complete list of careers.

By Aknorian, in WFRP Rules Questions

Hey has anyone put together a complete list of careers from all the expansions and perhaps the liber fanatica or other notable fan sites?



I have a list, I'm not the original creator though. If I remember correctly Emirikol should take the credit for it. It's a list of all the official careers, and also shows traits, which expansion it came in, prerequisits for the career. There's also a column called PG? (which I have added) which indicates if the career can be found in the Player's Guide or not.

Here's a link: check the files for wfrp3

I posted one there.

Thanks Em and K7!

Was there an supplement for wood elves? "valour of ages" I can't seem to find any files for it on rpggeek

Wood elves product is defenders of the forest 2e by Liber fanatica/Jude Hornborg.

Thanks again. There was a list of new career cards for wood elves, including, forest demon, blade singer, feast master, shadow sentinel, and guardian of the paths, but I can't seem to find the corresponding career ability cards. Any have a location to get those?