Deathwatch script writers wanted.

By thudo, in Deathwatch

Morning FFG Community..

We're creating a unique project where we are building various Deathwatch characters into a virtual real-time strategy game similar to something like Starcraft.

We have a small few units that need to be scripted as if like dialogue written for a game so events like Unit_Complete, Selection, Move, Attack, and Death...

Here are the Deathwatch vehicles we need scripted:


Damocles Command Rhino

Inquisitiorial Chimera
Land Speeder (Storm)
Dreadnought Venerable

Inquisitiorial Leman Russ
Land Raider
Storm Raven

We need written in the quantity required for each of the above:

7x Unit_Complete (when unit is first built on the battlefield)
7x Selection (when players clicks the idle unit)
7x Move (commands the unit to move)
7x Attack (commands the unit to attack an enemy)
4x Charge (unit issues a battlecry thrusting towards the enemy)
2x Jump_Teleport (command unit to teleport or jump quick to an area used mainly for Skimmers and Fliers like Landspeeders and Storm Raven only.)
5x Ability (3x is a targettable aggressive ability while 2x is a passive support/healing ability)
4x Combat (issue taunting or passionate battle cries while deep in close combat)
4x Death (unit issues its last breath)

So for example..

For a Space Wolves Standard Bearer we could script something like:

Unit_Complete1: By the Glory of Russ, your Flag Bearer stands before you, brothers!
Selection1: Where's that **** Ale you promised? Sitting around is getting me all thirsty!
Join1: Battle brothers, with me! Stand by your Flag!
Morale_Break1: We are Space Wolves! We do not know retreat!

Note: The above lines for Join1 or Morale_Break1 are meant for Commanders as vehicles generally do have these hence why they are omitted from the list of required lines for vehicles.

Any questions please let me know and thank you FFG Community!

Edited by thudo

Various events regarding vehicles should feature a Techmarine's voice, in particular Unit_Complete .

At least for several of the 7 lines. And there might be other events for which that applies too.


PS Standard Bearer, not Flag Bearer. ;)

Thanks Alex!

Hmm except Techmarines do not drive or ride on the vehicles per se. Its almost always the Commander or Driver (generally a standard Astartes) talking. Techmarines might come along on the battlefield to commence repairs or, in the case of the Ordo Xenos, also scavenge alien artifacts and send them back so the Inquisition can re-use them. Anyway standard Astartes and Techmarines generally sound the same of course in terms of vox.

As for the Standard verse Flag.. yeah that is a technicality really as the standard is actually a flag or holy relic to the Chapter it represents but to keep some lines from sounding the same there might be a case to call himself a Flag Bearer rather than the same boring label just to add some variety. Yeah it should be Standard or Banner Bearer as Flag Bearer is more a term for the Imperium via Regimental Standard but for an Astartes having saying it "very" infrequently shouldn't hurt the fluff too much.

Still no one who wants to help us script DW character dialogue for the vehicles?

Edited by thudo

I'm happy to do it

I'd gladly chip in, too. Where do you want go get the contributions? In the thread?

Edit: Also, a vehicle's completion or death can be announced by a Techmarine voice easily - after all, he's in charge of delivering them to the battlefield and repair or salvage them, like you said.

So right off the top of my head I imagine something like this:

Unit_Complete1: The sacred incantations and benedictions are complete.

Unit_Complete2: The venerable machine spirit is now ready to make war.

Death1: The sacred machine spirit has done its duty to Him on Terra. Have you?

Edited by musungu

Thanks Alex!

Hmm except Techmarines do not drive or ride on the vehicles per se. Its almost always the Commander or Driver (generally a standard Astartes) talking. Techmarines might come along on the battlefield to commence repairs or, in the case of the Ordo Xenos, also scavenge alien artifacts and send them back so the Inquisition can re-use them. Anyway standard Astartes and Techmarines generally sound the same of course in terms of vox.

Depends on whether the Techmarine still has vocal chords. ;)

For possible reference:

Maybe it's just the groups I am playing in but in DW RPG, the Techmarine is usually tasked (and very eager) to manage gear, especially such hallowed gear as a Rhino or, Emperor almighty, a Land Raider. But ultimately it all comes down to what you like and prefer. There's plenty of wiggle room for personal taste.


Thanks Cail and Musungu.. Shall I PM either of you to divy up the Deathwatch vehicles?

These are true Alien Hunters/Ordo Xenos taken as the best Astartes from many chapters BUT right now we simply want generic-ish dialogue as its impossible to have all Chapter represented in a single vehicle let alone it would confuse the heck out of the player when then click the unit and one instance its Blood Angels and the next its White Scars so we opted for a more balanced approach where all lines are scripted generic THEN I'll add in random Chapter lines that signify a chapter somewhere for the vehicle. Deathwatch is much more complex to deal with then a single chapter because at least with a chapter you know its consistent but Deathwatch can procure the best from them all.

So Cail.. if you want to handle the Deathwatch Razorback to Venerable Dreadnought and Musungu from Predator to Storm Raven (leave out the Land Raider for now as I might script that one myself as Deathwatch uses four signiture variants: Crusader, Redeemer, Prometheus, and Godhammer but I see more use for the Prometheus since Deathwatch operates in small surgeric teams so using pinpoint intelligence would be utterly deadly combo for the DW).

@Ak-23 - Yeah generally we have standard Space Marines acting as Commanders and Pilots for vehicles. Techmarines usually are either seperate units on the battlefield or used as virtual character abilities like a repair option or Machine Spirit boost.

Thanks everyone!

Forgot to add above: Damocles Command Rhino, Inquisitiorial Chimera, and Leman Russ to the list.

Edited by thudo

Would it be possible for you to PM me a list of the abilities for the units in question. Currently I feel like the description is too vague to write anything meaningful


I second that.

Yep! I will do that for both of you. However abilities for a vehicle should follow what is standard in the TT rulebook for each ie. Razorback can launch smoke grenades to allow affected friendlies special bonuses OR H-K Missiles OR Dozer Blade for ramming whereas a Vindicator can load special shells (but standard Demolisher Shells is most common) and have use of a Siege Shield (yeah Vindicators can also use what Razorback can but then it becomes a little IMBA). Damocles I mentioned has many specialities like coordinating troops to hit a specific target, jamming beacon, pinpoint orbital strikes, etc..

However, for now, concentrate on all the other events per vehicle EXCEPT for abilities.. I would say thats priority then Abilities right now. Appreciate this immensely!

Edited by thudo

Update... thanks to both Cail and Musungu we are moving ahead on the Deathwatch vehicles.

Now another aspect we need looked at will also bring out the creative side of all Deathwatch players: battlefield spottings.

We need between 2-3 battlefield spottings for when the Ordo Xenos discovers the presence of a specific faction/species on the battlefield. This will likely be said at the point of view of a High Inquisitor overviewing the field of war.

So for example.. when the Ordo Xenos discover that the Eldar are operating on the map around where they are the High Inquisitor may say:

"Vile Alien Witches! These wretched psykers will likely offer plenty of useful pieces for Inquisitorial inspection! We must have them!"

We could also throw in a comment from the point of view of a Space Wolf Deathwatch Marine spotting, say, Dark Angels on the battlefield:

"Bah! Bastard sons of the Lion have fallen to the taint! Curse their Primarch and let the Ordo Xenos finally dispatch those robed fools from these lands!"

This should be a good creative exercise and will add considerable personality to the Deathwatch.

Here is the full list!

