Just got Massing and Stone of Erech in the mail and played both once. I gave Stone of Erech a try first and got utterly smashed on stage 2 right as it hit midnight, was going decently and holding off about 5 enemies on the combat player every turn!
Couldn't clear them fast enough and eventually got overrun. Fun game though!
Then I played Massing at Osgiliath..... and beat it first go!!! Had two ranger objectives when I got to stage three (one with each player) but only had to sacrifice one to continue on and kept the other, then a third one came out near the end (all three times they came out as shadow cards and I used allies/heroes to claim them). Probably got pretty lucky with encounter draws (still faced some nasty situations though!) but incredibly proud of my win. Almost killed the Witch King too, had him on 2 health. I would have if I didn't have to use gandalf for threat reduction every time I played him.
Did not expect to beat either PoD first try but very happy I managed to!
Now if only I could beat Morul Vale and Escape from Dol Guldur..... =\