What we know / What we Suspect

By TragicTheBlathering, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

ahh hah!


So the only icon not "solved" is the little yellow thing on this card above the faction icon.


And the icons at the top of the planet cards.

I think the small icon above the faction icon indicates either that the card is loyal (can't be taken as an ally) or is part of a signature squad -- notice that both of the cards in Cato's signature squad we can see have this icon.

The icons on the planet cards are the planet's assets. "Material" (red?), "Strongpoint" (green?), and "Tech" (blue?). You need to collect 3 of any one color by conquering planets in order to win the game.

"These symbols grant no abilities by themselves, but the first player to collect three planets sharing a common symbol dominates the sector and wins the game."

yeah, so maybe 1 or 2 hero a box and then a bunch of "loose" cards. The small symbol above the faction icon means that unit is in a special hero squad and could possibly NOT be included with out the matching hero?...

yeah, so maybe 1 or 2 hero a box and then a bunch of "loose" cards. The small symbol above the faction icon means that unit is in a special hero squad and could possibly NOT be included with out the matching hero?...

I guess my edit snuck by you, lol.

Cards that are part of a signature squad actually have numbers printed in their text box, vertical along the card's right edge, that indicate which signature squad they're in. Starbane's Council is in signature squad #006, and is the 5th card of 9, for example.

I think the small yellow icon is the loyalty icon, indicating that the card can only be played within its own faction (not as an ally). So far, it's appeared on all signature squad cards (see the ones that are visible in Cato's image), as well as Tau Gun Drones and Eldar Iyanden Wraithguard (neither of which appear to be in signature squads).

So we have been thinking the hammers are command points... anyone notice the skulls on the hero squad cards?


yeah, so maybe 1 or 2 hero a box and then a bunch of "loose" cards. The small symbol above the faction icon means that unit is in a special hero squad and could possibly NOT be included with out the matching hero?...

I also think it's only going to be one hero per box, because at least one hero is a good marquee item to sell a given pack, but more generally useful cards are going to see play in more decks. A hero and his signature squad (as well as any loyal cards) will only see play in a single faction, whereas cards that can be allied can be played in either their own faction or two others, making them more broadly useful, and making the pack attractive to more players.

So we have been thinking the hammers are command points... anyone notice the skulls on the hero squad cards?


Notably, these never seem to appear on armies, nor on the one location we've seen. Visually, it seems like they might be related to cost based on where they appear on the card. It's worth noting, also that support cards like Cato's stronghold do not appear to even be able to have this notation -- the card's title appears where these icons would ordinarily fall.

Could be a permission gate. WH: Invasion has this, where you have to pay a cost and have a certain number of icons to play some cards. Maybe minimum command points in play in order to drop the card? Sheer, bald speculation. Doesn't explain why support cards would never have it, though, or why no armies we've seen have it. Notice also that the command point icons on warlords and armies (if that's what they are) have small skulls inside the hammers, so there's a visual connection between them and the skull icons below the card costs.

On a side note, I saw you speculate that the golden hammer might count for multiple command points, but I doubt it. There's no reason this would be necessary. Warlords auto win their location unless they're facing another Warlord, in which case they cancel each other out anyway. Probably just counts as 1, especially if the skulls are "command points required to play this card."

It does make one wonder what the point of cards with a single skull requirement would be, but it's noted that bloodied Warlords grow weaker. I wonder if they ever lose command points? Actually, I wonder if warlords are two-sided, so when a warlord is bloodied, you flip him over to reveal the weaker version?

Edited by BD Flory

oooh, could be you have to conquer a certain number of worlds before playing these cards. I feel like requiring command points is more likely, though.

yeah, so maybe 1 or 2 hero a box and then a bunch of "loose" cards. The small symbol above the faction icon means that unit is in a special hero squad and could possibly NOT be included with out the matching hero?...

I guess my edit snuck by you, lol.

Cards that are part of a signature squad actually have numbers printed in their text box, vertical along the card's right edge, that indicate which signature squad they're in. Starbane's Council is in signature squad #006, and is the 5th card of 9, for example.

I agree, I think that if you take for example Cato Sicarius, then you have to take his 8 Squad cards as well. Kind of like how a Star Wars pod works. I do also think that a Warlord's squad is indivisable, that you can't take cards out of them and put them in a deck with another Warlord. (Kind of logical, check the names of the cards displayed as part of Sicarius' squad)

yeah, so maybe 1 or 2 hero a box and then a bunch of "loose" cards. The small symbol above the faction icon means that unit is in a special hero squad and could possibly NOT be included with out the matching hero?...

I also think it's only going to be one hero per box, because at least one hero is a good marquee item to sell a given pack, but more generally useful cards are going to see play in more decks. A hero and his signature squad (as well as any loyal cards) will only see play in a single faction, whereas cards that can be allied can be played in either their own faction or two others, making them more broadly useful, and making the pack attractive to more players.

They will follow the Netrunner Data pack construction, 1st cycle will focus on 1 hero and some support cards + 1-2 faction cards for everyone per pack. Next cycle will flush out the factions. by the second cycle most factions will have developed 2-3 play styles, it has the same amount of factions as ANR it should work out just the same when it comes to how quickly the game will expand.

