List of Psychic Powers

By doomande, in Dark Heresy

With all of the books that we can use is it rather hard to remember all of he psychic powers, so does anyone know if there is a list laying somewhere on the great interweb? Because it would be lovely if I could steal a list instead of making one.

... **** I must have flunked my tech use test if I wasn´t able to find it on my own... or properly a logic test... I think both are a possibility actually.

Edit: Now that I look at the list can I see that it is nothing like what I looked for. It is a list of names and nothing else, that would be like a list of weapons without their stats. Nice since there is pagenumbers and books mentioned, but not really that useful again.

Edited by doomande

Edit: Now that I look at the list can I see that it is nothing like what I looked for. It is a list of names and nothing else, that would be like a list of weapons without their stats. Nice since there is pagenumbers and books mentioned, but not really that useful again.

I followed the link and got a long list of names, thresholds, ranges, references and the like. Just about all you can put on the net without violating copyright. What more do you want?

Edited by Tenebrae

I want to be fed the information that I want with a silver spoon! Never lifting a finger or opening a book ever again, all of the information in the universe laying for my feet!

... Or I wanted an easy solution instead of looking trough all of my books that I would have to carry with me, an easier solution than using 2-3 hours looking trough them all and then write the information down that is. I must honestly admit that I hadn´t thought that posting rules like that was copyright violation, for Pathfinder are there site upon site with all the stats, special rules, descriptions and lore about weapons and such, so thought that there would be something for 40K P&Ping as well

I'm not really sorry that you have to do a few hours work to get what you want. The Emperor only provides so much.

Paizo, the guys that make pathfinder, are ok with websites like that because it gets people playing the game instead of competitors games. FFG however is very strict with what is allowed on the net with it's products.

See, there's a huge difference between Pathfinder and and 40k RPGs that way.

Pathfinder exists because D&D 3.5 went "Open", so Paizo have to follow the rules in that open licence.

40k RPGs are based on IP belonging to GW, and they haven't figured out why making some of it open might be an idea,

Why? They're the only ones that are currently allowed to make warhammer (40k or otherwise) rpgs, they have no competitors. There's no reason for them to go open.

Why? They're the only ones that are currently allowed to make warhammer (40k or otherwise) rpgs, they have no competitors. There's no reason for them to go open.

Plus, if they did open up the system, they'd have to deal with players fixing it and making a vastly superior and game line inter-compatible, fully indexed HTML version freely available. One that might even be fully cross-compatible with WFRP2e.

Allowing resources like that to exist, simply cannot be allowed. It's just too much awesome.