants you his mark to recognise your devotion to his (or her in the case of Slaanesh on the odd day) ways. Devotion however comes with higher risks and you are expected to maintain that devotion. If you fail to maintain your alliegance to that god then the Gifts of the Gods kicks in and the mark is removed.

Does that help any?

I think the main issue I had was in one place in the book it states 3 advancements and another it says 5. After looking at all the examples, im pretty sure they meant to say 5. It all falls into place now. Thanks for the response.

Maybe if you could be more precise as to where the supposed error is, we could help more with clarifying whether it's an error or a misunderstanding.

the first paragraph on page 84 is where it says 3 advancements. Pretty sure that 3 is meant to be 5.

That is likely a mistake, as the example below outline the need for 5 advancements.

There's a 99% chance that any reference to "Devotion" or "3" is just an editing error, and is supposed to be Aligned (i.e. 5 advances of a certain god over any other) and 5, so ignore the part about "3 advances = devotion".

I can only remember a single god-specific psychic power that uses "devoted" instead of "aligned", and that's sure as hell an another editing error (seeing how you're not aligned if you've only got 3 advances, and therefore can't even get the powers in the first place).

It's only Alignment that means anything,in addition to when you have bought at least 20 advances of a god, and have at least 5 more than any other - in which case you're granted a Mark.

Edited by BrotharTearer

Thanks all