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  1. Wall Screamer
    relatively new GM starting a new campaign. In the past, I've run the core set twice, and started but didn't finish a full campaign. I'm looking over the character sheets of my new group of four to make sure they did everything correctly at character creation. Under Obligation, there's a box that says "Group's Contribution Rank." I can't figure out what they're supposed to put here, let alone what it even means
  2. malador888
    played the 'into the maw' adventure and when we got to the surprise attack by the raiders one of them closed in rather quickly, im not a new GM but im new to rogue trader, when i tried to launch a hit and run attack against my players ship i quickly found out that any hit and run attempt i could run would end up in failure because of their turret rating of 4 was able to cancel out the competent crew of the raiding ship (30 skills characteristic).Then to make matters worse the groups rogue trader with a fellowship of 50 decided to launch his own counter attack on the raider using his murder servitors and a teleportarium which combined with the bonus he gets on his command test just for assaulting another ship he had in total an effective fellowship of 100 to test against ensuring
  3. Dr. Quinn

    Sword Brother (HtCh) - too weak?

    Dr. Quinn replied to Alank2 's topic in Deathwatch
    damage). There is no reason a Librarian should not be cocky about triggering perils, as the chance is just too low, and the consequences, when and if they come, are just too arbitrary. They should just accept that with their overwhelming power there is a chance, a small chance at that, that they'll be rolling a new character eventually due to self inflicted wounds. Even then, it's not *really* a punishment. Since they were playing a Librarian before, no one would bat an eye if they rolled up a new one, so what you're saying is "Hey, there is a chance, albeit a small one, that you'll suffer wounds that will make your character unplayable, in which case, you still get all your overwhelming power and such, you just need to vary it up in terms of your roleplaying at that point". Oh, the horrors ... given Librarian can replace / will outshine 3 or 4 different characters, depending on their power selection. They are the very definition of overpowered, being above the normal power curve for any other specialty. The game is more balanced if they are not present. Again, it's not that you can't account for them, and incorporate them into your plans, and run a game with them in it. But if a brand new member and new GM is asking about their relative power level, I'm going to be honest with him, and the honest truth is that Librarians are the *only* specialty where they would not only excel, but utterly dominate in all conceivable situations if everyone decided to play one. And before you say that no reasonable GM would allow his entire group to play Librarians, ask yourself if a reasonable GM would bat an eye if everyone
  4. CornyTDog2000

    Ideas for a adventure

    CornyTDog2000 posted in Game Masters
    gonna be a new Gm and am not new to the game. I would like some adventure ideas to kick off a really exciting interesting great campaign
  5. stickerman

    Eye for an Eye Clue Cards

    stickerman replied to flyndad 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Steve; these are a great idea: about to run this with a new group and new GM so a copy would be really helpful
  6. GM Hooly

    It ain't "Knight level"