SPOTTINGS (3 of each - spoken by either Male or Female Grand/High Inquisitor, Watch Captain OR infantry such as a Kill-Marine - depends on how some specific faction Marines may speak up against other factions due to past historic grievances.):

Vanilla Factions
Dark Eldar
Imperial Guard
Sisters of Battle
Space Marines

User Factions

Space Marine Chapters
Black Templars
Blood Angels
Blood Ravens
Crimson Fists
Dark Angels

Fallen Angels
Imperial Fists
Iron Hands
Legion of the Damned
Raven Guard
Red Scorpions
Space Wolves/13th Company
White Scars

Chaos Legions
Alpha Legion
Black Legion
Blood Pact
Death Guard
Emperors Children
Iron Warriors
Night Lords
Red Corsairs
Thousand Sons
Traitor (Imperial) Guard
World Eaters
Word Bearers

Imperial Guard
Adapteus Mechanicus
Death Korps of Kreig
Harakoni Warhawks
Kanak Skull Takers
Last Chancer's/13th Penal Legion
Steel Legions
Tanith First & Only (Gaunt's Ghosts)


Inquisition Daemonhunt

Genestealer Cult

Daemon (need 3x)
Monstrosity (need 3x)
Enemy (need 8x)
Tanks(need 3x)

Thanks Community!

Edited by thudo

Any takers on those spottings above? Thank everyone!

Still no takers for the Deatwatch spottings as mentioned above?

Anyone from FFG interested in spotting above? Thought this might be fun creative exercise.

I'm no RTS fan myself but I think you should be doing some more marketing. Screenshots, some vids of the alpha, etc. Convince people that it's going to be good and that you will finish what you started.

The FFG folks are probably busy with DH 2 right now. And maybe with whatever comes next. My guess only.

I trust you did take care of legal (licensing) issues?


Anyone from FFG interested in spotting above?

FYI: FFG writers typically don't read the forum so if you want to directly get in touch with FFG you should use more official channels. The one freelancer I remember being a frequent forum contributor is no longer a freelancer with FFG, at any rate.

We're working on some screenshots and such just to show it is active. I'm handling the voicing piece just so that it is completed.

All legal aspects were dealt with years ago so everything is above board.

@Kshatriya... to which are the more "official" channels? At this stage we do not much to do now just the final bits..

I'm not sure what I meant by that now since I doubt the FFG company would want to officially get involved (if you wanted them to). I don't think there's a good way to get in touch with FFG unless it's for FFG-relevant business (i.e. submitting rule adjudications to their help desk).

Except this is meant as a community project so its being done peace-meal but in a professional manner so the end-result will be useable for all time within the scope of War40k. We would simply prefer to have a hand-select group of script-writers to assist just for a real short period then I will have it all voiced professionally and we're done. We've done all major SM, CSM, IG, and Xenos this way for 5+ years and Deathwatch is the final one to do.

Myself, I am currently script writing the new 7th Codex Astra Militarum (next-gen Imperial Guard) compromising the updated Storm Troopers (Scions), Tarox/Tarox Prime (Chimera replacement), and the Wyverm (updated Flakk Cannon). However its always best to get others in the world community involved so we offer a new refreshing perspective within the voice script/dialogues we write. ;)

Update: we're making considerable progress now and should have everything scripted in the next couple of weeks then voicing will commence. Thanks to everyone who has helped us so far. This will surely be one for the ages!

Ok Generic, Space Marines, and Misc/Xenos sections for Battlefield spottings are done.

Remember, unless otherwise noted, all lines are spoken by a Grand/High Inquisitior.

Here is the first draft:

Generic War40k Factions

Vile Chaos Usurpers!
Chaos Space Marines in vicinity!
Traitor Legionnaires demand execution this day! They shall not be left wanting!
The Ruinous Powers prowl in our shadow. Such vermin will never see the light of day.

Dark Eldar
Species.. Dark Eldar. We shall dull their xenos blades and destroy all webways! [pronounced "Zeen-os"]
Alien Fast Attackers assail the Emperor's Chosen!
Pirates of the Eldar come to scavenge these lands! The Deathwatch plan to return the favour.
We avenge the disappearance of our Primarch, Space Reavers! [pronounced "Prime-ark"] (White Scars specific - speak with a harsh Asian accent)
These Dark Eldar have been through the Maelstrom! Perhaps their remains will help lead us to our lost Khan! (White Scars specific - speak with a harsh Asian accent)

Species.. Eldar. Curse the Psyker! Abhor the Witch! [pronounced "cy-ker"]
The Inquisition will not tolerate the filthy alien in its midst!
A Farseer and her ancient warband of misfits have been found unopposed in our area. Move assets to intercept and crush these foul Xenos assailers!
Agents of the Craftworld would defy the Will of the Inquisition in this place? I think not!

Imperial Guard
Guardsmen! Whom among you would dare fire a single shot against the Deathwatch?!?
What absurdity do these renegade Imperial Forces think they can harm the Emperor's finest?!
These Imperial Traitors have signed their deaths having fired upon the forces of the Ordo Xenos! The Inquisition will show no mercy this day!
Your Commanders have just condemned you to extermination, Fell Men of the Imperium!

Automatons of the Necrontyr! This could prove a wealth of useful artifacts for the Inquisition! [pronounced "Neck-ron-tear"]
Necron War Machines have invaded this world! By the God-Emperor shall the Ordo Xenos send them back to their Tombs! [pronounced "Neck-ron" and "Or-doe Zeen-os"]
Species.. Necron. As demanded by Holy Terra.. engage and capture any ancient technology worthy of interest.
The Deathwatch have engaged the Undead Servants of the C'tan! [pronounced "C-tan"]

The Green Horde wish to plunder and loot from the Inquisition?! Their animal brains are once again gravely mistaken!
It seems the stink of the Ork can never be truly far away.
Ours will be the hammer which strikes these green barbarians back beyond the Realm of Men.
Wretched Green Skins! Seek our their warboss to quickly put an end to there pathetic Waaagh!
An Ork incursion! I wonder what new wondrous technology the Deathwatch will procure this round?
Species.. Ork. The Great Horde approaches its own mass slaughter.
For Rynn's World.. die you filthy Ork! [pronounced "Rine's"] (Crimson Fist specific - speak with a fierce Spanish accent.)
Death to the Ork! (Crimson Fist specific - speak with a fierce Spanish accent.)

Sisters of Battle
Sisters of the Orders Militant! Your actions have proven heretical in the eyes of the Emperor. Prepare for extermination!
The Ecclesiarchy will be informed of this bitter treachery.. after the Deathwatch has liquidated these renegades! [pronounced "ih-klee-zee-ahrk-ee" or "Eck-leese-ee-ark-ee"]
Woe the day the Sisterhood falls to the Ruinous Powers of Chaos!
Such is the blasphemy that has fallen onto these Sisters of Battle! It must not be allowed to leave beyond this world!

Space Marines
Who among our Astartes Brothers would dare threaten the Iron Will of the Emperor made manifest? [pronounced "Ass-tar-tehs"]
The taint of corruption has fallen among these Battle Brothers. They must be cleansed!
State your intentions, Marine Brothers! Whom do you serve?
These Space Marines have fallen into disillusion. The Deathwatch shall deal with them swiftly and recover what can be salvaged!

The Tau know better their place in the galactic hierarchy! A place beneath the foot of Man!
Tau forces have been engaged! Search out among them those human Gue'vesa traitors! They must be brought to account before the Inquisition! [pronounced "G-way-ves-ah"]
These Blue Xenos arrive to give up more of their technology to us?
Tau battle suits sighted!
Species.. Tau. Move assault forces to strike their ranged assets. Recover anything of value.

