This forum seems dead but hopefully appearances are deceiving.
Our group got into the game quite strong last summer but due to only having one core set for 5 people it stalled. We now have 3 so we are trying again. Several game play questions came up and for the life of me (us) we cant find the answers. The rule book is next to useless, the video tutorial is not much better; so I turn here for help.
Most of us have been playing board and miniature games for over 2 decades, so we should know most terminology fairly well. We also have a youthful back ground in Magic if that helps.
1- Is there a maximum handsize?
2- Can you still play Actions from the text box of an Exhausted Character ?
3- Events ... This is the big one. We know Support and Characters may only be played on that players turn in the Operations phase.
a) However Events and Actions seem to be able to be played at almost any time.
b) Do Event card stay in play till used, or just remain in play or once played from your hand they are discarded? The questions arose as some have Action text other Response which seem to indicate they linger (at least till used). In Magic parlance are they "Enchantments" or "Instants".
c) If "Enchantments" can their Actions be used multiple times if there is no mention of being discarded? What of Events with Response text?
Thank you in advance for your generosity of answers and patience with these questions.