
By Dwarf king Bronze beard, in Rules questions & answers

So i read FAQ and there was conflict about these things.

(1.00) The Golden Rule
The Golden Rule reads: “If the game text of a card
contradicts the text of the rulebook, the text on the card
takes precedence.”
The Golden Rule applies when there is a direct
contradiction between card text and rules text. If it is
possible to observe both card text and the text of the
rulebook, both are observed.
Example: The rulebook (p. 15) reads: “Any progress
tokens that would be placed on a quest card are instead
placed on the active location.” Legolas (CORE 5) has
an effect that reads, “ 2 progress tokens on the
current quest.” Legolas’ effect would place 2 progress
tokens on the quest; the core rule from page 15 instead
places those tokens on the active location. Thus, the
Legolas ability can successfully resolve, and the core
rule can be observed, without creating a golden rule
Q: Does the effect on Legolas (CORE 5) place progress
tokens on an active location, if there is one?
A: Yes. Always place progress tokens on an active
location instead of the quest, unless the ability
specifically states to bypass any active location.
So what is rigth answer can legolas place progress tokens on active location or not?
Edited by Dwarf king Bronze beard

Yes he does.

Hmmmm, as a follow up question now that I think of it:

If the location says "immune to player card effects" do they go on the quest instead?

My guess is no, and they are lost...but does anyone know for certain?

Yes, Legolas's effect places progress tokens on the active location before the current quest. If that location is "Immune to card effects" the progress tokens are simply lost.

Pretty good question. I agree with the 2 above me that the travel tokens are placed on the active location. Here are a couple topics( 1 2 ) about the same question.

Yeah i think that i would use Legolas more often now :D

@Grandspleen: yeah I kind of figured, just wanted to make sure. Thanks!

@dwarfkingbronzebeard: you should give legolas some game time indeed! He's awesome.

I really enjoy playing him. He's a schoolbook example of a well designed hero from the start.

And he won the hero championship last year!

Edited by GrandSpleen