
By TheDisturbed1, in Rules questions & answers

Legolas' card says: "Response: After Legolas participates in an attack that destroys an enemy, place 2 progress tokens on the current quest. "

Would this still apply to the current quest card even if you there is another active location card in play you must normally defeat before moving onto the actual quest card?

Also, I know when you get enough progress onto an active location you defeat it, and any extra progress tokens overflow onto the quest card, but does it work the same way from quest card to quest card?

Thanks for the help!

1 - You put the "Legolas progress token's" exactly the same manner to those by questing sucessfuly.

2 - The overflow do not pass to the new quest card…


from FAQ

Q: Does the effect on Legolas (CORE 5) place progress
tokens on an active location, if there is one?
A: Yes. Always place progress tokens on an active
location instead of the quest, unless the ability
specifically states to bypass any active location.

and the progress doesnt overflow from quest card to card


Thanks for the quick answers. Yea, I really do need around to reading through that FAQ… :P