Space Marine-Specific

Black Dragons
The Black Dragons.. [said with such loathing and disdain]
Mutant Astartes have engaged the Deathwatch!
Have your Apothecaries encouraged this traitorous act, Black Dragon?
An army of the Cursed Black Dragons would defy the Emperor this day!? The Inquisition would have none of it!
No! Why do you extend your claws against your own, my Dragon brothers?!? (Black Dragons specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Do not interfere with the Inquisition, my marine brothers! Further aggression will only seed suspicion and distrust! (Black Dragons specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
The defect that is the Black Dragons show their true intentions.. something the Dark Angels have known all along. (Dark Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Trust not the hideously disfigured Marine Brother for behold their treachery in sight of the God-Emperor! (Dark Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Disloyal Black Dragon filth! By Lord Sanguinius, it shall be glorious to engage these boney-freaks in close combat! (Blood Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent) [pronounced "Sang-win-ee-us"]
The abomination that are the Black Dragons will not live beyond this battlefield! (Blood Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Black Templars
By Holy Terra, what delusions have befallen these Astartes Crusaders?
Sons of Sigismund! You have committed great heresy with your unprovoked threats against the Inquisition. You shall not be allowed to leave passed this place! [pronounced "Sig-is-mund"]
The righteous zeal of the once proud Black Templars has been replaced by the scourge of the betrayer! Show them no mercy!
Explain this blasphemy, Templar brothers?! Has your Marshall driven too deep the path of the Traitor? Give him over or face the Inquisition's judgement!
Regrettable that a long held distrust towards the Inquisition has finally come to fruition among these Black Templars. So.. be.. it!
My Templar Brothers.. why do you take up arms against your own kin? (Black Templars specific - speak with a Germanic accent)
Put down your sword, Crusade Brother! We among the Deathwatch are NOT your foe! (Black Templars specific - speak with a Germanic accent)

Blood Angels
The Blood Followers of Lord Sanguinius have truly departed the path of sanity. They have been proven unworthy and must be eradicated! [pronounced "Sang-win-ee-us"]
Has the flaw of these Blood Angels finally carried them over the abyss of complete madness?! It is sheer heresy to strike at the Inquisition!
Where is your Chapter Master, Dante? Does he also sanction this provocation against the Imperium's own?
It would seem the long and dark grievances of the Blood Angels would eventually surface to challenge the Deathwatch's mandate in these lands.
Blood Brothers.. control thine selves! Ours is a matter of duty to secure this realm for the Imperium! (Blood Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Withdraw your forces my Blood Brethren.. we have no angst with you! In the Lord Angel and Sanguinius' Name, stand down this hour! (Blood Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Clumsy and fool-hearty.. the typical Blood Angels.. (Raven Guard specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
How reckless these Blood Marines are to charge against their own! Never a moment to think how tactically-unsound this will quickly unfold. (Raven Guard specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
The "flawed" Blood Angels strike again but this time we won't offer support: only death! (Storm Warden specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Sanguine renegades! The Storm Wardens send their regards.. traitor! [pronounced "Sang-win-een"] (Storm Warden specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Blood Ravens
The folly of these Blood Ravens is well known but to dare lay siege against the Deathwatch?
So.. the Blood Ravens operate to circumvent the Ordo Xenos? Deny them any possibility of taking what is rightful that of the Inquisitions!
Without a Primarch, the Blood Angels have finally shown they aimlessly walk the path into heresy. There can be no place for this in the Imperium!
Psyker Brothers.. your intentions appear.. confused. Why do you do this? (Blood Raven Librarian specific - speak with a soft intellectual missionary-like accent)
The Ordo Psykana will hear of this treason, Blood Ravens! You cannot have what is already under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Inquisition! [pronounced Or-doe Cy-kan-ah"] (Blood Raven Librarian specific - speak with a soft intellectual missionary-like accent)
Bah! **** Blood Ravens never learn! (Space Wolves specific - speak with a Scandinavian/Nordic/Norsemen/Viking harsh accent)
Backstabbing Psykers the lot of them! Good hunting! [pronounced "Cy-kers"] (Space Wolves specific - speak with a Scandinavian/Nordic/Norsemen/Viking harsh accent)

Carcharodon Astra (aka Space Sharks)
The notorious Carcharodons! Your brutality is well observed but against the Might of the Deathwatch you will gravely regret this treason! [pronounced "Car-char-oh-dons"]
Space Sharks! Watch for their infamous Drop Pod Assaults!
You would contend this world, Carcharodon!? Not while the Inquisition holds supreme dominion here!
A rogue scouting party of the Carcharodon Astra has been engaged! No mercy to these traitorous Astartes!
You defile your archaic wargear and sworn oath with this unprovoked attack, my battle brother! (Carcharodon Astra specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Madness! You would turn on your very own my brother? (Carcharodon Astra specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
You took our home world.. now, we gladly take your lives! (Mantis Warriors specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Our penance crusade ended.. for lost Ootheca! [pronounced "Oh-thee-ca"] (Mantis Warriors specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
We remember your recklessness on Badab Primaris, Space Shark! It shall not happen again here! (Star Phantoms specific - speak with a High Gothic accent) [pronounced "Ba-dab Pri-mar-e-is"]
Carcharodon Marines! Sins of the past come back to haunt you but your folly ends here! (Star Phantoms - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Your ancient power armour will not hold against the power of the Ordo Xenos, Space Shark! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Carcharodon Astra! Your ruthlessness is known throughout the cosmos but today the Judgement of the Inquisition will finally end your dark past. (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Crimson Fists
Dorn's marines have become outcasts! We are NOT the Orks you fools or are you so blind to turn on your own?
Do you tempt your fate, Crimson Fist? You potentially deface your good standing among the finest of the Deathwatch with this.. betrayal!
Red-fisted Astartes! Why do you engage the Inquisition when no Greenskins are here to fight?
What is the meaning of this double-cross, marine brother? Are you mad that you would attack some of your chapters' own? (Crimson Fist specific - speak with a fierce Spanish accent.)
In Pedro Kantor's name, stand down my battle brother! You bring dishonor to our chapter and our God-Emperor! [pronounced "Ped-ro Kan-tor's"] (Crimson Fist specific - speak with a fierce Spanish accent.)

Dark Angels
The secretive hooded ones grace our presence by committing treasonous acts of war! This will not go unpunished!
Why do you strike against us, Sons of Caliban?!? This can only further the gulf of distrust you have so inherently possessed against the Inquisition! [pronounced "Cal-ah-ban"]
Dark Angels! Such strained relations with the First Founding Chapter can only be widened by this deliberate act of provocation!
In the Lion's Name.. withdraw your attacks against the Deathwatch, brother! This can only help deepen their suspicions. (Dark Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accennt)
What folly has clouded your judgements, my Angel brother? The Inquisition has no quarrel with you here. (Dark Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Goood!! We hunt the Lion's Angels today! [sound as if licking their chops waiting a long time for this moment] (Space Wolves specific - speak with a Scandinavian/Nordic/Norsemen/Viking harsh accent)
It shall be a pleasure dispatching these elusive Astartes! (Space Wolves specific - speak with a Scandinavian/Nordic/Norsemen/Viking harsh accent)

What shear madness is this that we come face to face with our own doppelganger?!?!?
Renegade Inquisitorial army has been engaged! It must never be able to leave this world!
By Decree of the Emperor and Imperium.. this foul mis-representation of the Ordo Xenos will not stand! Only one shall remain intact after this day is done!
A Renegade Deathwatch?! No... This falsity must be swept away and the true victors take their rightful places among the Inquisition's finest!

