Store Championship Results

By Rakky Wistol, in X-Wing

Games and Stuff. Glen Burnie, MD March 29th

Looks like you have the borderlands tournament in Greenville, SC listed twice.

Looks like you have the borderlands tournament in Greenville, SC listed twice.

fixed. 4 less bwings and 1 less rebel win...

You should have edit access now.

Edited by MajorJuggler

I do!

I also fixed another 2 duplicates. Hopefully we'll get some more attendance #'s and more reports.

I honestly wouldn't call my list a swarm. More of a mixed force. 4 ships is not really criteria for a swarm. A lot of numbers here and I think this is proving a point though that lots of different builds work.


I honestly wouldn't call my list a swarm. More of a mixed force. 4 ships is not really criteria for a swarm. A lot of numbers here and I think this is proving a point though that lots of different builds work.

which list? I was trying to avoid having a "random" or "mixed" list on the imperial side. 4 imperial lists are much different than 4-5 rebel ship lists. After I get to plug some of this stuff into a spread sheet I'll go back and do some re-categorization...I think 4-5 ship imperial lists tend to fall toward "big + mini swarm" or "swarm + interceptor(s)"

Its a firespray, 2 interceptors, and backstabber. So again not sure if you would categorize that as a swarm when it doesn't really fly like one either. Keep up the good work on organizing though, it helping show the lists that are viable that are out there.

Probably call it Hard Hitting. All 5 are "4 dice" ships

I got it. :)

Germany Düsseldorf (Mage Store)


Howlrunner + Determination

5 Academy pilots

Scimitar + Assault Missile

Now thats interesting! How was the Scimitar performing? Did you get his missile off? ^^

I can imagine that the swarm locked the enemy fleet long enough in place so that the Bomber

could get a lock on a back row ship and fired with focus?

I thought: hey, if the missile doesn't hit, I have still 7 Ships including Howlrunner. :)

(sorry for the bad english)

Edited by TK4334

Not sure if you got this one yet:

Madness Games and Comics Plano, TX - March 15th - 16 ppl

Winner: Empire - Howl, Mauler, Backstabber, 4xAcademy

Edited by Hida77

Gameforce, Eindhoven NL, 22-3-2014

8 attendees.

Winner: Rebel Swarm, 2 Prototype Pilot, 2 Blue squadron, 1 Rookie. (mr. froggies style ;) )

I'm updating the googledocs.

Great Escape Games is in your list twice.

Also, the Everett Washington squad adds up to 103 points: Chewie +DTF, Biggs, Jan + Squad Leader + Ion Cannon [odd]


  • Also, the GameShoppe squad was a mixed 5 rebel squad, not 4.
  • what's up with the "Tournament 1" and "Tournament 2" that both have 3x BH?
  • The Gamescape, SanFran, CA should be 4x Academy Pilots, not 5
  • It looks like the Covenant Store was listed twice, with two different tournaments
Edited by MajorJuggler

OK, I just updated the googledoc. Rakky, you should update your OP so it references it in the very beginning.

Rebel: 43

Imperial: 30

Total Ships by points

TIE Fighter 20.56%

X-wing 19.26%

B-wing 17.76%

Firespray 11.66%

YT-1300 9.87%

Y-wing 6.49%

TIE Interceptor 4.40%

A-wing 2.95%

TIE Bomber 2.64%

Lambda Shuttle 1.52%

HWK-290 1.91%

TIE Advanced 0.98%

Edited by MajorJuggler

The Covenant Store is in there twice, and Zach's Imperial Elites won: Vader, Soontir, and Turr. The right date was 22 Feb.

Your Mom's Basement, White Bear Lake, MN

16 players

Winner flew:

Bounty Hunter with gunner and proton bomb

Dark Curse

Night Beast

OGP with Vader and FCS

The Covenant Store is in there twice, and Zach's Imperial Elites won: Vader, Soontir, and Turr. The right date was 22 Feb.

Thanks, fixed in the googledocs spreadsheet.

Your Mom's Basement, White Bear Lake, MN

16 players

Winner flew:

Bounty Hunter with gunner and proton bomb

Dark Curse

Night Beast

OGP with Vader and FCS

Do you know when this was?

