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  1. whisperer in the vault

    Another new GM

    whisperer in the vault replied to dwraley 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Thanks! Admittedly, I am no genius, just a GM that has learned from a lot of mistakes... Glad to be of service. Good luck and happy GMing!
  2. TheFlatline

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    TheFlatline replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    I don't use the GM screen to hide my rolls, since I built and use a dice tower for that (and I think I've made a dozen dice towers now for various gamers I know, the 30 dollar cardboard ones suck and the 80 dollar wooden ones are too expensive), but the DH DM screen *is* a good reference. I usually have it laid out underneath all of my gaming stuff, and a
  3. aethel

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    aethel replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    I think you probably are over-worrying just a little, but it certainly always takes practice to get into the improv side of gaming. I'm sure lots of other folks will chime in with some tips on everything including 1 and 2, but let me offer my perspective on #3:If you're nervous, it will impact your enjoyment as well as your performance. You say these guys are your friends, and that they
  4. ElCommi

    New GM. Order of the scenarios and houserules.

    ElCommi replied to player320064 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    "Court Dimon's GM screen"Which one is this? This one: the other listed? The GM screen was a little pants tbh. My party are currently in the final stages of Eye for an Eye, and the event wil lbe resovled this Saturday (It doesn't look good them).I was thinknig to suggest the Winds of magic campaign instead of the storm of chaos; but allow the group to decide where
  5. graver2

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    graver2 replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    SuperFieroStatus said: 1) The biggest thing for new GMs to DH to get used to is the magic os situational modifiers. There should be very few bland vanilla skill rolls made -most all of them should have a modifier! A simple rule of thumb I fallow is for every major thing in the environment or their situation that would help them, they get a +10 and for every major thing in the environment that would
  6. Xagroth
    Hell, my GM has found me... ^^
  7. Artanyis
    Ok, so, a player of mine has taken up GM'ing. This is great, I get to play for once!Now the problem, he is a bit of a self centered ass, a lovable self centered ass, but still. We are two sessions in and he has made multiple rule mistakes and as myself and one of the other players have been trying to help him out he just starts shutting down and saying its
  8. ASCI Blue

    New GM

    ASCI Blue replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    Huh. That sounds pretty cool, kinda like the whole GM creates the PC thing and everyone starts with a blank sheet and learns who/what they are as they play.
  9. Psycho Nihilius

    New GM / Player to Dark Heresy Looking for Advise

    Psycho Nihilius replied to Russw 's topic in Dark Heresy
    I´m Argus´GM and I can tell you that those books have been more usefull to me.
  10. jameswilletts

    New GM.

    jameswilletts replied to Ocule 's topic in Game Masters
    Perhaps I should report, as well. I started as the GM for the beta, which was an open game at our local gaming store, during which I strung a lot of little adventures from 100 Sci-Fi Adventure Seeds that somehow (I would say miraculously) tied themselves together for a nice showdown & wrap-up at the end.In what I call "Season 2", I ran "Debts to Pay" after the party recovered and began the campaign
  11. 2P51

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    2P51 replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    You can do whatever you like as GM, although I prefer keeping people equal.
  12. SuperFieroStatus
    Let me start by saying I have never GM'd any game before. I have never formally played a P&P game before. I've purchased the books for 3 separate games, coaxed unwilling friends into playing, and having the group fall apart shortly after characters are reluctantly created. These also took place when I was in high school and I'm 22 now. I finally got a group of 3 friends together who actually
  13. angelman2

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    angelman2 replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    I'll necro this topic instead of creating a new, identical one. I just want to share my experience with XP (no pun intended) thus far. We're now somewhere in the range of 25-30 sessions into our first campaign, and I have settled on an average XP reward of 15 per session + another 10-30 upon completing a full scenario. At first, I was rather worried that PCs would snowball into overpowered silliness
  14. doomande

    New GM: Where to start?

