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  1. VanorDM

    New GM new to DW, advice?

    VanorDM replied to XeroNecross 's topic in Deathwatch Gamemasters
    One thing you can do is run though simple combat encounters with no real story involved, just to get comforable with how combat works.There's two parts to running a RPG, one is combat, the other is everything else. The everything else part is both the hardest and easiest thing to do. There's no real hard and fast rules to how to do the social part of the game, PC's talking to NPC
  2. Tedward777
    Thanks all for the help so far! We played the Beginner Box Monday and last night. The team of four really enjoyed it and said that was easier than just jumping right in. I, and they, feel like they have a better handle on things. We are meeting next Wednesday to create their characters. I have every Sourcebook available to date so I am giving them a wide range of species, careers, specializations and more.They
  3. Deepstriker

    New GM new to DW, advice?

    Deepstriker replied to XeroNecross 's topic in Deathwatch Gamemasters
    Captain Ventris said:So that means less railroading more space for interaction right?
  4. Deepstriker

    New GM new to DW, advice?

    Deepstriker replied to XeroNecross 's topic in Deathwatch Gamemasters
    Hi XeroNecross I play a libby so I'll try to chip in here. Think of the psychic power system as a sub system within DW. Rules for Psychic abilities can be found in the core rule book and are abit different from 'other realms' that you speak (if you're referring to DH or RT).1. Power LevelThink of it like the volume on your stereo, soft, normal, or loud. It affects the power
  5. knasserII
    This is a tangent but the above doesn't make sense to me. You're having the Empire blame the destruction of Alderaan on the Rebel Alliance? Firstly Alderaan was far from an Imperial sympathizer. That's why it was chosen to make an example of as much as anything. But more importantly, the whole point of the Death Star is that the fear of it will keep the planets in line. Thinking the Rebellion
  6. mulletcheese
    It's always tricky getting a group of Jedi together in a post yavin game. I had a similar idea except using a flashback instead of a 20 year gap. The premise was that when alderaan was destroyed it sent out a shock wave through the force, "like a billion voices crying out and then being silenced". On planet X four strangers, at a large gathering, suddenly cried out in pain and collapsed.They were rushed
  7. Tedward777
    Thanks KnasserII. Very helpful directions to take this. I love the idea of adding in an extra youngling whose fate is decided on the teamwork of the group. This could be really good. Does anyone use a specific program or guideline when creating your own narrative and campaign... for example making maps, the classic Star Wars scroll, narrating strategies or anything else? Do you use a similar model to the pre-made modules of FFG
  8. knasserII
    It's a fine idea. I really like it As Is. Definitely play through the prologue. One suggestion, add some meaningful choices to the first act. For two reasons - one, it's a rail road prologue so adding some choice and consequence counters that. Secondly, it's a nice connection that can tie things together later. So for example, maybe there's an NPC youngling and the meaningful choice is whether they manage to save
  9. Captain Ventris

    New GM new to DW, advice?

    Captain Ventris replied to XeroNecross 's topic in Deathwatch Gamemasters
    I find Brothers of the Snake and Angels of Darkness serve well to illustrate varying ends of the Space Marine spectrum.
  10. RainOfSteel

    New GM new to DW, advice?

    RainOfSteel replied to XeroNecross 's topic in Deathwatch Gamemasters
    XeroNecross said:I recommend taking a single finished character and putting it down on a table and have another character sit a foot away, and have them blast away at each other. Use various combat maneuvers. Do it two or three times.Then, once you're comfortable with shooting and damage, get a wet or dry erase grid map (available online or at RPG shops) and draw some buildings and terrain on it using appropriate writing
  11. spectre113

    New GM - New to narrative

    spectre113 replied to Sinkaro 's topic in Game Masters
    Some excellent ideas and points going on here. I'll drop a couple of ideas about each. First to address Veruca's problem, backstory is dicey in any game you play. More so when the game comes from a movie or book series. Backstories should not really be considered sacrosanct, but rather as rough ideas to be hashed out between the GM and the player. I'd recommend ratcheting the "Famous-o-Meter" down a
  12. Sinkaro

