Was reading through the rules for shooting/attacking vehicles in Rites of Battle, and came across a quirk, assuming I'm reading this right that is...
If I attack a vehicle, I usually need to get enough damage (before or after armour/armour penetration etc) to bypass it's Integrity, kinda like wounding characters. Cool, easy enough to understand.
But it I roll Righteous Fury on -any- attack on a vehicle, it's an automatic Critical Chart roll of unmodified 1d5?
There doesn't seem to be anything requiring the attack to do any damage first. Is that correct?
Does this mean I can throw a rock at a Land Raider, get a Righteous Fury off it, even though the damage from the rock itself can't even penetrate the Armour Value, and get a critical result of 1-5?
On the other foot, with 50 armour value all around, even a Krak Missile or Multi-Melta at short range seems to need righteous fury just to do anything bar lick the paint.
EDIT: Buh, recently shown that I didn't read it properly, still need to have done damage after Armour. But this still makes Krak Missiles incapable of doing any damage to it, post-errata. Even short range Multi-Melta has difficulty doing damage versus Land Raider.
Edited by Master Tugun EGB