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  1. Nickthewarlord
    Hello everyone, I am a New GM to Dark heresy and I am asking for brave Adventures if they got what it takes to brave the grimdark future of 40k and join in the adventure. I have 4 open spots for any character type. I currently have a Guardsmen, but I will accept more. I use OpenRPG for Online dice rolls and if someone is kind enough to provide a vent we can use that too. But if not I have another voice program called Skype. My times are changing often due to RL but once a Week of play is possible. I currently live in the USA on the west coast. So then, Any takers?If you are courageous to serve the Emperor and fight the good fight. E-mail character sheets to [email protected],-Nicolas
  2. TheWorldSmith

    New GM - Tokens, Maps, etc? Any out there?

    TheWorldSmith replied to TheWorldSmith 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    You are my new favourite person. Edited June 30, 2016 by TheWorldSmith
  3. Gunnolff

    New GM

    Gunnolff posted in Game Masters
    I picked up EotE as something new to play, right now i'm running the adventure modules to help everyone get familiar with the system as a whole. What i'm wondering is if anybody can give some tips on building a complete custom game?
  4. Peacekeeper_b
    So you are complaining about the GM before the first session is even played and are mad because he might just have something planned and in mind and thinks the changes he makes maybe for the better to fit his vision?A player like that comes to me and says "Im not playing unless I get X and Y and Z" I say, "fine, go play somewhere else". Ive been a GM for 20 years
  5. Comrade Cosmonaut

    Tips for a new GM

    Comrade Cosmonaut replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    The most important thing for a GM of any experience to remember, is to seriously consider all feedback from the players. Listen to any comments, concerns, or complaints, and if you can't acquiesce, at the very least try and meet in the middle. It's your table, likely, but its their time too.
  6. cyclocius

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    cyclocius replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Ahh, a fresh GM Firstly, I hope your game goes well, I'm sure you'll do fine Now, your questions:1: You only need to remember the real important bits, the superficial details, like timing and stuff, can easily be jotted down on a pad of paper. It works well for me, but my players really arn't into all the detailed bits ^^ About 60% of the stuff you say, the players won't
  7. ASCI Blue

    New GM

    ASCI Blue replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    huh. I've never had a GM do that to me before.
  8. Saldre

    new gm

    Saldre replied to benjamin_bernhard 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Welcome to the forums. First thing's first- did you check out the Running an Investigation/Conspiracy Adventure topic on these here forums? The name is a bit misleading but it actually gives you step by step advice on not just running the game but writing it beforehand as well. I highly recommended read for all new GMs, especially for Dark Heresy.I assume that, as a new GM, you likely only have one group consisting of your friends. For a first game, I, like everybody else here I think, often recommend you run "Edge of Darkness" from the forums as an Introductory adventure for several reasons. Not only is it a very good scenario- but you'll get a good chance to find your own style and to get to know your players a bit before you actually start writing things from scratch for them (Do they like combat more
  9. Pertante
    Hey so I am new to Dark Heresy and about to GM for the first time. The group that I plan to run for has plenty of experience with rpg's but not too familiar with the darkHeresay/WH40K world. Is there any places where I can give them a brief summary of what they should expect? Thanks
  10. themensch

    Tips for a new GM

    themensch replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    There's a lot of advice to be found online these days, which is good. Unfortunately for the new GM, a lot of this advice seems counterintuitive and even contradictory. So, my advice would be to remember Rule Zero: you're there to have fun. As long as you're all having fun, you're doing it right. There have been a number of threads posted in this forum around the topic with a lot of very specific, helpful advice - definitely worth a search and some reading time
  11. Gunrile
    Hello to all experienced DH GMs,I'm new to GMing DH and 40k in general and was hoping for a little advice with my campaign…Our group has played a number of games over the years- WoD, CoC, D&D, Star Wars, etc. so we're pretty experienced with P&P. Most are new to 40k, including myself. Since we're new to the rules and setting, I was thinking of starting out with
  12. Pac_Man3D

    New GM Advice

    Pac_Man3D replied to Kambion2 's topic in Game Masters
    This. The core rulebook encourages the GM to have the players help with interpreting the dice results, and this is one of the aspects of the system I most enjoy. It makes the act of dice rolling fun in itself and takes some of the burden away from the GM. Also, you might be surprised at how eager your players will be to screw up their own day, devising threat effects that are more severe
  13. Richardbuxton

    New GM questions?