I started pulling in some locations from the FFG website's list, but I don't know that we'll ever get most of them. I got through "Denmark" alphabetically for now, and stopped. :P


Rebels vs Imperials :

Rebel: 42

Imperial: 32

Totals by Points

TIE Fighter 20.98%

X-wing 18.81%

B-wing 17.75%

Firespray 12.24%

YT-1300 9.86%

Y-wing 6.49%

TIE Interceptor 4.40%

A-wing 2.49%

TIE Bomber 2.64%

Lambda Shuttle 1.87%

HWK-290 1.49%

TIE Advanced 0.98%

Edited by MajorJuggler

Nice database....wanted to let you know that Little Shoppe of Games in OKC is holding there's on 2 April. Will let you know the results.

Your Mom's Basement, White Bear Lake, MN

Best game store name. Evar.

I just won a Store Championship today in central indiana.

-Howlrunner VI

-Mithel VI


-Winged Gundark

-Captain Yorr Engine upgrade/Vader

99 Points for initiative.

My first opponent was a friend of mine who ran Krassis w/ Gunner, Proton Torps, Cluster Missiles, Avenger Int, Alpha Pilot, and Academy Pilot.

Krassis got a good shot off with all 4 dice hitting my Shuttle, the next round of exchange fire I was able to strip his missiles away with munition failure from Winged Gundark leaving my shuttle open for the final blow after his attack. Clean-up happened the following rounds.

Second Opponenet was running a 2 b-wing squad and it was rather difficult on my own squad. Nunb with PTL, ADVS, AutoBlaster, Engine Upgrade. Ibi with PTL, sensor jammer, HLC, shield.

Backstabber survived shots from NN round 2 by evade action surviving the autoblaster. My other ships focus on IBI taking her out in 2 rounds (one range 3 round 1 range 1 round) The shuttle did little this game but did take the final killshot on ibi using doom. My opponent made a mistake with NN in the end giving both backstabber and Mauler shots finishing him off.

Third opponent used Alpha x2, Avenger x2, and Saber w/ PTL.

Instead of going around my opponent took me head on, i managed to put damage on an interceptor at range 3 with mauler and winged gundark. The following rounds consisted of many dead interceptors due to the hit/evade ratio. The shuttle didn't even have to use vader on most of his attacks.

The end of the game came down to chasing 1 avenger saber around the board with Howl, Mauler, and the shuttle. In the end he couldn't avoid my arcs once I closed in. Yorrs ability came in a few times this game giving me the advantage after the K-turn.

The fourth and Final opponent was Running BH w/ Gunner x2, Academy x2.

Time and time again this squad is destroying large ships 1 turn at a time. After the second movement phase I was within range 1 of a bounty hunter. Having divided my forces he was unable to position correctly leaving my killzone open. I again took a bounty hunter in one round leaving the shuttle to attack the other academy pilot. (Having used vader at range 3 on the first movement).

We clustered for a round putting more damage back on the bounty hunter and another use of vader. The academies did 0 damage due to bumps or K-turns. Mauler went after the BH eventually finishing him off in a range 1 shot after barrel rolling. Backstabber/Mauler/Howl were left to finish off a loley academy and I secured the win the following round.

This squad has been running very well against an array of opponents. Both Yorrs ability and vader come in multiple times a game. Howl and Mauler are meant to eat shields while backstabber/Winged gundark/ shuttle are meant to do the critical and hull damages on enemy ships. (Using gundark to shoot last ensures at least 1 crit as long as I roll a hit)

The squad is essentially the Tie Allstars with Yor in place of the lesser "B" ships.

I just won a Store Championship today in central indiana.

-Howlrunner VI

-Mithel VI


-Winged Gundark

-Captain Yorr Engine upgrade/Vader

99 Points for initiative.

Do you have:

Store name

attendance (even approximate)

Event Horizon Games - March 22nd

12 attendees - Rebels managed to come out on top. Winning list was something along the lines of:

Luke w/ R2D2, Deadeye, Proton Torpedoes, Shield

Garvin w/ R2

Kyle w/ Moldy Crow Title, Ion Cannon, Recon Specialist

2nd place was 4 X Obsidian, 4 X AP.

That may not be exactly right but it's close (ships/pilots for sure). Interesting day.