Seal Wounds

By Cynical Cat, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

The text says the power can repair flesh and reknit bone. It goes onto game mechanics to say that it can heal critical damage. Now does this mean it heals the Critical Effects (i.e. face melted off) or just reduce the Critical Damage rating and potentially bring you back into positive wounds? I've been running it as just healing the Critical Damage as the player's ability to spam healing is pretty **** potent as is.

I would say yes and no. The way we play is if someone gets the a limb chopped off then Seal Wounds heals the wound itself but does not automatically reattached the limb. They would need to get cybernetics or if they were a psyker and they had Regenerate, they could go that route.

In the case of getting their face melted off. According to my GM we would allow Seal Wounds to let the flesh grow back and have the player's skin return to almost as good as new. I don't see a problem with that.

The way i see the power is it seems to simply be supper accelerated healing. It seems to allow your body to heal the way it normally would only in a matter of seconds as opposed to weeks or months. So, beyond the regaining of wound points and loss of critical points, it would also heal tight any injury sustained as if the body had been allowed to heal for several months. That means that lost limbs will not grow back but they may heal over. However, if the character simply had a limb ripped off and then no medical attention what so ever, it could heal over in a terribly horrid fashion trapping infection inside their body and not sealing the wound over with skin properly. This would lead to more infectious complications not to mention mind numbing pain. After all, when a limb has to be amputated, a bit of extra bone and muscle is removed leaving excess skin to be sewn over the wound. That's something that wouldn't naturally happen in ones body and it seems a bit too comic book for a psychic power to such a stunt off but fail in simply growing the limb back.

Likewise, someone's face melting off would be repairable within reason. Sure, flesh and skin will grow back, but it would all be scar tissue and, again, if medical attention was not given to the wound first, it may lead to further infection and pain down the road. Broken bones would mend back together, but if they were not set before the power was used, they would mend back crocked and bent leading to a painful but useless limb like a fractured bone allowed to heal naturaly for a year without the aid of a splint or any other method of bone setting.

That's just my take on the power.