Anyone willing to GM a PbP game?

By ShadowFighter88, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters

One of the players is now GMing.

I don't know what the etiquette for it is here, but I'm getting kinda desperate. A RT game I'm in over on Myth Weavers has recently lost its second GM (the first one disappeared before we even got started) and I'm hoping third time's the charm. Since I'm not getting any response in a thread meant for finding GMs for already-running games, I'm widening my search to other forums and starting with this one.

We're playing through Lure of the Expanse and we've reached a point where we're on our way to the auction house. Here's the game's profile and forum if you want to have a look at how it's going. Our group consists of the following active players:

Lady-Captain Jesebelle Morek - my character, the Rogue Trader

Jacqueline Starling - Arch-Militant

Hieroymous Isk - Seneschal

Yolande Zashin Morek - Missionary and my character's cousin

Jayne Colt - Voidmaster

We may also still have an Explorator, but his player hasn't posted in a while (shame too - he tried the Warp Eel at the Liege of Footfall's little sortie and ended up becoming a telekine).

Again; I don't know if this sort of thing is accepted here or if I should've made it elsewhere or what, but we've lost two GMs already and the game's barely gotten started. At the very least; you can point me to where I should be asking this, while at best we'll get a good GM who'll last the distance.

EDIT: And before anyone else suggests it - no; I am not going to take over as GM. If I was willing to do that, I already would have and not have bothered making this thread in the first place. If you need more in-depth reasons, read Post #3 down below.

Edited by ShadowFighter88

There's only one sure-fire way to get a good GM.


Should've guessed someone was going to suggest that and here's why that would be a bad idea.

Firstly; I am a serial procrastinator - I mean it took me nearly a week to get around to posting this thread, how long do you think it would take me to update a game? Secondly; this is my first game of Rogue Trader and am not familiar enough with the system for me to comfortably GM. And thirdly; I've tried to GM games of Pathfinder (as well as a game of 3.5 and one of Exalted) on that site in the past and they have all just imploded. Me taking over would just delay the death it's already facing, it wouldn't stop it. Hell; we might not even make it past the auction if I take over.

Finally; I just don't like to GM. At all. The only time I've GM'd a game that I felt went well was when I was down in Sydney for a short holiday and ran a face-to-face game of Iron Kingdoms for a few mates, just a demo game one-off. The others said I did a good job but I just didn't enjoy running the game.

If I GM this game; that's gonna suck all the enjoyment out of it for me and that is absolutely the last thing I want to happen to my first game of Rogue Trader - I've had this character in my head for ages and I want to concentrate on playing her, not turning her into a GMPC and having to try and keep myself from metagaming or the like. It would just sour the game for me and possibly even the whole system - what's the point of playing a system that apparently has absolutely no reliable PbP* GMs in the entire warp-damned internet?

*While I probably wouldn't mind a face-to-face game - good bloody luck finding one here in Toowoomba. And even then; if the local war gaming and board gaming groups I've been to are an indication; I'm just going to constantly forget to turn up to the sessions until they're already well-underway. Roll20 and the like is another option, but the chances of finding a game that has sessions happening at a reasonable time and where the GM and others players aren't halfway around the **** planet just seem way too slim.

I may be able to do it by Skype & roll20 & during week days evenings.

If you can swallow my accent (my english is non-native, but decent).

I've GMed a good part of Lure of the Expanse (and other adventures) but didn't get to finish it - I got TOO carried away by expanding current encounters - among other things, I ended up doing a large scale warfare inside a hulked grand cruiser involving even some Death Guard and an "IG" armored regiment - my personal life then had a turn for the worse and I had to drop out from that group (and this may happen again in like 3 months).

Everyone loved the fighting there, though.

If you are still* interested, send me character sheets/ship sheet/background info on the dinasty.

Edited by Sebastian Yorke

Sorry; should've updated this a few weeks ago - one of the players has stepped up to take over GMing. That and we're not willing to use anything other than Myth Weavers for the game. Gonna update the first post now to reflect this.

are they accepting new players? im back into the hobby after a very long hiatus