Executioners... [said with such loathing and disdain]
Ill-disciplined primitives these Feral Astartes are! They will gain no trophies from us apart from absolute annihilation from this world!
The savagery of these Executioners is well known and will not be tolerated by the Inquisition!
Engage the Deathwatch at your peril, Executioner! Your Chaplains will find it most difficult recounting the tally of your dead once we have dealt with you.
Have your Warlord Captains taken to the path of Chaos that you would strike against the Emperor? In Dorn's Name... you will pay for this act of heresy! (Imperial Fist specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Our successor brothers mock the name of Dorn with this blasphemy! (Imperial Fist specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
The Men of Darkenvault would dare lay a hand against the Inquisition? Such barbarism demands a swift response! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
This Executioner Legion has finally revealed their true debased nature. In the Name of the Emperor, scatter these animals and let none leave this place alive. (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Those which hunt Daemons are now beset by them and forced to attack the Inquisition! [pronounced "Day-mons"]
Demons have finally consumed the soul of these.. Exorcists! Their purgation is a job for the Ordo Malleus.. NOT the Deathwatch! [pronounced "Or-do Mal-e-us"]
It is true.. the Exorcists have completely fallen to the corrupting powers of the Warp!
Astartes Daemon Hunters have now become the Hunted!
A product of the Grey Knights has gone astray! The Exorcists serve a far more sinister master.
You fire upon the Inquisition, Exorcist Brother? This is Heresy!! (Exorcists specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Chaos and the Warp have tainted these Exorcist Marines. I fear my brothers must be excised from this world without remorse! (Exorcists specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Fallen Angels
Misfits and Renegades! The Inquisition has no use for these wandering nomads!
Dark Robed Marines have engaged forces of the Deathwatch!
You there!?! Cease your incursion against us, clothed Marines! Make clear your intentions in these lands. This region is a protected district of the Inquisition!
Whom are these cloaked Astartes which threaten the dominion of the Ordo Xenos?
These Fallen will atone for their ultimate betrayal against the Men of Caliban! I swear it! (Dark Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
The Unforgiven shall have their vengeance this day! (Dark Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Flesh Tearers
You risk much attacking us, Flesh Tearer! Bear in mind your diminishing legion numbers or face near extinction!
The brutal savagery of these Flesh Tearers is well understood but the Inquisition will not be intimidated.
The madness of these vile Blood Angel successors will not be quenched by assailing the Ordo Xenos.
Flesh Tearers.. once more, here is regrettable proof of their uncontrollable wickedness and genetic corruption.
Stop this foolishness, Flesh Brother! Engaging the Deathwatch will only precipitate our legion's demise into oblivion! (Flesh Tearers specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Battle Brother! Halt this open defiance against the Inquisition! Our Chapter's further decline is in your hands. (Flesh Tearers specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
In Saint Sanguinius' Name.. you have suffered from the Flaw for far too long, brother. It is time to end your misery! [pronounced "Sang-win-ee-us"] (Blood Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
It is a sad day when the scions of the Blood Angels' must be finally eliminated for their heresy! (Blood Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Imperial Fists
What is this subversion that the Imperial Fists would try and intimidate the Ordo Xenos?
Sons of Dorn! Explain this blatant act of aggression! Such action risks soiling your good name in the Halls of the Inquisition and those among us whom serve from your chapter.
Forces of the Deathwatch have come under fire by the Loyalist Siege Chapter, the Imperial Fists!
Woe how the defenders of Holy Terra have fallen this day!
This is High Treason, Imperial Fist Brother! What manner of mutiny against our God-Emperor have you befallen? (Imperial Fists specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
The taint of Chaos must be among them to have stained the good standing of these once proud Imperial Fists! (Imperial Fists specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Iron Hands
Have the Iron Hands legion suffered a global malfunction? Their collective circuits have gone mad to strike out against the Inquisition!
Men of Medusa! Tread carefully this hour. You have engaged the forces of the Deathwatch. Failure to cease your attack will result in your destruction!
The Loyalist Marines of Iron have truly revealed that a Demon has infected the Machine. Eliminate every last one of them but ensure what remains can be recovered.
The apparent disdain of these Iron Hands towards the Inquisition seems to now hold no bounds! We are justified in taking the following course of action against them here.
Iron Hand Brothers! Explain this heresy?!? Why do you resist? (Iron Hands specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
In the name of Ferrus Manus and the Cult Mechanicus, stand down your threats! [pronounced "Fer-rus Man-us" and "Mech-can-e-cuss"] (Iron Hands specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
The bionic deviancy of the Iron Hands has shown once more their unreliably! (Ultramarines specific - speak as a Powerful Trumpeting voice.)
Such codex degenerates these Men of Marine Iron! I will take distinct pleasure in pulling away those wretched cybernetic augments which foul their bodies! (Ultramarines specific - speak as a Powerful Trumpeting voice.)

As fate would have it, the Lamenters have once again met with a new greater misfortune: openly attacking the Inquisition!
What is this insanity, Lamenter Marine?! Do you desire complete suicide of what remains of your legion?
Heed this grave warning, Lamenter! You risk the total annihilation of your entire legion by this action against the Deathwatch! Withdraw your forces or be erased from this galaxy!
This assault on the Inquisition is beyond madness, brothers! Do you now wish our Legion's complete end? (Lamenters specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Stop! Whom among the Calix Priesthood has allowed this insanity to infect our Legion? The Inquisition will bring us all to the edge of destruction! [pronounced "Cal-ix"] (Lamenters specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Blood Bezerkers! Lamenter filth! ["Lamenter filth!" said with loathing and disdain] (Carcharodon specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Finally! The end of these damned Lamenters is in sight! (Carcharodon specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
It is good to see you fellow Blood Brother... regrettably, not on these terms. (Blood Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
The Scions of Sanguinius.. our lost successor legion.. has been spotted. [pronounced "Sang-win-ee-us"] (Blood Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Lamenters.. Your great misadventures shall finally cease by my blade! ["Lamenters.." said with great loathing and disdain] (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Extinction shall finally be yours, Lamenter.. (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Legion of the Damned
The Inquisition is assailed by phantom marines!
Whom are these "specters" which resist the Deathwatch?
Identify yourself spectral Astartes?! What is your claim in these lands?
Creatures of the Warp parading as Space Marines! What manner of nonsense is this?!?!
Ghost Legionnaires have been sighted!

Mantis Warriors
Mantis.. Warriors... [said with such loathing and disdain]
Your heretical past comes once again to haunt you, Mantis Warrior. This open defiance against the Ordo Xenos is outright heresy!
Madness! You again jeopardize your standing before the Inquisition AND in the eyes of the God-Emperor, Mantis Warrior!
Has the Battle Haze struck these unfortunate Mantis Brothers? Do they not know to whom they fight? (Mantis Warriors specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Stop this Heresy, Legion Brothers! Ours is not the xenos threat to which you fire upon! (Mantis Warriors specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
These Mantis Warriors dishonour the memory of the Great Khan! They will surely die for this! (White Scars specific - speak with a Harsh Asian accent)
A rebellion in the ranks of our White Scar successors.. this treachery must be stopped here! (White Scars specific - speak with a Harsh Asian accent)
The Secessionist traitors strike again! (Carcharodon Astra specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
We put a stop to you renegades before.. and we'll do it once and for all this time! (Carcharodon Astra specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Once a traitor, ALWAYS a traitor! Death to these cursed Astartes! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
You paid for the Emperor's pardon but it seems it was not good enough, was it Mantis Warrior? (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

You would defy the Inquisition's Will in this place, rebel Minotaur Legion?
Whom does your loyalty fall this day, Minotaur?
The Deathwatch will not be phased by these supposed lackeys of the High Lords of Terra! It is only the Inquisition who stands to champion the Might of the Imperium on this world!
Ah.. The Minotaur's war machines seem impressive but utterly misguided this day for we are the true Alien Hunters, fools!
Minotaur Brother.. the Deathwatch are NOT to be put to the test! Withdraw immediately! (Minotaur specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
It would seem that something runs deep a-foul among my Minotaur Brethren. (Minotaur specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Calgar sends his regards.. Minotaur.. ["Minotaur" said with loathing and disdain] (Ultramarines specific - speak as a Powerful Trumpeting voice.)
By the steady hand of Guilliman shall these Codex degenerates we slain complete and whole. [pronounced "Gill-i-man"] (Ultramarines specific - speak as a Powerful Trumpeting voice.)
The wretched Minotaurs have proven once more they are both unpredictable untrustworthy. (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
This insurrection against the Inquisition will not go well for you, Minotaur! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Mortifactor Renegades!
Astartes Death Cultists!
Cannibalistic Marines fight the Deathwatch? Your death wish shall be granted.
The Darkness of your world has blinded your judgement, Mortificator! This Heresy will be your great undoing!
You worship death, Morificator? Then you shall have it!
My Mortificator Brothers have strayed the path of the heretic! Their blasphemy must not be allowed beyond this world. (Mortificator specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
You dishonor yourselves in front of the Emperor, my Posul Brethren! This defiance shall not stand! [pronounced "Pos-ul"]
No.. our Codex Successor brothers have fallen the path to Ruin! By Guilliman and the Emperor must we now put them down. [pronounced "Gill-i-man"] (Ultramarines specific - speak as a Powerful Trumpeting voice.)
Guilliman's Dark Progeny.. the Mortificators.. [pronounced "Gill-i-man's"] (Ultramarines specific - speak as a Powerful Trumpeting voice.)

