ogre star player replacement

By uspec, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager


i lately played the game and i had the luck to draw an ogre for a new star player in my team in the first two star player drawing rounds in the game.

first i draw a guarding ogre, for whom i took out a 1 point weak guard from my core team.

second round i got another ogre, i think its the tackling ogre, and i thought i throw out another 1 point weak guard from the core team.

but i think this is way to strong, because this reduced the chance of picking the remaining 1 point weak guards. before 4 weak guards, after 2 weak guards.

i mean the ogre guard is worth 3 points and after tackle still 3 points. that means if my oponent draws 2 or in a worser case 3 weak guards, he may have a good chance to protect his ballcarrier, but 3 of his 6 hand cards are worth 3 points total, where my 1 ogre already has 3 points, so effectivly i have the chance to arrange my points in hand (where i will have way more than my enemy with 3 1 pointy weak guards) or just ignore the ball carrier and just overwhelm the obejctive with my stronger cards..

whats your opinion on ogres and the replacing option?

do you leave drawing 2 ogres as luck?

do you have a houserule, which kicks the replacement option?

Becuase the star players of the factions dont have the keyword for replacement (mercenary)..



Edited by uspec

Well, actually the "not-mercenary" Starplayers are in average significantly stronger than the mercenaries. I think it is pretty well balanced this way. The mercenary-rule is somehow similar to have an additional Sprint-Icon on the Starplayer, but it is better than this.

In game, the decision (if you have one) of picking a mercenary or a "normal" starplayer depends on the team you are playing:

- As Skaven or Woodelf (lot of sprint), I would defenitively pick the non-mercenary starplayers, because your normal STR1 linemen can be sorted out quite good by heavy usage of Sprint icons. Therefore the mercenary rule is a bit redundant.

- Being Ork or Dwarf (something with no or very few sprint) i would prefer the mercenary-stars, because you have no (or very few) other possibility to get rid of those weak STR1 linemen. Here, the mercenary rule is really powerful.