What's in the box? What's in the box?!

By Donovan Morningfire, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

(sorry, briefly flashed back to Se7en)


A look inside the Age of Rebellion Beginner Box.

Sadly, the box itself looks to be of the same flimsy material that the EotE Beginner Box was, one that won't stand up to a lot of use/abuse, and will soon find itself being replaced with a box made of sturdier stuff.

The character folios look to be of the same "abbreviated careers" that the EotE BegBox had, which means bringing these characters into a regular EotE or AoR game is going to take some reworking.

I probably will wind up getting this after all, if only for the maps and the adventure.

Edited by Donovan Morningfire

Map looks great. Tokens look great. More dice is good..adventure looks solid. I hate to wishlist but I wouldn't mind more maps and more adventures!

While completely optional, I wouldn't mind seeing more PC/NPC tokens. They give you these very nice looking ones in the Beginners Box, but their use is so limited beyond the box.

I'm going to end up getting this, mostly for the adventure, maps, and tokens. I would buy a box set of maps and tokens.

(sorry, briefly flashed back to Se7en)

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

cool look on that web page.


I have found some use for the provided tokens/maps, but I do so sparingly, otherwise all cantinas and YT-1300s will start to look the same...like big box restaraunts?! (Always need more dice, though)

I would also wish for sturdier packaging, but I am sure they have sacrificed this in the name of cost. NP, I can get my own folios, boxes etc. for what is probably less than the added cost of a flashy package...

Yeah. I'm leaning on the fence here. Dice, tokens, and maps for me, in that order. The dice make up just over half the cost of the box, so they alone are almost worth it. Although I have yet to run in person, I can see myself using the Destiny tokens at least and possibly the others to help demonstrate the abstract ranges. Maps are always kind of useful, even if they aren't actually used in play. I'm not sure about the adventure. I like the EoE adventure as a premise, but I would do a major rewrite is I ever wanted to run it as a game opener. I expect the same from AoR (giving me an idea of what an opener should look like, rather than running the adventure stock). The rules are moot for me because I have the Beta and plan to pick up the book at some point.

Why I'm on the fence is cost. I bought the EoE Beginner because I was playing in an online game and didn't really have access to the rules. Even if it was only as reference, it had a lot of value. For AoR and F&D (when it comes out), I'm basically just using the Beginners as a way to get more dice and a few addons. I'm not sure if I quite like the idea of buying each game 3 times (since I foresee needing F&D almost immediately).

So is that map double sided and if so what's on the other side? ^_^

Edited by copperbell

Yes, and this:


Someone posted that two tokens are in the box for the downloadable characters but they have yet to post those characters. Any ETA on when those will be up. Mainly cause I want to grab them as soon as possible as I may be running AoR Beginner box at a con in the very near future. I need prep time though like the ability to print them lol.

I'm eagerly awaiting this content too (not to mention the follow-on adventure they promised as well).

My guess is when they post their press release announcing the game is at stores and ready to purchase, they will also post the links to the bonus content.

edit: The content is up now...


Edited by Brother Bart

Anyone notice there is no droid token? Minor inconvenience, as I have miniatures...but I thought it was strange.

If you plan on being the GM, the minor spoiler below explains my bringing this up.

Depending on how the PCs handle the encounter, the droid may become an important (or at least lasting) NPC...

Edited by Brother Bart

Hah I didn't catch that, but you have a good point.