    New GM - New to narrative

    Sinkaro replied to Sinkaro 's topic in Game Masters
    Thanks everyone for the posts. They helped a lot. MCV, I grabbed that book, it was a good buy. Veruca, hope your campaign is going well!
  13. Blackbird888
    Fly Casual doesn't offer anything with a high Intellect; they mostly focus on more social roles. Jawas are not anywhere official; the unofficial menagerie stats were made by a few beta players, and err on the side of conservative stats, so it shouldn't break anything. Gadgeteer is a solid specialization, and using tech is built into the concept. The have a number of talents that focus on outfitting gear (Jury Rigged and Tinkerer
  14. Fiddler27

    New GM, New Campaign

    Fiddler27 replied to Tempfire 's topic in Only War Game Masters
    Considering this thread was started two weeks ago, this advice may be a bit late for you, but here it is anyway. Guerilla Regiment, okay. Your players should be made to live off the land as much as possible. Returning to base to roll Logistics is a luxury for them. Make sure they are regularly deployed behind enemy lines for extended periods of time, expecting little or no support from high command. Give them a
  15. StarWarsMom
    So, there's my boy! Thanks for commenting. We all get through life with help from others, and I appreciate your candor and sympathy for everyone involved. I hoped that by having Vader issue the no violence warning, because of the safety of his kids and droids (let's pretend he cares at least a little for GoldenRod), it may be easier to swallow with Vader's rationale than just parents saying "Nope," regardless of
  16. RedfordBlade

    New GM - New to narrative

    RedfordBlade replied to Sinkaro 's topic in Game Masters
    I for one would love follow-up stories from some of the first-time GMs, once you've had a chance to run your games. We are all rooting for you!
  17. Frankenfurter

    New GM - New to narrative

    Frankenfurter replied to Sinkaro 's topic in Game Masters
    I seem to have been hijacked for my group. So I shall be reading with intrest!
  18. SgtLazarus

    New GM, New Campaign

    SgtLazarus replied to Tempfire 's topic in Only War Game Masters
    Do you want to stick to prefabs or do you feel ambitious enough to try writing an adventure of your own?
  19. Veruca

    New GM - New to narrative

    Veruca replied to Sinkaro 's topic in Game Masters
    Oh, it wasn't Bail who was going to tell where Obi-Wan was, but the player's family. According to his backstory, his father kept all sorts of records about the whereabouts of the Jedi, and in return for his wife and son's (the player) safety when escapign Coruscant, he'd reveal said information. Then 17 years later, the Empire comes knocking on Bails door, looking for the wife and her son... telling
  20. Tempfire

    New GM, New Campaign

    Tempfire replied to Tempfire 's topic in Only War Game Masters
    Thats actually a really good idea, that I think I'll put into practice. Especially so since, defying my expectations, not only did the party capture the general, in the ensuing fight with the DEldar, the Sergeant used a called shot with a hotshot las and oneshot their leader, rolled Righteous Fury and nailed a 10 for his crit roll. Now, they're being sent behind enemy lines since they are being praised as the
  21. Tempfire

    New GM, New Campaign

    Tempfire replied to Tempfire 's topic in Only War Game Masters
    Thus far their primary antagonist is the general they were sent to kill or capture, General Scarus, and knowing their penchant for screwing up their plans in dramatic fashion I expect their capture attempt to fail. However, should they get him out of the picture, I'm really thinking I'll set up Scarus's successor as this, an officer embittered towards the squad in particular for what they did to Scarus.
  22. coyote6
    Special Modifications has info on workshops in ships, too.
  23. StarWarsMom
    Well, we had session 0 on Saturday as planned. Today Tonight is Tuesday, so you might guess that I am still recovering from the fallout. Honestly, I'm not even sure where to begin to ask for redirection or help. If the kids continue to plot against themselves and me, we won't have any games. That's it, I guess. There're a lot of hurt feelings, and I'm going into mom mode
  24. EliasWindrider
    You might want to get the age of rebellion core rulebook for the engineer career which has mechanic, saboteur, and scientist in it, I personally prefer the engineer:mechanic over the technician:mechanic because, among other reasons the engineer provides ranged light as a career skill... and you might want to consider bounty hunter:gadgeteer it could be described/fluffed as a guy who made gadgets for bounty hunters rather than personally having gone on bounty
  25. diversionArchitect

    New GM, New Players, Interesting Story Help?

    diversionArchitect replied to Tedward777 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    outbound flight!? /drool. I'm just starting over re-reading the Thrawn Trilogy and I'd like to run something related to it. So cool. Yeah def post when you have time.