    doomande replied to Seth the Dark 's topic in Dark Heresy
    My main advice is to look at the GM part of the forum, there are tons of good advices in there, both general and more specific. So there are many hours worth of reading there. As to where one begin, sit down and ask your players. It have all been for nothing if you have planned the most epic adventure made for radical acolytes, used hours upon hours on equipment to reflect that, and they
  15. TheFlatline

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    TheFlatline replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Welcome to the brotherhood. I myself am a level 18 GM (this will get funnier the longer you play). Let's dive into your questions, shall we? 1. Information overload. Relax. Seriously. There is *way* more information in published adventures than you will be able to remember easily. Ironically, your players won't care about 50-60% of it. That's there for *you* to know and be comfortable with. It's obvious the important
  16. Snake Stranski
    Hello everyone. Im Snake Stranski a Perth WA (Australia) based GM looking to run a warhammer 40K RP. but i want to use the classes from Deathwatch, Only War, Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy but im not sure which Core book to use as the "Rules" bible... Any Advice would be awesome
  17. Nameless2all

    Choosing Ordo / Campaign Idea as New GM

    Nameless2all replied to Gunrile 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Gunrile said: Greetings and welcome to DH!!! Glad to have fresh meat….. I mean, new members. In order to assist you in your endeavors, I will attempt to answer your questions/concerns from my own opinion and/or experience with Warhammer 40k. Now, I am not a die hard fan, but I started playing Warhammer 40k TT (Table Top) since about 12 years ago and have played DH and RT since it came out. I have no
  18. Illithidelderbrain

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    Illithidelderbrain replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Hey Super, congo-rats on taking up the mantle of GM. First the flaming (which you imagined would be in every post) BLAAAAAARGGGGGGG Ok then, on to business! What every poster above me has said is all good advice. I'd like to add one more thing to the mix. It's more of a question. Do you know your players? Do you know what motivates them? (Not the characters....the people at the table
  19. Beatty

    New GM question

    Beatty replied to Beatty 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    Something that would be good for teaching the basics. How many times has a new player asked how to build a dice pool or how do you contribute to another player's dice pool? I can probably get away without the beginners box but if it's helpful in future games it will be worth it.
  20. Hawknight
    this might not be the place to ask, but i didn't want to start a new thread....I have been looking at getting into these types of RPGs as the GM, but Im not sure i understand how it works. Would I make up the quests using the outline of the universe? or what exactly, I'm SUPER new to the whole RPG world (out of the video game setting that is )
  21. angelman2

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    angelman2 replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    I'm blessed with awesome players who love to play with the GM & story rather than against it, making sure their contributions are for the betterment of everyone's enjoyment of the game, so yeah... I'm pretty fortunate in that respect. I can't remember the last time I had to pull a player aside for a reality-check discussion. But yes, it is everyone's responsibility to stay on the right page, but
  22. GLV

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    GLV replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    HelloI cant really add anything that everyone here has already saidBut because your new, and eventualy you will want to do your own adventures I would read the Eisenhorn series(3books) and there amazing, it brings you into the "mindset" of what the Inquisitor and his acolytes would see and doGLV
  23. Adeptus-B

    New GM Requesting help from those Experienced

    Adeptus-B replied to Twilight_Artificer 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Oops- a correction on my post above: the RT book with new Calixix-specific xenos in it that I was thinking of is Edge Of The Abyss, not Into The Storm...
  24. Malevant

    Tips for a new GM

    Malevant replied to Darik 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    1) Prep! Prep! Prep! Rogue Trader and the other FFG games really benefit from the GM doing some advance work to set up the session. I've run 4e and it's in some ways a lot easier (not necessarily better) because it sets out all the stats and such for you, and gives you all the maps you need. With RT especially you need to make up any notes that you'll use for
  25. Luddite
    Its hard to do, i know, but i think you need to let go of the GM reigns and make the switch to player.Your friend is the GM now. That means' just like you when you are GM, his word is law. The GM must be the final arbiter of any aspect of the game.A healthy groups will create cooperatively of course and players will have as much input as possible but ultimately, its the