Raven Guard
Know this traitorous Raven Guard! Your defiance towards the Inquisition and God-Emperor will meet with swift and deadly judgement by our forces! You shall not live passed this day!
A splinter group of Corax's Marines has confronted the Deathwatch! Show these foul Astartes renegades no quarter! [pronounced "Core-axe's"]
Attack us with your guerrilla tactics if you wish, but, there will be no shadows left for you to hide once we are done here!
A rogue element of the Raven Guard wish to use their precision strikes against the Ordo Xenos? The Inquisition will tolerate such insolence no longer!
Withhold your attacks, Raven Brothers! Whom is your Shadow Captain that has sanctioned this treachery?! (Raven Guard specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
By Corax, cease this madness! Your undisciplined incursions will bring great dishonour to our Chapter's name! (Raven Guard specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Raven Guard.. Passhh! I would have suspected.. (White Scars specific - speak with a harsh Asian accent)
Raven Guard.. Bah! It is no surprise this behavior from our old adversaries. (White Scars specific - speak with a harsh Asian accent)
A tactical error, Raven Guard fools! (Blood Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
We shall clip the wings of these Jump Pack Astartes! Corax be damned! (Blood Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Red Scorpions
The Codex Die-Hards are in rebellion!
Loyalist Red Scorpions! You abhor the Xenos so why strike at those whom seek the same goals?
Your purist chapter shall come to account for this act of aggression!
Where is your Chief Apothecary?! You have befouled yourselves in the eyes of the Emperor!
I fear the strain of taint has coursed the veins of these fallen battle brothers. It is prudent to eliminate them all before the infection can spread. (Red Scorpion specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
No! My Purist brothers are stricken with the vile smell of corruption. By the Codex Astartes, we know what must be done! (Red Scorpion specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Relictors.. [said with such loathing and disdain] [pronounced "Rel-ick-tors"]
The foul Renegade Astartes! Do you come to use Weapons of Heresy against your own?
You will claim no chaos artifacts from us except to meet your long deserved end.. Renegade!
It would seem the Ordo Malleus has yet to finish the job of destroying you all.. Relictor! The Ordo Xenos will do what the Grey Knights could not!
My Brothers have returned from the Warp! (Relictor specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
What are your intentions, Relictor brother? The Deathwatch has no heretical items to take. Leave immediately or you shall die. (Relictor specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Throw these Heathen Battle Brothers back into the Eye! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
You are no Brother to us.. treasure hunter! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Relictor Legion has been engaged! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
You cower in the Warp only to then strike back against your own, Astartes Brother? (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Marines of Nocturne! Has the heat of your world finally burnt your minds that you would raise your weapons against the Deathwatch? [pronounced "Nock-turn"]
What is the meaning of this misguided provocation, Salamander?
A rebel sect of the Promethean Cult has descended into treachery! They shall know very quickly to whom they have assailed and, thus, pay the greatest price! [pronounced "Pro-me-thee-an"]
In the name of our Primarch Vulkan.. stop this mindless siege! The Ordo Xenos has no angst against you unless you give us reason to suspect heresy! I pray this is not the case. [pronounced "Vul-kan"] (Salamander specific - speak with a lower-voiced but High Gothic accent)
Salamander brethren! Put down your Flamers and Meltas! The Inquisition is not your enemy! (Salamander specific - speak with a lower-voiced but High Gothic accent)

Space Wolves/13th Company
A pack of wolves runs a foul these lands! A shame the Inquisition must put them down.
By Holy Terra, cease your attacks on the Deathwatch, Space Wolf! Failure to do will brand you a heretic and thus require your immediate destruction!
Their Wolf Lord has led them astray into Chaos! For such heresy, you must all be purged!
Wolf Brother! Have you drunk too much ale? (Space Wolves specific - speak with a Scandinavian/Nordic/Norsemen/Viking harsh accent)
By the AllFather, withhold your attack! Unless of course this is a mere invitation for a friendly drink? (Space Wolves specific - speak with a Scandinavian/Nordic/Norsemen/Viking harsh accent)
My Fenrisian Battle Brothers! You have shown great dishonour in the Emperor's eyes! Prepare for death! [pronounced "Fen-ris-e-an"] (Space Wolves specific - speak with a Scandinavian/Nordic/Norsemen/Viking harsh accent)
It would seem the savage ways of the Space Wolves has again got the best of them. (Dark Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
A Fenrisian wolf pack scampers in our midst! Their unkempt ways will surely be their undoing this time! (Dark Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
By the Lion... **** Space Wolves! (Dark Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
The barbaric nature of the Space Wolf holds no bounds. It will be an honor to dispatch these unruly mutts! (Blood Raven Librarian specific - speak with a soft intellectual missionary-like accent)
An unsorted mess these Wolf Marines! Do they not realize they mock those of their own whom serve gallantly within the Watch? (Blood Raven Librarian specific - speak with a soft intellectual missionary-like accent)
Misguided Dogs! These are truly a failed shadow of their Primarch, Russ. A pity that they must all die! [pronounced "Russ" like "Bus"] (Ultramarines specific - speak as a Powerful Trumpeting voice.)
Fearless but ill-disciplined are these unraveling Space Wolves. These geneseed degenerates have no place in the Inquisition! [pronounced "jean-seed"] (Ultramarines specific - speak as a Powerful Trumpeting voice.)

Soul Drinkers
Soul Drinkers? They still live?!?! Bah.. Not passed this day!
Renegade Space Marines!
Soul Drinker filth!! Eradicate this abomination of a marine legion once and for all!
The taint of Chaos is not far removed from these.. Soul Drinkers! Show these traitors no mercy!
Misguided Brothers.. The Soul Drinkers fight another day.. (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
We thought you vindicated, Soul Drinker, yet your actions now speak of treachery. (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Star Phantoms
Those Astartes whom survived a Hrud migration now offer only deceit and rebellion? [pronounced "H-rud"]
Star Phantoms! You defy the Might of the Inquisition in these lands? Stand down or die!
Heresy! If the Star Phantoms wish martyrdom then they shall swiftly have it!
Star Phantom Legion! Watch the skies for their Drop Pod Assaults!
To whom is your allegiance, Star Phantom? Apparently not to the Inquisition it would seem.
Men of Jahga and those whom are still my Brothers.. disband immediately! This action will not stand against the Forces of the Deathwatch! [pronounced "Ja-gah"] (Star Phantoms specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Sacrilege against our God-Emperor! Stop this madness my Marine Brothers! The Inquisition is NOT your adversary this day. (Star Phantoms specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Star Phantoms.. [said with such loathing and disdain] (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Astartes Traitors! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Storm Wardens
Feral Sacris tribesmen! What insanity has befallen their ranks to cause them to turn against the Emperor? [pronounced "Sac-ris"]
The Deathwatch have engaged the Storm Wardens! These celebrated heroes would even attempt an armored assault against us?
It would seem being too isolated from the Imperium has corrupted this outlaw group of Storm Wardens! It must not be allowed to continue passed this world.
Sacris Brother! Your threatening actions towards the Inquisition would dare desecrate our honor and those whom serve within the Deathwatch! Put down your blades! (Storm Warden specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Has your time away from Highcastle affected your sanity, Battle Brother? This madness must end! (Storm Warden specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Bah! Storm Warden meddlers! They would once again interfere where they are not needed! (Blood Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Good.. these savage Astartes have long since demanded our retribution! It shall be quite honourable to dispatch these fouls in close combat! (Blood Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Explain this great heresy, Sons of Guilliman!?! This terrible dishonour cannot come without great consequences! [pronounced "Gill-i-man"]
Treachery is unbecoming the Chapter of so called "Courage and Honor"! I expected so much more.
This is shear blasphemy, Ultramarines!
Rebel Ultramarines! You would defy our Imperial authority on this world? Such defection demands a swift course of action!
Does your Lord Calgar sanction this act of war against the Inquisition? [pronounced "Cal-gar"]
Such impudence! Do these Ultramarines believe they are above the Charge of the Inquisition's own Ordo Xenos?
Brothers of Macragge! Why do you strike against us? We are here to uphold the Mandate of the Inquisition! Stand aside and disengage or face our wrath! [pronounced "Mac-raaj"] (Ultramarines specific - speak as a Powerful Trumpeting voice.)
Ultramar Brethren! Have you turned the course of ruin? Your actions bring great shame to our Chapter and God-Emperor! [pronounced "Ultra-mar"] (Ultramarines specific - speak as a Powerful Trumpeting voice.)
Where is your Pride and Nobility now, turncoat Astartes? (Iron Hands specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
It would seem the Heroes of the Codex have suffered some untimely luster. (Iron Hands specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
These Ultramarines have questioned Inquisitorial rule and defaced their own Codex? Oh the tragedy.. (Blood Raven Librarian specific - speak with a soft intellectual missionary-like accent)
Such.. humiliation poor Ultramarine! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Even the mightiest of Astartes can succumb to the power of Chaos. (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

