Dearest Fantasy Flight Games, hello! I was one of your long time supporters of that whole Game of Thrones awesome card thinger. We had much fun, my friends and I. So much that we went to tournaments (Gen Con too!), met cool peoples like the Morgan lady, ktomeggedon, and that wacky Lucas dude; played in that really awesome guy's beer basement where all the greats came in the midwest; and nearly funded one of our local game stores for a few years with all of our card buying.
And then, something terrible happened. You took away our Christmas! No longer did we have the joy in opening booster packs and salivating over what we might get. No more, "Gee, I hope this has a Massing at Twilight." No, we got, "Ah... another chapter pack that's mediocre... Hurrah.." We stopped buying new cards. Period.
(though, I will tell you that I have kept all my cards and share the game with family members, kids, co workers, and random girlfriends).
We loved that game. Now, all that said, and if the moderators would deem to keep this subject alive long enough that someone up in the company could read it, I urge you to watch this video by this lovely group that also loves games, Extra Credits. And after that, return Christmas, ya Scrooges! That is all