Game setup for a noob

By toru, in WFRP Gamemasters

As my previous thread led to I have now got all expansions with a couple of extra core sets and other stuff. I have not read that much yet but I have got all the cards etc and I must say I am a bit confused. Regarding action cards etc I think it's good to have multiple of the basic ones but the damage deck looks like a mess right now. Is there a "list" of a standard damage deck. I guess you just add all damage cards from the expansions but I have three core sets and it looks like they are all added together. Same question goes for the other "randomized" decks...

And It would be nice if someone could point me in the direction of a colplete set list spo I know where all cards come from... None of the boxes but one core set is still "alive"...

If this information is here and I have been lazy (or incompetent) to find it I apologize...


Don't confuse this game with magic the gathering. The cards are not decks. They are individual rule summaries. So, for instance, your Soldier character may have 3 advanced action cards (reckless cleave, set up strike, and thunderous blow..for example

The non-randomized cards, which are simply rule summaries for actions are:

  1. Conditions (keep these sorted, as you will hand them to a player (or just type them up and put them in your players guide like I did..which is quicker for reference..see my sig)
  2. Advanced Melee actions
  3. Advanced Ranged actions
  4. Advanced Support Actions
  5. Spell actions (wizard spells)
  6. Blessing actions (priest spells)

You will want to put the ACTION cards in COLLECTOR CARD ALBUM SHEETS.

The actual "randomized" decks are used for random draws as follows:
Critical wounds

miscasts (for wizard spells)

The CONDITION and "randomized" cards should be put with a rubber band around them so you can pull them out during the game.

The lists up to Omens of War is here:

You'll want to put the 4x5 inch SHEETS such as career sheets in 4x5" negative preserver album sheets or again, rubber band them all together in order for easier sorting.

I find that album sheets work best for stuff like this so you can simply rapidly reference them.

Edited by Emirikol

Take all of your basic action cards (melee strike, ranged attack, etc) and put them each in a set for each player. What I find better however is to put these cards AWAY and just use a summary sheet:

Your small career ability cards should be placed in a collector card album sheet (2 or 4 to a pocket). You will never need them. Once a player writes that ability down on their character sheet, you don't need the card, so just set them up for reference. They didn't put them on the Career sheets (the 4x5) ones because Fantasy Flight loves cards...lots of cards.

The colored stance rings..yea, put those back in the box. You'll never use them.

The little tuck boxes for players. Keep them in the box. YOu'll never use them. Give each player a gallon zyplock bag instead and a card album sheet to put their stuff in instead.

Example of what I would use to keep my often used decks:

wounds, insanities, miscasts, conditions, diseases (the little cards)


Edited by Emirikol

As said above re sorting etc.

I use business card holders to keep things more sorted at table without taking up so much space.

I only allow one set of non-basic actions in my game - each PC and "their moves" are unique.

Do not mingle multiple core set of wound cards etc., the wound cards are distributed in severity and each supplement tries to keep the proper distribution. Having 2 basic sets of wound cards but one omens of war one for example would dilute the omens ones too much.

I actually diluted ours because I kill off so many characters in our campaigns :), promptly after I diluted it again, I killed off another character (FINALLY, the MORR PRIEST IS DEAD!! Ah ha ha ha ha!)

As said above re sorting etc.

I use business card holders to keep things more sorted at table without taking up so much space.

I only allow one set of non-basic actions in my game - each PC and "their moves" are unique.

Do not mingle multiple core set of wound cards etc., the wound cards are distributed in severity and each supplement tries to keep the proper distribution. Having 2 basic sets of wound cards but one omens of war one for example would dilute the omens ones too much.

Have to say, the business card holder is an awesome idea!

I tweaked the heck out of my Wound deck. Seemed like the PCs got Severe Wounds (from Omens of War) too often, while the NPCs/Monsters would only get hit by meaningless crud like "+1 Misfortune on Fellowship checks (which you'll never make because you're an Orc)." PCs were "wasting" days convalescing all the time (which was actually pretty cool) but they never bothered triggering Crit lines or using Comets for Crits themselves (which wasn't so cool).

So I got an extra set of wound cards when the Vaults were on sale in November, and chose exactly which ones to double-up on. End result: Crits are more generally meaningful (less likely to do nothing to an NPC), but the really nasty ones are a bit more rare. The average severity per card in my deck actually increased by about 0.2, IIRC. I'm pleased with it.

I did the same sort of thing to the Miscast deck, too. The Wizard at our table had stopped casting spells after a single Chaos Star made him hit himself for 16 damage and a permanent injury. That seemed a little over the top to me.

I think I'd like to HR that all crits are a minimum of 2 severity.

I'm considering a rule that NPCs die when their crits suffered exceed their difficulty (skulls). It makes crits more powerful without just being a source of extra damage or requiring me to tweak the deck.

I've played with different "Crits" rules. At hight level and with some PC's, crits can come pretty fast and furious. I suggest making clear that "nemesis" NPC's (or "template" ones if using Hero's Call) do not fall this way.