Share Some side Events from The Gathering Storm

By drallcome, in WFRP Gamemasters

Hello ,

I am looking for side events that may occur in town while running the gathering storm , just looking for an ideas to spruce up the adventure.

( we have a , Human Thug , Bright wizard , and Mystic in the Party )

Thanks for sharing .

Look at their backgrounds, their skills, talents (I use those as character traits at times) and see what that can riff off into - pick one or two randomly or as inspiration suits per PC (Emerikol did a list for that purpose with skills generally) and let them gain/lose money, popularity (fortune/bane dice on social checks), fortune points, party tension on a simple interaction.

Let that feed back into adventure.

A kid steals your lunch and runs off down alley, chase them (Althetics), oooh but they're starving and know rumours (Charm or Intimidate) and misses playing with Flea when she comes to town with her family - she's overdue!

If the mystic is known/not (under threat of persecution) that can be fun creating a threat.

if the thug runs across someone they know owes money and there is a nice "share" back in Ubersreik for helping collect it.

Bright wizard could have some minor aethyr manifestation (like a rogue imp-level power elemental) to deal with that hints about the "big problem" in adventure.

As in a novel, the side events should turn out to be about the main storyline or character's development in story or both.