    Richardbuxton replied to lowdanvan2002 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    Good rule of thumb; Your the GM, its Your and Your Players game. but in regards to the Hamstrung, it would suck for a player not to be able to run away so we have played it that whilst your free manoeuvre is no longer free you may still take 2 manoeuvres, 1 for the traded action, then another bought with 2 strain. without hamstrung you may make normally take 2 manoeuvres and an action
  14. TheShard

    Aid for a New GM

    TheShard replied to tRidds 's topic in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game
    Repost this ii the edge of empire gm forum it gets more traffic. Edited July 12, 2018 by TheShard
  15. BloodDrinkersSpaceMarine
    just looking for some advice on anything at all really, im a new GM and this is actually my first time playing any RPG game so yer. Im currently running my players through the Emperor Protects supplement book missions and they are absolutely enjoying it, although they have asked that they want a mass campaign that sorta just links all their battle off one another. Ive decided to run it through the warfront on the Canis Salient, and the first mission will be reactivating Watch Station Skarpula. They stealithy drop on the opposite side that the Tau Explorers have landed on, and have to fight through not only tau but guardian servitors that have remained active and automated weapon systems, however ive added a suprise at the end, in the library of the watch station they find it trashed for want of a better term and from there they find
  16. gruntl
    Welcome to the dark side! First thing you should have in mind as a new GM is to take it slow. Don't go for the most advanced options in the beginning. The first scenario you run should be something pretty simple. Just a few story mode checks and then a simple combat encounter. Use only one type of enemies, normal monsters without any special actions (and no spellcasters). The first scenario could be as "railroad" (not sure you're familiar with the term, but it essentially means that the GM has a set idea on how the story will go, with little to none opportunities for the players to change the major plot) as you want. If you're playing with others who are experienced roleplayers, discuss this before so that you don't have to deal with players wanting to head off in directions you haven't planned
  17. PnPgamer

    (New GM) Basic Rule Questions

    PnPgamer replied to Inquisitor Zadok 's topic in Dark Heresy Rules Questions
    Inquisitor Zadok said: Burning fate points means that you literally lose a fate point, forever. You can obtain new ones via gm's discretion, most usually doing heroic acts or by lengthy enough of servitude. When you use a fate point, it is restored afterwards in the next session. if you burn, it wont come back, thus actually lowering your maximum fate points per session. You can burn an already used fate point. If you
  18. ira2
    dark heresy player for about a year now. As I'v been playing 40k for seven years I know more then most of my mates about 40k fluff. After GMing for a long campaign I decided I wanted to try my hand at actually playing as a character. So the group was disbanded (people going back to college, folks just getting out of the game to persue other games), and a new group was formed. In this new group you have myself, and three people from the former group, as well as one of my mates who plays 40k but has never roll played in his life, and two of my mates who are just getting into the game. So it was a toss up of the three former members of the old group. Of these we decided on a guy who knows a fair bit of 40k fluff ... broken power sabre (using the stats for a sabre), and his ordinant laspistol with his family markings filed off. He keeps little contact with his sister, but cherishs her letters and words of praise constantly.I put alot of thought into that backround, and I deeply enjoy the story. It sets up a perfect career track with the starting skills and talants of a noble and the fellowship related skills of a scum. The new GM, whom is also my friend so I dont wish to naysay him too much, has altered this in ways that have no real affect on the campaign. He insists my sabre was snapped in half by my family for my dishonor, but the truth of the matter is that if they discovered me they wouldnt snap my sabre, they would summerily exicute me on the spot for disobaying orders and my mutanty. He also insists
  19. oneeyedmatt87

    Aid for a New GM

    oneeyedmatt87 replied to tRidds 's topic in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game
    great community we have here, but TheShard is correct, the Edge forums get the most traffic, with F&D in second and AOR (a distant) 3rd. Also, for the most part, in lieu of actually having PBP sub-forums, the "Beginner game" forums have mostly been regulated to PBP games. There are more resources than you can shake a stick at, but a few that I've found most helpful as a fledgling GM myself: features a (very) detailed note taking sheet, as well as instructions on how to use it. is an excellent planning tool for your adventures. It's designed for Genesys, which is the generic version of the FFG Star Wars system, but the storytelling beats hold. Just remember that the exact order of the encounters can be fluid, and don't set anything in stone. has a decent ... podcast, Tales from the Hydian Way, and Silhouette Zero are all in my podcast subscriptions, for various reasons. Last but not least, while you'll find the forum's an amazing place to sound off ideas, get advice, etc. Your best friend (especially when you're new) is going to be the search bar. Admittedly, it's not the best tool, (since as far as I can tell, you can't really narrow the scope to a specific forum) but with the right input you'll see you're definitely not the first to ask for general advice."new gm"&search_and_or=and&sortby=relevancy If I can summarize my personal takeaways: Don't stop the action to look up a specific ruling, just make a call, and go with it. If you need to look it up after the session
  20. FatPob

