What does people think about the new cover?

By doomande, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

Wait a minute how come the GM Kit gets a better cover design than the core book which we all know the core book is the main selling point? I have to agree with MajorTomK in that the kit looks better. I rather go with the MajorTomK route, or go with minimum stuff than what we have for a cover now.

They have a cooler looking GM screen for two reasons:

  1. It makes the GM look cooler
  2. The players have to consistently stare at it for a much longer period of time, not to mention more often :P

On the red outlining... You all know that's the colours of the Inquisition and how the rosette often appears? Black stylised 'I' bordered with a scarlet or blood red...

I actually like the black and red I. I question the necessity of a second edition, and the picture is bleh, but the I I like (and the GM screen is quite cool too.

Icon as is and solid black background would be awesome.

I actually don't like the large symbol on the cover. There background image is actually a pretty epicly detailed painting showing a bad ass inquisitor surrounded by a bunch of sinister looking cultists and servitors?. So why spoil it by using the least interesting part of the image and cover it with a simple plain black symbol. it's such a waste of the painting. I think the current design belongs on the back of the book.


I think the cover looks great.