"Your Duty to the Rebels" FFG Article

By Colyer, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

The Article

I know most of you have read or are playing the Beta, and so have a good grasp of how Duty works, but not me. This article sounds pretty good though. First thing I noticed is that it operates as a threshold first and a per session roll second, which is excellent to me. It didn't take very long in my game before Obligation stopped being rolled, and at that point, it didn't matter anymore. An excellent character creation tool that fell by the wayside after a few sessions.

Is that how it's been actually working in the beta? What do you guys think about Duty vs Obligation?

Edited by Colyer

The link to the article isn't working.


The Article

I know most of you have read or are playing the Beta, and so have a good grasp of how Duty works, but not me. This article sounds pretty good though. First thing I noticed is that it operates as a threshold first and a per session roll second, which is excellent to me. It didn't take very long in my game before Obligation stopped being rolled, and at that point, it didn't matter anymore. An excellent character creation tool that fell by the wayside after a few sessions.

Is that how it's been actually working in the beta? What do you guys think about Duty vs Obligation?

In my edge gaming, no duty available.

In my AoR gaming, duty required, obligation may be imposed, and may be taken at start if desired.

Since they do and represent very different things, the two can easily be combined. But either can easily wind up being ignored, as well.

The link to the article isn't working.

Indeed. Silly mobile. Fixed it now.

Interesting that the article says they (oblig/duty) can coexist.

I plan on using it as such.

Edited by Atraangelis

Interesting that the article says they (oblig/duty) can coexist.

I plan on using it as such.

For sure. If you're interested in that, download the final beta update. It doesn't go over exactly what Duty is, which is why I found the article interesting, but the whole section on how Edge of the Empire and Age of Rebellion characters can coexist is included in it.

For our group, we still use Obligation. I will sometimes roll it, but other times, the players will do something that inspires me story-wise, and I'll just trigger whomsoever has the obligation that best fits with the story idea.

Since we only play for a few hours each week, I don't roll for EVERY session. I find areas in the ongoing story where it seems appropriate. Examples might be between adventure hooks, when they arrive on a new location, or even if we start an evening where the PCs are in a public location, like a bar or market area.

Hope that helps.