White Scars
Warrior Riders of the White Scars! They would try and encircle the Forces of the Inquisition?!
State your business here, Astartes Outrider! The Ordo Xenos do not take well to open threats posed against it!
It would seem the Stain of the Betrayer has fallen over this feral pack of the White Scars! Their forces must not be allowed to leave this place!
Chogoris Brothers! Explain this madness?! Why have you turned as traitors against the Imperium? [pronounced "Show-gor-is"] (White Scars specific - speak with a harsh Asian accent)
Renegades! You offend the Great Khan with this shameful treachery! Cease your assault on us and those whom represent our Chapter within the Inquisition! (White Scars specific - speak with a harsh Asian accent)
Jaghatai Stormseers! Call off your attacks immediately! You mock us and the God-Emperor with these traitorous actions! [pronounced "Jahg-ha-tye"] (White Scars specific - speak with a harsh Asian accent)
Bah! Self-serving and unreliable these Scar Riders. (Raven Guard specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Of course.. Khan's Bike Gang at it again.. We do not forget.. (Raven Guard specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Traitor Legion-Specific

Alpha Legion
Alpha Legionnaires! [said with such loathing and disdain]
A Hydra Cell is in our midst! It must be put down before it can spread its heresy throughout the Imperium!
Infiltrators of Chaos have broken into our territory! Silence these heretical traitors!
Hmmm.. it would seem the multiple heads of the Hydra can reach even the most remote of worlds. Very well then.. [sound spiteful at the end]
The Alpha Legion? Here?! No.. we cannot allow another Chaos Cult to interfere. Show no mercy!
For the slaughter of many.. yes.. we do remember you at the drop-site massacre.. Alpha Legion! ["Alpha Legion" said with immense loathing] (Raven Guard specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
For Corax and our Chapter's geneseed.. these Chaos Infiltrators shall gladly die by our hands. [pronounced "Core-axe" and "jean-seed"] (Raven Guard specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
In Vulkan's Name.. the deceptive Alpha Legion! (Salamander specific - speak with a lower-voiced but High Gothic accent)
Alpha.. Legion.. scum! [said with such loathing and disdain] (Salamander specific - speak with a lower-voiced but High Gothic accent)

Black Legion
The accursed forces of the Black Legion wish to contend this world? As you wish, Despoiler! The Deathwatch shall not yield a step!
Traitor Marines of the Black Legion! [said with such loathing and disdain]
Black Legionnaires! Their Warmaster Abbadon has surely lead them straight into their untimely demise this time! [pronounced "ABBA-don"]
Dark-clad Crusaders have attacked the Inquisition! Sweep them back into the Maelstrom!
Sons of Horus! Their Black Crusade ends here! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
A Chaos Undivided Legion! By Holy Terra, they will all give up their last breath this day! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Blood Pact
Renegade aggressor force has been spotted! These misfits will bother the Imperium no longer once we are finished here.
Vile Xeno Mercenaries have engaged the Deathwatch! Their expectations will sorely not be met!
Who are these? A rag-tag Chaos warband would dare threaten the might of the Ordo Xenos? [said out of great disdain and confidence]
Blood God worshipers! Their plundering of Imperial worlds ends with us!
Blood Pact scum! The Inquisition demands you take back what you have stolen or face extermination!

Death Guard
Plague forces of Nurgle have infected these lands with their poisonous taint! [pronounced "Nur-ghoul"]
The dreaded Death Guard! The Inquisition cannot let this corruption fester any longer.
Damned Plague Marines have brought their diseased and bloated bodies to this world!
Beware the contagion! It has come.
Fear that stench lest it consumes you, my brothers. (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Vile servants of the Plague God are among us! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Mortarion's Death Legion wishes to infect this world. By the Emperor, we cannot let that happen! [pronounced "More-tar-e-an's"] (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Nurgle's...Rot! [said a little slowly and with absolute contempt in the voice] (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Emperors Children
Such.. Perversion and Deviancy! Comply or Die, Chaos degenerates! [first part said with utter disgust]
Forces of Slaanesh! Silence those hideous noises that would spread heresy to the untrained ear! [pronounced "Slaa-nesh"]
Emperors.. Children.. ! [said a little slowly and with absolute contempt in the voice]
Freaks and Perverts demand swift death by the righteous hands of the Deathwatch!
Noise Marines! For the lost Primarch.. they shall die! (Iron Hands specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
The bastard Fulgrim and his legion.. we remember... [pronounced "Ful-grim"] (Iron Hands specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
The drop-site butchers of Istvaan! Corax shall have vengeance! [pronounced "Ist-van" and "Core-axe"] (Raven Guard specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Vile Slaanesh traitors tread among the Emperor's finest! They will not live beyond this day. (Raven Guard specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Iron Warriors
Ah.. the supposed Siege Masters of Chaos! Secure our fortifications for expected bombardment.
Iron Chaos Marines seek to weaken our defenses and gain a foot hold here. It is, however, our Will that is made stronger than Iron!
Iron Warrior legionnaires! They walk straight into an Inquisitorial trap!
Undivided Traitor Legion spotted!
Bah! Perturabo's filth send their war machines to assail us! Our blades are ready! [pronounced "Per-tur-ah-bow's"] (Blood Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Sons Of Iron.. Pah! Those fools have no hope against the Might of the Deathwatch! (Blood Angels specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
The only REAL siege masters here, Iron Warrior, are the ones blessed by Dorn himself! (Imperial Fists specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
You stand no chance against us, Iron Marine of Chaos. For this day, you will all leave in pieces. (Imperial Fists specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Night Lords
Beware the Night Haunter and his minions! Cast away their shadows with the Light of the Emperor!
You cannot hide from us.. Night Lords! You shall fear us instead!
Terror reigns not in the hearts of the righteous, Night Lord!
Terrorspawn Astartes! No.. we will not allow Scound’s Fall to happen a second time! [pronounced “S-cound’s”]
Accursed Night Lords! Fear may be your weapon but against the Emperor's finest you have nothing! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
We come for you, Night Lord Marine... [statement said with great irony] (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Red Corsairs
Pirate forces of the Red Corsairs parade before us on a raiding mission! See to it they have nothing to take but their own lives!
Traitor Marines of Lord Huron! These space scavengers deserve no mercy from the Inquisition!
The Deathwatch has no interest in toiling with the likes of thieves and marauders. Corsair Raiders! Annihilate their forces but procure any items of interest for the Inquisition!
A Chaos pirate warband! Throw these fools back through the Maelstrom whence they came!