    Questions from a new GM

    FatPob replied to Neredan Kaz 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    collected back story, this will be one less thing for you to deal with as part of the campaign preparation. As GM you have a big job ahead, you have extensive preparation to complete, not only fiscal (purchasing materials), but also time, the reading of books, the noting of npc stats, developing NPCs, building encounters, making maps as well as fitting players into the story. Preparation and knowing your story is essential as the GM. No matter how well written a given adventure is, players will always go off-piste, either because they have got the wrong end of the stick, or because they have decided they want to explore an aspect of their character. The latter here is probably the biggest challenge as a GM, and if handled poorly can sink a game. When players (individually or as a group) go off on wild tangents for whatever reason ... material, either have the soundtracks ongoing, or put together a play list to go along with the game. The latter is hard and time consuming, but does create good results. XP - as a new campaign I would just use the basic rules, no bonus XP, just brand new chars, no lightsabres or such like. Character development via XP is the best reward you can give a player. It gives them something to play for and advancing your character and getting better is what makes players really buy in to the game. Written material will have XP rewards for certain objectives met. NPCs, interaction and combat. Player NPC interaction is a big challenge for a new GM. NPCs need to be individual, and feel (to the players) real. You are in charge of a cast of 1,000s, each one with their own motivations. Picture props work wonders and though
  21. Ralzar

    Questions From a New GM

    Ralzar replied to McBamf 's topic in WFRP Rules Questions
    same. The casting rules are a hassle unless you have a proper rules-nerd to play the career who can keep track of everything himself. But from a story and "feel" perspective I would still generally discourage playing casters unless the adventure is somewhat intended for those careers. Wizards and Priests often feel weird and a bit out of place in many character partys and adventures. 8. Any overall tips you have for a new GM that you think would make our sessions successful? I've sat for hours trying to play through Pathfinder, and another hour or so trying to build a character in Mutants and Masterminds. I have picked up on this game more easily, by far. But still want to make sure we actually have a good time when we sit down to play. Some advise I think will help based on the feel I got from
  22. r_b_bergstrom

    Questions From a New GM

    r_b_bergstrom replied to McBamf 's topic in WFRP Rules Questions
    them, success rates will drop. The GM probably knows the PC’s Intelligence + Observation ratings, but that’s only two of the half-dozen factors that will go into determining their final dice pool.Think about Fortune Points in particular, they don’t represent something special the CHARACTER is doing, there is no in-character explanation for them at all (unless you’re playing a Mystic/Seer careers). Fortune Points represent the PLAYERS ability to affect fate / the narrative and succeed when it matters the most (to the Player).In the Lure of Power supplement, there’s a passage (the “Influence Defined” sidebar) where the authors encourage GMs to spell out, _before_the_roll_, what the effects will be of a successful “You Influence the target” result (such as from a Charm check). Such a revelation will often involve spoilers of some sort, but the GM is still encouraged to spell ... just not worry about the durability of items. #4:The Troll-Slayer career ability says they can’t wear armour. The point of the career is that they’re a disgraced warrior seeking their glorious death in battle. Plus, if you stack the bonus soak from their Slayer careers on top of armour, it may be a little broken. So really, they shouldn’t be wearing armour.Plus, it’s your wife. As a new GM, you may find it difficult to establish your authority at the table. Ultimately, you’re in control of the majority of the setting and game-world, and what you say goes, but if the other players get the mistaken impression that you’re "playing favorites", it may have a negative impact on their enjoyment of the game. Tread carefully there.#5:As others have said, there shouldn’t be a situation where
  23. valvorik
    Jay has lots of good points.I suggest similarly perhaps using existing content from FFG for this edition but then adjusting for your players and their characters, and for what makes sense and is fun to you. Be ruthless, you own your copy of stuff so mark it up and add your own notes. To use an existing adventure, map out its key scenes and bone structure so you can see what your modifications or those
  24. Adeptus-B

    New to GM'ing, old to 40K

    Adeptus-B replied to senj2 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Knowing the background and general "tone" of the 40K universe is probably the most important thing a new GM can bring to the game. Beyond that, just familiarize yourself with the rules (including the updated Errata- there have been many changes since the first Rulebook hit the market), and be prepared to improvise. This is important in every RPG, but especially in one focused on investigation. You never know when your players will radically misinterpret a clue and go off on a wild goose chase, and you will need to be able to "wing it". I recommend writing up stats for a variety of npcs- these can be as simple as archetypes from the Adversaries section of the Rulebook given specific names, but trust me, you don't want to have to make up names on the fly. Also, some maps of generic locations (bars, warehouses, hab-units, marketplaces
  25. thinkbomb

    New GM any tips

    thinkbomb replied to Ardentstone 's topic in Game Masters
    So, here's my 2 cents... Pure sandbox is a terrible idea for rookie GMs. Sandbox MISSIONS are brilliant. The key issue with pure sandbox is the players can say "no." If you're new to being a GM that can wreck your session. So, if the mission is non-negotiable with a single goal - the players won't be able to walk away. Instead, create a playground of destruction full of opportunity so they