Playing ‘villainous’ species as rebels

By Snakesandsuns, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

I also think a lot of the Separatist races/individuals did get a 'pass' or a 'bump up' in the New Order precisely because they did work so well with Lord Sidious.

After all, the Quarren got to 'keep' Mon Calamari and the Trandoshans manage to get the Wookies enslaved.

Repentant Imperials. Not actively espousing the Imperial cause Imperials. Same with the Separatists- they had to renounce their former allegiances to join the Alliance.

Much like the Alliance the Separatist movement was composed of many groups with different motivations. Some wanted to destroy or conquer the Republic, and those were the ones committing the war crimes and bioweapon attacks. They probably wouldn't want to join the Alliance. Those Separatists who just wanted the Republic to leave them alone and the Alliance would get along fine though.

I also think a lot of the Separatist races/individuals did get a 'pass' or a 'bump up' in the New Order precisely because they did work so well with Lord Sidious.

After all, the Quarren got to 'keep' Mon Calamari and the Trandoshans manage to get the Wookies enslaved.

I think the Empire hammered both the Mon Calamari and the Quarrens actually.

After all, the Quarren got to 'keep' Mon Calamari and the Trandoshans manage to get the Wookies enslaved.

That doesn't mean that zero Trandoshans could ever join the Rebels, though.

After all, the Quarren got to 'keep' Mon Calamari and the Trandoshans manage to get the Wookies enslaved.

That doesn't mean that zero Trandoshans could ever join the Rebels, though.

Of course. I think one of the defining characteristics of what makes the Rebels 'good' and the Imperials 'bad' is that the Rebels are willing to treat an individual as an individual, whereas the Imperials represent the forces of prejudice.

I think it's a basic writer's tactic for good vs evil, thanks mostly due to Dr. King. We know 'good people' judge others 'not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character'

Edited by TarlSS

Would the Rebels welcome a Dark Side Force-user that's all about taking down the Sith?

Would the Rebels welcome a Dark Side Force-user that's all about taking down the Sith?

Depends if they knew he was a Force Adept to begin with, or understood his "flavor" of Force use. Hard to do without someone who knows the Force on the team to observe.

Would the Rebels welcome a Dark Side Force-user that's all about taking down the Sith?

Well, it would really depend on if they even knew the difference. Probably they would. Think about it, that's exactly the story of Palpatine, climbing the ranks of bureaucracy on the backs of the ignorant. The Rebels would probably think he's just a good guy with good luck.

I mean..if your Dark Side Force User runs around, "I'm using the Dark Side of the Force, Look at me, I'm a bad guy, and I love to eat babies but I'm helping you!" well, that might be different. More than likely he'll talk about the Dark Side being misunderstood or misinterpreted, and that will gain him sympathy. The smart play would be just not to talk about it at all.

Edited by TarlSS
On 4/7/2014 at 9:11 AM, TarlSS said:

Of course. I think one of the defining characteristics of what makes the Rebels 'good' and the Imperials 'bad' is that the Rebels are willing to treat an individual as an individual, whereas the Imperials represent the forces of prejudice.

I think it's a basic writer's tactic for good vs evil, thanks mostly due to Dr. King. We know 'good people' judge others 'not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character'

The thing is there was debate among the rebel big three over treating former Separatists as individuals. One was willing to accept former Separatists not guilty of war crimes, one wanted nothing to do with any former Separatists and the third was Mothma who eventually allowed former Separatists who would disavow the Separatist cause to join. And the way the book describes the war as there many many areas where the rebels and separatist remains staying out of each other's way while in other regions the war was a three way fight between the Imperial forces, the Rebels, and the local Separatist holdouts

Edited by RogueCorona
On 4/2/2014 at 12:27 AM, RogueCorona said:

Yeah the way the book lays it out Garm bel Iblis wanted to let any Separatists who hadn't committed war crimes in

You mean like utilizing an army of child slaves to fight a galaxy-spanning war? 😀