What's a balanced invader spawn?

By RedMageStatscowski, in Doom

Although I'm really good at map making and such, I don't know if the invaders I place on the map are balanced with the marines. Sometimes I'm scared I'll place too little invaders, sometimes I'm scared I'll place too many.

If anyone could give me guidelines on where to place 'White' invaders and 'colored' invaders based on the Marines playing. (where not as in on the map, but which invaders of which colors should be placed to be balanced)

I personally believe it depends almost entirely on what guns/ammo you give the marines in each area and the level of the marine player.

Starting areas should generally only use the lower level invaders, but play testing is the order of the day!

Would a Marine with a Chaingun on his own be able to take down a Cyberdemon?

Also, would 3 zombies per marine (so 9 if all 3 marines are present) be good for the starting room with just pistols? (no weapons, the weapons are outside the zombie ring)

Knuckles Eki said:

Would a Marine with a Chaingun on his own be able to take down a Cyberdemon?

If he has Special Ops and say Efficient Killer, he's definately got a shot (no pun) gui%C3%B1o.gif .

Chaingun and some grenades, maybe after a couple turns. Also, that's a lot of fattys for the marines with just a pistol. Depends, do they have to go "through" them or is there an alternative passage and the marines can go around? I'd drop the fattys by 1 each, or give them marines a shotgun.


shnar said:

Chaingun and some grenades, maybe after a couple turns. Also, that's a lot of fattys for the marines with just a pistol. Depends, do they have to go "through" them or is there an alternative passage and the marines can go around? I'd drop the fattys by 1 each, or give them marines a shotgun.


Nah, 1,2,3 zombies start off at fist-range, then the rest comes in from away. After killing the initial 3, they MIGHT have a chance to get some weapons, if the invader doesn't shake their footing and charge ...

3 zombied could feasibly kill a marine in 2 invader turns if he were unlucky! Each zombie 'could' do 2 wounds followed by a lone marine doing one wound to fatty numero uno. All 3 zombies attack again and lone ranger could be toast. If you want it to be a challenge from the off I'd go with 2 zombies in striking distance (within 2 turns) and let the marine decide if he should take them on or scarper.