Soundtracks for WFRP Enemy Within campaign

By BaDJoKe2, in WFRP Gamemasters

Hello all

I'm writing to ask fellow GMs to ask that what kind of background music/soundtracks/ambients you are using with your WFRP games if any?

I have taken into habit of mixing some medievalish music and nature sounds, eerie atmospheres and animals etc. to create a localized ambients for my games to those really important moments.

But ALAS now I have a problem to solve: in Enemy Within, the players end up into major Warhammer cities or big villages very very often. This has proved to be a bit of a problem for me to create an realistic feel of an bustling but still a bit gloomy settlements with the spirit of the WFRP world. Too often the samples/ambients of fantasy cities sound too "fantastic" or too optimistic and this just doesn't work for me. ;)

Do you know any good ambients from fantasy games with gloomy citys or some clips or scenes from movies that have remained in your thoughts and risen from the background? Something that could be grabbed and mixed to create properiately dark atmosphere. :)

With best regards..


at least once. Completely not what you want but worth a look


Edited by reg

Funny song but not even close what I mean. :)

In my view, background music/ambients include sounds relevant to the situation players currently are in, town, cave, lake, forest etc. to create atmosphere and the Warhammer cities are the dilemma for me here

I've started using Syrinscape ( ) on my iPad for background music and ambience, works really well (i have the iPad connected to my stereo via a bluetooth receiver or my Apple TV).

With syrinscape it's possible to have sounds of the city and add rain and/or thunder to it to make it more gloomy. It costs a bit of money, but is well worth it in my opinion.

Aliens Vs Predator game soundtracks, including the Akklaim ALIENS soundtrack for the game works well.