The Fire Extinguisher

By Hygric, in Dark Heresy House Rules

After our low-agility priest almost got burned to death about three times, we decided to make up a single use, disposable fire-extinguisher for PC's to carry. I'm thinking about something half the size of a car fire extinguisher, so pretty light and compact. Maybe about the size of a large-ish frag grenade. Full round action to use one.

Now I'm happy with a price of 25 thrones for this item, but I'm a bit unsure about game mechanics for it. If I make it give a bonus to the victims agi roll to put the fire out, it is useless if the victim is unconscious or an inanimate object. Maybe a tech-use roll? Ballistics skill to hit the fire? Anyone have any suggestions for the mechanics behind this oh so usefull item?

Why mechanics...just say it works....perhaps a +20 BS test to hit the frying victim.
If, for some reason it would be used in combat treat as very short range flamethrower, but instead of setting the victim on fire it will put it out.

I can think of two different types, one that works like the fire extinguishers of today, a hand held one with compressed gas that can put out a fire with a full round action from both the person of fire and the one with the fire extinguisher, but you cannot use it on yourself. The other one functions like a grenade and expands quickly into a sphere of foam (or something like that), and if you spend one round inside it the fire is extinguished. Since it works like a grenade you could just pull the pin and drop it at your feet if you're on fire.

You could also use the exterminator cartridge add on as a base for the extinguisher. Make it act like a one shot flamer. You could probably even use a flamer as a base for an extinguisher, maybe as a naval fire fighting implement.

It could fire a bullet of densley compressed foam, it could put fires out and shooting someone and getting a righteous fury would be hilarious :D

cyclocius said:

It could fire a bullet of densley compressed foam, it could put fires out and shooting someone and getting a righteous fury would be hilarious :D

Yes if someone gets a righteous fury it is swallowed by the person instead and expands thus their stomach goes boom.... only kidding would be cool though

Thanks for the feedback guys. Think I will go for a Tech Use roll at +20%, or at base if the victim is busy running around going "AAAAARRRGGGHHHI'MONFIREITBURNSITBURNS!!!!!". I don't want it to be automatic as that makes life a bit to easy. Plus, having put out fires with a fire-extinguisher myself, they certainly are not 100% reliable. Give it a range of 2m max.

Also, working off the concept of the exterminator cartridge, I present this: For only 60 thrones, we have the Incendia Iuguolo. This handy device is an attachment that fits on basic weapons or a utility mechadendrite that functions as a single use fire extinguisher.

And why not make the Incendia Proeliator Mechadendrite. It's a fire-extinguisher with 20 charges, as well as a mono-axe for cutting through doors. Costs 500 thrones, and requires the same talent as the utility mechadendrite. Also has a hose attachment to funnel an external source if a pump and a swimming pool are available...

And lastly, the Nullus Flamma, a fire-retardant grenade. Range is SBx3, Blast (3), cost 50 thrones, weight 0.5kg. Has a 50% chance of extinguishing any fires in it's burst area.

And finally: Absbestos Undies. For 200 thrones, this absbestos body suit provides 2 points of armour that only apply to burning damage. Yes, this is in direct violation of the no armour or toughness rule for burning damage.


Hygric said:

Absbestos Undies. For 200 thrones, this absbestos body suit provides 2 points of armour that only apply to burning damage. Yes, this is in direct violation of the no armour or toughness rule for burning damage.

i think it's a god idea. one of my players was also found to set things on fire, and sometimes also him self :P

but why not make a firefighter amour to them? it takes some of the heat