    GM Hooly replied to whafrog 's topic in General Discussion
    Firstly, I'd like to thank Awayputurwpn. Their example, although not necessarily accurate (as it wasn't their intent to do so) highlighted to me that the 150XP can be used to create an effective character with just that little bit of experience, but not so powerful to over-power the other PCs and in turn overpower a new campaign (and a new GM - that would be me for this system). My only concern now appears to be the use of the words "Knight Level". I guess its just a word, but one that FFG should consider to be one that creates a certain level of expectation for new-comers who may be new to the hobby and had only experiences what they saw on TV/Movies, and to those more experienced in all facets of Star Wars Lore
  7. Guardsman Stern
    relatively new GM, I've only GM'd a campaign (rather short, only about a dozen sessions) of Dark Heresy, and got roped into GMing Rogue Trader. A few things first: 1) I enjoy playing more than GMing, just getting that out of the way. 2) There are, at current count, 8 players in the group. A Rogue Trader, 2 Seneschals, an Ork, an Arch-Militant, a Voidmaster, an Explorator, and a Missionary. 3) I enjoy space combat….the players hate it because it takes them an hour just to decide to go forward and not bank left, so they say it takes too long and not everyone can be involved. 4) The Arch-Militant is a That Guy. If I'm not paying specific attention to him, he gets loud and demanding. 5) The Ork and Missionary player are constantly trying to piss each other off, In-Game
  8. whafrog
    first time GM and your players are all new to RPGs, I would strongly recommend the beginner box, and also to use the pregen PCs. The beginner box is great for a new GM because it introduces the rules in a controlled way that isn't an overload. For the players, if they have to make new PCs they won't know what choices to make because they don't know how the game works. So you'll probably be in a situation pretty quickly where the players will wish they had made different decisions. The beginner box also comes with a PDF followup adventure which is far more open. IMHO, the AoR beginner box is the best of the three, especially the PDF followup, as it gives the PCs the most freedom. The box adventure is taking over an Imperial base and not letting anyone escape, whereas
  9. r2trooper
    mean to be rude here, but it sounds like your GM needs to go back and actually learn the rules of the game. First he could spend the Despair on hitting the guy next to your target if they are close enough. The CRB actually states engaged. To trigger another effect a second Despair would need to have been on the table on the same roll. As for assigning obligation through a Despair, should never happen. Obligation should never be an uncontrolled consequence. Players should always have the option to take on the extra obligation or not. There would be very few circumstances that I would just assign obligation to the group without their consent. Very few, and I would only do that like one time in a campaign, and it would be something huge and pivotal to the story and game. One example would be they see a good ... extra success per rank in that skill. @Damnkid3, talk to your GM and express your concerns. Some GMs are open to feedback and criticism, others are not. I hope your GM is, that's how we learn to become better at stuff... It should never really boil down to who is right or wrong, it should be about the story telling process and the groups fun level, and let him know that his actions are having an adverse effect to the story telling, and the groups fun level. If he is interested in becoming a better GM, he will be open to new ideas, and will listen to player feedback. If he does not want/listen to your feedback, perhaps he is too stuck in his ways, and you may be better off finding a new GM... Edited October 6, 2014 by R2builder
  10. Tetsugaku-San
    everyone - great forum you all seem to have hear, hope I don't tread on any toes by asking stupid questions!I've been an on/off player of 40K, SpaceHulk, Epic & BloodBowl for years and I recently saw a bundle of Dark Heresy books on ebay. I managed to get the core rule book, GM screen and booklet, Inquisitors guide, Purge The Unclean & a character folio all for £40 ----------Anyway - I have some relatively committed players (5 definite) , an evening free and I'm ready to go. We ran the free download, concerned with The Shatters the other day and had a great time discovering all the rules, someone managed to make a promethium grenade out of a snow globe, much hilarity ensued. However before I jump in with GMing properly I have some worrying questions to ask so I don't come unstuck if I am asked myself.1 ... might I couldn't see 4 hours of things for people to do in each session. How much am I, as GM supposed to add / take away / tweak in these things? I'm really starting out green so any help and tips are appreciated!3) Combat - we had a few fights in the intro game and I think I've got the process down now, when we played we didn't use a map, I sketched down a rough plan in front of me (behind the screen), I told the players what they saw, where people where, and then worked out the movement, ranges, charges etc. myself and kept the narrative going by just talking. Is this the best way to go? especially with a new GM and players that are quite new to RPGing in general? Any and all feedback / ideas is really appreciated, I'm sure some
  11. ValiantOne

    Would this be a dirty move as GM?

    ValiantOne replied to Ken on Cape 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    GM (D20 by the way) that made it his mission to try and kill a character a session. He did not like one of the players, a good friend of mine. So he let him live until the last session, the end of a epic game we were playing. He did every dirty, stinking, cheat (kinda like not letting players use Light Side Tokens...) he could think of to kill my buddy, causing a complete group kill in the process. He then proceeds to brag to other players and GM's how he killed us all. Needless to say it was one of the worst experiences in gaming I have had. I Have NO problem dying, in the cause of a good game or story. To die like that, in a cheap dirty manner, just stinks to high heaven. We dumped that GM, and found another one. Our new GM
  12. Schmiegel


    Schmiegel replied to Schmiegel 's topic in Your Stories
    complication you presented. That certainly casts it in a new light, of course. But if I had any uncertainty about how complications work before, I don't anymore! I've read some of the fiction you referenced. I wonder if GMs use that as inspiration/backdrop for their own adventures and campaigns. As a novice GM, I'm worried that I won't be able to provide an "adequate experience" for the players. (Making mistakes such as the one mentioned above was very frustrating.) But if players provide the sort of input to the story that you described in that fascinating Scorpion sequence, that takes a lot of pressure off the GM.. It's hard to get a good grip on the balance between what the GM provides and what the players "bring to the table", as a new GM. Part of me wants to really do a "deep dive
  13. jimjams79

    New DM issues-

    jimjams79 posted in Game Masters
    have seen quite a few "New GM" threads with the same issues. Force Heal Rules- Character creation/Min/Maxers- Loot rules- And our old nemesis, Autofire. Would it be useful to have a dedicated thread of these common GM problems that the GM can "quick reference
  14. rhombusleech

    New podcast in the works

    rhombusleech replied to rhombusleech 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    Thanks! I'm a new GM and we're all still getting a feel for the rules and the system in general so I'm sure everyone will have feedback for how we're doing something wrong, but I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks anyway
  15. player3412539

