Eldar Pain

By Calgor Grim, in Deathwatch Gamemasters

Hi all,

I'm working on drafting some Eldar rules up to give a Kill team some pain and one thing I'm keen to throw in is an Avatar. Why? Because they need a serious kicking. Now since I cannot find existing rules I have attempted to mock some up:


Anyone able to take a look and propose some rebalancing aspects? Stats have been derived in part from current 6th edition codex. I've reduced his BS/WS a little down from the codex (which originally had him at BS/WS 10!) I have attempted to incorporate many of the codex special rules in a Deathwatch friendly way.

I've used an amalgamation of the Deathwatch rules but used the more recent way of calculating unnatural characteristics as additive rather than a multiplier. Also my logic is that they do have some level of detecting warp based entities to converse with their own kin. Many of the talents are also likely redundant such as Fearless which is covered by the traits so much of it is a technicality

Thing I'm most concerned about is the damage of the Wailing Doom. It's nasty but it is a monstrous creature and a daemon so it has to hurt big time surely?

Feedback is appreciated. I also am keen to work on the rest of the Eldar as well so any hints for those or a basis for how to add them to DW would be nice.


From the look of things I would say if anything you could up the stats a bit. The Avatar is a Greater Daemon afterall and one that is often shown in the fluff going toe to toe with the 'big four'

Ws10 in TT essentially means he will always be hitting on 3+ regardless of enemyand the enemy will be hitting him on 4+ max maybe 5+. You've given him WS 75. I'd be tempted to up this to 85 just to represent that Wailing Doom is probably Mastercrafted on top of everything else, not least the fact he is the Eldar personification of War.

Ws Talents: Wall of Steel. Disarm. Crushing Blow.

Strength and Toughness seem very low. But then I know you are using the new addition way of doing Unnatural characteristics so I guess it's just a case of making sure that the Avatar is definitivly Stronger and Tougher than the Marines.

Personally I'd up hit points to maybe 140-60 range maybe even higher. He has 5 wounds which is pretty **** high in the TT.

If I remember correctly is Avatar Initiative 10. With that in mind I'd probably give him Unnatural Agility. Probably up the Dodge to +10. Talent wise you could also give him stepaside

I Talents: Step Aside.

He is always the Eldar leader so I would also give him Command. Maybe Command +10/20. Also Eldar around him are Fearless so talents such as Into The Jaws of Hell seems appropriate.

I'd probably increase his Fel considerably but make a note that he fails all Interaction checks other than relating to Command.

I think he should also explicitly be noted as being a Daemon as this is something that has been consistent throughout the Avatar's rules. (And thus he can be affected by Faith Talents etc).

That'd be my take on it anyway.

That saves me a job. Thanks for the link, I shall review. :)

Also I was inclined to avoid command or fellowship based abilities since he is often more a "Let loose, go kill" rather than a battlefield commander like a Warlock or Farseer.

Edited by Calgor Grim

If you don't mind using supplements from other games, the Rogue Trader 'monster book' Koronus Bestiary has stats for a bunch of Eldar stuff, including the Avatar. I haven't used it, but it looks pretty well-suited for Deathwatch .

I recommend the RT version. The Children of Isha version was a bit over the top. I would consider giving the RT version Wall of Steel. And if your KT is really good, raise T to 70.


After a quick check, some of the rules in CoI are rather interesting and while I like some of them I will probably stick with a few of my own. That way it helps me remember them all. Rules made by another are not always easy to remember, however homebrew, you tend to know your own recipe.

I'm considering augmenting the toughness as well, 60's is a little low, I've seen mid ranged tech marines match that so perhaps 70 isn't a bad idea and a few more levels of daemonic toughness. I also do take the idea of the Step Aside and Parrying in mind. My thought is that the way the DoW series portrays the Avatar (which is one of the few actual basis points for their movement) their abilities almost seem somewhat slow and cumbersome, like they can barely manage a dodge, which is perhaps misleading given their very high initiative value.

I may indeed make this a fair bit tougher. This would indeed serve as part of a finale, the culmination of which would involve an Eldar Farseer/Warlock/Autarch and Seer Council in an effort to stop a plot from reaching completion.

Would you say the sword rules are fairly balanced though? Especially with all the stats and Warp Weapon etc,

I've always seen the Avatar as being incredibly lithe essentially like a living flame.

To paraphrase Samuel Jackson in Deep Blue Sea.

"You think Water's fast? You should see fire. It moves like it has a mind. Like it knows it killed a world once and got a taste for murder"......