I could be wrong (of course), but I had assumed that the small circle icons on the right of the card (bottom right of the picture) were 'shield' icons. From the description page:

In addition, attacks can be shielded by discarding a card with shield icons from your hand to reduce the damage dealt to your unit.

The skull icons could also be shield icons, I guess. Skulls seem to be attached to more powerful cards, so I do like them as potential conditional costs.

Any thoughts on "The Fury of Sicarius" and its different border? It's still an army card, but it has a full blue border around it and three colored markers under its name. Could be nothing, but why make it different from other army cards?

Do we have any guesses as to how the 1st planet works after it is won? is it literally claimed by the player and removed from the 5-planet line, to be replaced with another 1st planet from the stack? or does it stay in play, and the next planet in line becomes 1st planet? Moving along makes unit placement about more than resource control, it also sets up future combats, and allows for planning which planets you need to capture in order to win.

It also just dawned on me how potentially massive and dangerous the warlord's retinue can become after a few 1st planet battles, and what a tipping point you get if you don't pay attention to those units that win and go back to headquarters. I love this design!

Also, not sure if I saw it mentioned, minimum deck size is fifty.

Any thoughts on "The Fury of Sicarius" and its different border? It's still an army card, but it has a full blue border around it and three colored markers under its name. Could be nothing, but why make it different from other army cards?

Fury is an event card.

I've no doubt that Nids will appear, but later on in big box expansions as either multiplayer event decks.

I can see necrons appearing in a similar scenario.

Thanks Toqtamish, I missed that!

I could be wrong (of course), but I had assumed that the small circle icons on the right of the card (bottom right of the picture) were 'shield' icons. From the description page:

In addition, attacks can be shielded by discarding a card with shield icons from your hand to reduce the damage dealt to your unit.

The skull icons could also be shield icons, I guess. Skulls seem to be attached to more powerful cards, so I do like them as potential conditional costs.

Skulls being the shield icons would be my guess.

Do we have any guesses as to how the 1st planet works after it is won? is it literally claimed by the player and removed from the 5-planet line, to be replaced with another 1st planet from the stack? or does it stay in play, and the next planet in line becomes 1st planet? Moving along makes unit placement about more than resource control, it also sets up future combats, and allows for planning which planets you need to capture in order to win.

The planet deck and how it works seams to be the most unknown at the moment.. but I suspect that when you win the battle at a planet you take trhe card somehow. As the preview states that once you "conquer" planets with 3 of the same icon you win. So I would say you p[lace those planets in your "win" pile as you "conquer" them

We do not know but I would also assume that there is a sliding, conveyor belt type thing going on, so the "1st planet" can change.

Do we have any guesses as to how the 1st planet works after it is won? is it literally claimed by the player and removed from the 5-planet line, to be replaced with another 1st planet from the stack? or does it stay in play, and the next planet in line becomes 1st planet? Moving along makes unit placement about more than resource control, it also sets up future combats, and allows for planning which planets you need to capture in order to win.

The planet deck and how it works seams to be the most unknown at the moment.. but I suspect that when you win the battle at a planet you take trhe card somehow. As the preview states that once you "conquer" planets with 3 of the same icon you win. So I would say you p[lace those planets in your "win" pile as you "conquer" them

We do not know but I would also assume that there is a sliding, conveyor belt type thing going on, so the "1st planet" can change.

So far we know that you take the planet from the board, and the winner's surviving forces return to HQ (with the Warlord) to be deployed next turn via the servitor dial. Planets you win surely go to a "victory pile" of some sort, though it may not be by that name. May or may not be card effects that trigger off the number of cards in your or your opponent's victory pile, or specific details about them, but I'm sure there will be eventually.

It's very clearly implied from the way they talk about battles of the present at the 1st planet vs. planning for the future at the 2nd through 5th, that these latter planents "get promoted" when the 1st leaves the board. 2nd becomes 1st, 3rd becomes 2nd, etc. Presumably the 5th comes off the planet deck.

This is what I think as well, but it is far from confirmed.

A while ago I saw someone post an image on board game geek about 50 count 40 k theme card sleeves from FFG. I can't find it now but that might say something about the minimum deck size.

Thank you BD and Tragic,

I know it is not confirmation, but I like how it seems to work.

Can't wait to see the rulebook.

Ugh, just noticed in box contents: "40 token cards."

Dislike token cards very much.


Added : The suspected "shield Icon"

Added : Minimum Deck Size

Added : Info about the hidden warlord deployment step using the Servo Skull

Change : Stuff about the golden hammer. I agree it needs no value as BD Flory put forward in this thread .

Edited by TragicTheBlathering

Ugh, just noticed in box contents: "40 token cards."

Dislike token cards very much.

Card tokens are ok, depends on what they are used for,.. but FFG over uses token. I miss the days you could take a deck of card to the pub and play .. all you needed was a flat space and a deck.. now you need a box of junk as well with lcgs

Probably easiest to just wait for the full rules instead of wasting time speculating. They'll be out soon enough! ;)

Makes me glad I'm going to GenCon this year, though, that's for sure!