A tattered band of Chaos misfits would dare defy the might of the Inquisition?!?! Bah!
Chaos Renegades attack using Imperial machines! Eliminate the occupants but recover any hardware possible!
The Deathwatch has no time dealing with these annoying mutants. This world is under the Inquisition's Mandate, renegade!
Insurgent forces have been spotted! These Imperial heretics demand no quarter from us!
Rebel warband! You are in violation of the Emperor's Decree in these lands! Withdraw or die!

Thousand Sons
Chaos Sorcerers of the Thousand Sons! [said with such loathing and disdain]
The Inquisition does not take lightly the threats from rogue psykers of long dead Prospero! [pronounced "Pros-per-oh"]
Traitorous wizards of the Thousand Sons are attacking!
Rubrics of Tzeentch! [pronounced "Zeen-ch"] (Space Wolves specific - speak with a Scandinavian/Nordic/Norsemen/Viking harsh accent)
Our old enemy.. the Thousand.. Sons... ["Thousand Sons" said a little slowly and with absolute contempt in the voice] (Space Wolves specific - speak with a Scandinavian/Nordic/Norsemen/Viking harsh accent)
That fool Magnus and his.. robots! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Your black magiks won't avail you here, Thousand Sons! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Traitor (Imperial) Guard
This Traitor Regiment has turned from the Imperium to Chaos!
These Imperial Men have sided with the Ruinous Powers! None of them shall leave this world standing.
Guardsmen! You have turned your back to the Emperor! By Judgement of the Inquisition you are hereby ordered to be purged. All of you!
Wretched Imperial scoundrels! They will pay for this treason!

Word Bearers
The Heretical Creed of these Word Bearers must not be allowed to corrupt this world!
Lorgar sends his dark apostles to spread heresy among these lands. The Inquisition cannot let that happen!
Dark forces of the Word Bearers bellow out their dolorous roars and chants! Silence them all!
This Word Bearers Host Army marches onto their deaths! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Word.. Bearers... ! [said with absolute contempt in the voice] (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

World Eaters
Strike the Deathwatch at your peril, World Eater! You will have no prize from us except your self-annihilation!
A Khorne Warband! The bloodlust of these Traitor Marines is well known. [pronounced "Corn"]
World Eaters.. I should have known those reckless fools would eventually turn up. ["World Eaters" said with absolute contempt in the voice]
Dogs of the Skull Throne! Whom shall hunt whom this time.. Berzerker? [statement said with great irony] (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Angron sends his mindless animals against the Emperor's mightiest warriors!?! A fool hearty move as expected. [pronounced "An-gron"] (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Khorne demands Blood and Skulls does he? The Inquisition does not do favours to sworn traitors! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Axe-welding Butchers of Chaos! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum

Adeptus Mechanicus
The Tech-Priests of Mars dare send their War Machines against the Deathwatch? This is Heresy!
Whom has assailed the Inquisition? Forces of the Dark Mechanicum? No matter.. Eliminate these heretical constructs!
The Ordo Xenos will not tolerate this mutiny by the failed sponsors of the Cult Mechanicus! Deactivate yourselves or we shall do it by force!
Combat Engines of the Adeptus Mechanicus! Have they lost their minds? [pronounced "Add-ep-tuse Mech-an-e-cuss"]
This is sacrilege! Why do the Machines of Mars rebel this way? (Iron Hands specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Treachery! This must be the work of the Dark Mechanicum! Omnissiah deliver us! [pronounced "Om-ni-sigh-ah"] (Iron Hands specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
Seems there is an fatal glitch in the machines sent from Mars! Reduce these defects to scrap! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)
A Dark Magos has sent his vile contraptions against us! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Jungle barbarians! Be prepared for their cunning traps!
Deathworld scum has openly revolted in plain sight of the Inquisition!
Catachan Imperial Regiment has truly fallen to Chaos. They must be stopped! [pronounced "Cat-ah-can"]
The Deathwatch do not take kindly to terrorists, Jungle Fighter!
Catachan impudence! You may have survived your Deathworld but your rein of terror ends against the Emperor's Finest!

Death Korps of Kreig
Stand aside, Krieger! The Inquisition isn't in the business of getting stuck in one of your infamous quagmires.
The Death Korps! The Deathwatch do not intend to become the victim to one of your sieges this day. [pronounced "Core"]
Hive World trench soldiers have turned against the Emperor! This disgrace must be swiftly dealt with!
Imperial Deathworlders have sided with Chaos! Tear off their rebreathers and let them taste the air of bitter defeat!

Renegade Imperial Drop Troops spotted!
Rogue Elysian Grav Chutes detected in the area! Concentrate your fire skyward and take them down like flies! [pronounced "El-si-an"]
What madness is this that has consumed the Elysians to dare assault the Inquisition?
Elysian Airborne Troops have engaged forces of the Deathwatch! This provocation will be met with deadly force!

Harakoni Warhawks
Imperial Drop Regiment has become traitors to the Imperium! They must all be eliminated!
These Men of Harakon have turned their backs against the Inquisition and the Emperor! Leave none alive! [pronounced "Hair-ah-con"]
Harakoni Warhawks! [said with such loathing and disdain] [pronounced "Hair-ah-con-ee"]
Drop Soldiers of Imperial Harakon! This act of aggression will not go without an answer!

Kanak Skull Takers
A feral Imperial regiment would dare attack the Ordo Xenos? Such.. insolence!
Kanak Skull Takers... [said with such loathing and disdain] [pronounced "Kan-ak"]
Kanak Warriors have entered open rebellion against the Imperium! Teach these savage beastmen the folly of their ways and bring them back into compliance!
Imperial Men of Kanak! Cease this act of barbarism or face the righteous hand of Inquisitorial justice!

Last Chancer's/13th Penal Legion
Those seeking redemption will not find it by attacking the Imperium's finest, penal scum!
Penal Legionnaires are in revolt! Your revolution will be short lived I can assure you.
The Inquisition does not take so lightly the threat by wayward criminals!
Last Chancers have indeed lost their chance at vindication. Prepare for summary execution, traitor!
Escaping convicts will be quickly shot on sight!

The Iron Guard would dare march against us?!?
Mordian Hive World Regiment has succumb to insanity and must be dispatched from this world at all costs!
Explain this treachery, Mordians?! Does the Tetrarchy sanction this out-right heresy against the Inquisition?
The colours of Mordia parade towards blasphemy this most fateful day.
Against the Might of the Inquisition, their Iron Will has been greatly tarnished!

Planetary Defenders! Your defense of this world is misguided and thereby nullified! The Inquisition orders you to stand down or face annihilation!
Imperial Guardian! Cease your unprovoked assault upon the forces of the Ordo Xenos! Failure to do so will brand you renegades!
These Protectorates have fallen to the Ruinous Powers. We will take back what is rightful property of the Imperium!
Lay down your weapons Imperial Defense Force! The Inquisition is before you and your Planetary Governor. With continued resistance you risk immediate sanction!

Praetorian.. what is the meaning of this open insurrection against the agents of the Inquisition? Firing upon us is heresy! [pronounced "Pray-tor-e-an"]
An Imperial Hive World Regiment rallies against us! Prepare to counter their volley fire!
Men of Praetoria! Return to your barracks immediately or face extermination by the Deathwatch! [pronounced "Pray-tor-e-ah"]
A rogue Hive World army marches against the Ordo Xenos! These thugs and gangsters will be no match for the Inquisition's finest!
Praetorian Guard... have you all gone mad?!?! ["Praetorian Guard" said with such loathing and disdain]
Uniformed Praetorians.. where are their Ork Mercenaries? (Crimson Fist specific - speak with a fierce Spanish accent.)
A lost Imperial Regiment.. and they have Greenskins lurking among them! (Crimson Fist specific - speak with a fierce Spanish accent.)

