Welcome to the event post of the 2009 Gulf Coast Regional Championship. This event will herein be referred to as the GCC.
That's right. The largest Regional event of 2008 is making it's 2nd annual event in February of 2009. Due to another event's close proximity, holidays, personal constraints and sports events I had to make the decision to host it as follows:
February 7th thru 8th of 2009
Anime & Games Central
141 Arnould Blvd
Lafayette, LA 70506
(337) 456-6887
2009 Gulf Coast Regional Championship Event Outline
Saturday Events
10:00am Regional Championship* (1v1) (S) $5.00
2:00pm Highlander Event (1v1) (L) $5.00
6:00pm Path of the Drunken Master (1v1) (S) - $TBD; sealed, restricted format,
read here
Sunday Events
10:00am Regional Team Championship* (3v3) (S) $15.00 per team
2:00pm 6x10 Event (1v1) or Sealed (1v1) (S) $5.00
6:00pm Double Dragon (2v2) (L) - $10.00 per team; special format,
read here
(S) - denotes Standard; 4-point-shuriken-watermarked cards only excluding banned cards.
(L) - denotes Legacy; all cards from all sets are legal except banned cards.
This event will be following rotation without the new base set to be released sometimes in March. So, only cards with the 4-pointed shuriken watermark are legal following up-to-date bans and erratas.
Entry FEE?
See event listing above.
Prizes TBA
Regionals prize kit for the main singles event. Booster packs for the side events. Plaques for the main team event and boosters. Promos depending on availability.
More information to be posted when received. I'll keep you guys posted.