Steel Legions
Steel Legionnaires! This is NOT Armageddon you fools! Withdraw your mechanized assault against us!
What is this?!? An Armoured Assault by the Steel Legion! Such contemptuous actions will be harshly dealt with!
The Imperium will be notified of this treachery against the Inquisition, Hive World traitors!
The Men of Armageddon have indeed fallen to the influence of Chaos! Let none see passed this day ever again!
Armageddon's finest wish to assail us? The Deathwatch will have none of it. Prepare to meet Imperial Tank with Astartes' Might!
We are not the Orks, Steel Heretics! None of you shall make it back to your Hive World alive after this hour has ended.
You would defy the Mandate of the Inquisition, Steel Legionnaire?! We'll turn those Chimeras to slag for this betrayal!
The Steel Legion fights well against the Orks.. regrettably we are not them this day. (Crimson Fist specific - speak with a fierce Spanish accent.)
Your Commissars send you to your deaths, Men of Imperial Steel! (Crimson Fist specific - speak with a fierce Spanish accent.)

Such turncoat infidels these.. desert rats!
Tallarn Desert Raiders! Such guerrilla tactics will not stop the Inquisition from squashing your heresy! [pronounced "Tal-lar-an"]
Has the Sand and Desert finally corrupted your collective minds, Tallarn fighter?
Beware the notorious hit and run attacks of these... Desert Raiders..

Tanith First & Only (Gaunt's Ghosts)
It would appear Gaunt's men lurk among us with foul intentions. Seek out every last one of those.. traitors!
Your stealth tactics will not avail you against the all-encompassing might of the Inquisition, Tanith!
Cloaked Imperial Snipers! They will attempt to pick us off one by one unless we ferret them all out first!
The "nalwood" may be strong but upon those whom serve the Throne of Terra it shall fall.
Imperial Ghosts!

Valhallan Ice Warriors! They have turned against Holy Terra and now only seek a traitor's path. [pronounced "Val-hal-an"]
Men of Valhalla.. have the frozen wastes of your homeworld blackened your hearts that you would take up arms against us? Stop this lunacy before we are forced to it ourselves! [pronounced "Val-hal-ah"]
The Long Guns of Valhalla awaken but are driven by the usurping powers of Chaos. They must be silenced.
By Order of the High Inquisitor, withdraw your threats, outlaw Valhallan regiment! The Deathwatch will not be intimidated.
This is blasphemy, Valhallan Regiment! Whom among your Commanding officers has ordered this rebellion?
So.. you tempt appalling loses against the Inquisition? This world will be your mass grave, ice renegade!
It would seem, Ice Warrior, that hatred for the Ork extends much further then we would have thought. (Crimson Fist specific - speak with a fierce Spanish accent.)
Beware, Valhallan, we are not the Greenskin Horde you specialize against. We are the Deathwatch.. and WE will crush you if you persist. (Crimson Fist specific - speak with a fierce Spanish accent.)

Heresy! Whom among the ruling Techtriarchs has approved this assault on our Inquisitorial forces? [pronounced "Tek-tri-archs"]
Vostroyan First Born.. [said shamefully] [pronounced "Vos-troy-an"]
Men of Vostroya! Has your great penance to the Emperor been paid that you must now strike back? This is madness! [pronounced "Vos-troy-ah"]
A radical branch of the First Born has actively threatened the Deathwatch! Bring down the full Might of the Inquisition on those Imperial traitors!
You contest this world for your own, Vostroyan rebel? You are fatally mistaken.


Harlequins! Know what must be done!
Colourful Xenos in-sight!
Species.. Eldar. Faction.. Harlequins. Eliminate all. Secure any useful remains for scrutiny.
Dancing psykers demand DEATH! [pronounced "cy-kers"]

Inquisition Daemonhunt
Unknown Inquisitor! State your business on this world! These lands are being secured by the Ordo Xenos and must not be interfered with.
We are under siege by the Ordo Malleus! Have they gone mad?!? [pronounced "Or-doe Mal-e-us"]
These Inquisitorial forces of the Ordo Malleus have gone rogue! This blasphemy must NOT be allowed to spread beyond this world!

The Ordo Hereticus! What is your claim in these lands? The Deathwatch have already established dominion here! [pronounced "Or-doe Hair-et-e-cuss"]
Explain this madness, Sister Inquisitor!?!
The Adepta Sororitas have clearly shown to be corrupted by the Ruinous Powers! By Degree of the Inquisition, target all their forces for purgation! [pronounced "Add-ept-ah Sorrow-e-tas"]
Daughters of the Emperor.. Stand down! Your rebel Canoness has perverted your loyalties forcing you to strike against the Inquisition!
Pity the day the Inquisition's own Ordo Hereticus falls to corruption.

Genestealer Cult
Filthy Hive Fleet Spawn! Under the strict directive of the High Inquisitor shall the Deathwatch sweep clean this encroaching taint which dares plague the Imperium!
This world has been infected by the accursed Tyranid! Weed out all agents but keep the rest for study. [pronounced "Tear-ra-nid"]
Lord Inquisitor, forces of the Ordo Xenos have engaged those tainted by alien influence.
A Tyranid Cult is discovered! Those absorbed by the Hive Mind shall not live long to enjoy their great heresy!

Spores of the Hive Fleet have been detected here. Prepare to purge those wretched insects but retain some for further inspection!
By High Order of the Inquisition, know this despicable alien.. your time here is but at an end!
Species Tyranids detected. Commence Extinction-Doctrine on all targets!
We beat those vile abominations back on Macraggre! Now we get the chance once again to beat them here! [pronounced "Mack-rag"] (Ultramarines specific - speak as a Powerful Trumpeting voice.)
No.. the Tyranid menace reaches yet another world they wish to consume! As it was before, they shall be extinguished here also! (Ultramarines specific - speak as a Powerful Trumpeting voice.)

The Deathwatch are beset by Daemons! [pronounced "Day-mans]
Daemons! Locate their spawn portals and excise these blasphemous heathens before they can gain a stranglehold here.
Hellions of the Underworld engaged! The Ordo Xenos shall deal swift and absolute judgement on these foul denizens!
Spawns of the Warp have been encountered, Lord Inquisitor! (Generic Space Marine specific - speak with a High Gothic accent)

Alert the Inquisition! The Ordo Xenos have found a large beast skulking in this realm. Prepare to engage and, if possible, capture it for scrutiny.
What manner of hideous abomination is this? The Deathwatch must investigate!
Our forces have detected some sort of massive creature inhabiting these lands. Moving to determine its.. "usefulness" to the Inquisition.

By Order of the Ordo Xenos.. stand down and leave! This area is a protectorate of the Inquisition!
By the Emperor and Imperium of Man.. your incursion in these lands will not be tolerated!
They dare attack the Deathwatch? Surely they will not live passed this day to boast about it!
Hostile forces have slipped into Inquisition-controlled territory! Prepare to counter-attack!
Deathwatch security-perimeter breached!
Notify the Inquisition! We have encountered what appears to be an advanced enemy scouting party moving forward into these lands. Initiate Decimation-protocols!
You there! Identify yourselves or face the Mighty Judgement of the Inquisition!
Renegade forces have broken passed the outer defensive zone!
Stand down intruder! You are in violation of the Imperial Order contravening the Inquisition's Mandate in this place!

Enemy Heavy Armour inbound! Assemble appropriate counter-measures!
The Deathwatch are besieged by hostile tanks of yet unknown origin!
Withdraw your armoured vehicles or face the full fury of the Ordo Xenos!

Any feedback or additional scripts are VERY welcome and encouraged!

Edited by thudo

No one have any feedback or additions to the above?

Don't worry!Its really good, question though. Since when have Raven Guard hate Blood Angels? I could see by their insults to each other. Otherwise great work. I don't have any additions yet but I am thinking of some.

Thank you Misha for your support.

Suprised you were not aware the long outstanding angst between the near-mindless berzerker assaults that are the Blood Angel Rushes verses the calm, calculating, strategic pin-point attacks of the Raven Guard. Raven Guard commanders disdain recklessly charging the enemy which BA does hence the fricition between the two working together. Both have always head-butted each other through time but yes its not an all-out hatred but in a Kill-Team when both could be forced to work together they would both obviously take the opprotunity to snipe at each's others preceived failures. ;)