    Defining A Galaxy

    player3412539 replied to player3412539 's topic in Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game 30th Anniversary Edition
    very simple. It's basically a one-way tube, with the Imperials on one side and the PC Rebels making a dash for the Y-Wing hangar. There's a big chasm to get across, and Bill says that this was inspired by Luke's swing across the chasm with the Princess on his hip. They just made the chasm bigger, so it would be different. The location is just enough for a new GM to digest. And, it's perfect for new players--they really have no choice but to go down the pipe to the Y-Wings. The new PCs are presented with a character from the movies, Tiree (although the GM may need to refresh some memories as to who Tiree is), and they are given a droid that is a basic model of R2-D2. All stuff they know. All stuff from the movies. Plus, they
  16. TheGuardian118

    New to pen and paper RPGs

    TheGuardian118 replied to TheGuardian118 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game
    Just wanted to give anyone who was interested an update and let you know we had an awesome session yesterday! Again, first time GM and my 3 players were brand new so it was a little slow going at first, but they got the hang of it towards the end. I'll list out a few highlights. We played the beginner Whisper Base mission. -For the first 15-20 minutes my players were playing it like a video game and wanted to kill everything. (It took a bit of time to get through the first garage scene) Since they were taking over an imperial base this approach makes sense initially at first as a player, but it was really cool to see their change in focus after they realized they could talk to NPC characters. I tried to lead into it in the encounter with the droid TOOR. Their initial ... remove the cover, which seemed to really help immersion.-At one point they wanted to shut the lights off in the base, and rolled high enough on a computers check that I let them for a time. It really spiced up combat when everyone was firing in darkness and only two of my three PCs had goggles. Setback dice for everyone! Except two of my PCs. I'm sure I made mistakes as a new GM which means my players may have made mistakes from me explaining things, but everyone had fun. We are planning on running through the expanded beginner downloaded adventure in two weeks using the premade PCs one more time. If they want to do more past that then I'll pick up the core book so they can make their own characters. Quick question, what races are available for character creation in each of the core
  17. GroggyGolem
    brand new EotE games. I'm a new GM. There's the possibility of a 4th group online.Started at the beginning of October with group 1. Group 2 is the first and only to get in a second session
  18. GalaxyUC

    Likes, Dislikes? Hits and Misses. Your Take.

    GalaxyUC replied to The Strolling Bones 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    came up 100% D&D Gamers, if you want to get more specific, we played A LOT of Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms, with the occassional Ravenloft romp in there. So, after high school in the late 1990's we stopped gaming as a collective with a number of upstarts and inconsistant groups in the 11 years since.So, we all started whispering about gaming again. I joined a couple groups in my new city and picked up some new GM tricks. So, we decided to put it all together again and needed to pick a game. We narrowed it down to Star Wars, Dragonlance 5th Age SAGA System, D&D BASIC (we immediatly ruled out 4E) and Warhammer. After a few months of rules review, we decided to give Warhammer a shot. We all knew the world a little, as we all at some point had or thought about, getting Armies
  19. whafrog

    First time GM needing help

    whafrog replied to DangerShine Designs 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    released first. The F&D book addresses all three, as it was released last. Against just MHO, but I find these mechanics entirely optional. You really don't have to use any of them. There are a couple talents that affect Duty, and a couple that affect Morality (via Conflict), but 90+% of the specs aren't affected, and those that are are easily tweakable. 3. There are a couple of recent "new GM" threads here or in the GM forum, check them out. But the main thing is don't sweat the small stuff. If you can't find or figure out a rule, just make up something reasonable and move on. And if in doubt, err in the PC's favour
  20. mlbrogueone
    Well after reading all of these responses I have the following comments for the OP and anyone who is casually interested. 1.) It seems that the OP is reading obligation as tool the GM will use to "screw players." To this I would say that if you feel you have a GM who is out to screw players then it is probably time to find a new GM. I would also say that the GM has far more powerful tools at his disposal to screw players than the obligation penalty of -2 starting strain during an adventure. The GM could drop a Rancor in the middle of any given activity for instance, or have a Star Destroy just jump into system and start dropping a full detachment of AT-ATs on the players location. Obligation is meant to be a narrative tool that fleshes out the PCs background
  21. TheGuardian118
    game? My group has me (I will be GM), and two people that are definitely interested, and one maybe. Are these types of games doable with 2 players + GM or should we not bother without 3+GM at least? We might be able to recruit some more if it's better with a larger group, all would most likely be new to this kind of games. (All adults) 2. Has anyone played the LOTR one and can compare it to this one? (Any of the three versions of the SW beginner games) I'm thinking at least we'll start with LOTR to see if we like the type of game since I already have the book, then maybe spend the money and get into one of these depending what everyone wants. 3. Any tips for a brand new GM introducing this type of game to brand new players
  22. PM102

    Collected player locator

    PM102 replied to PM102 's topic in Dark Heresy
    Indiana Cpip: Louisville, KYAttila-IV: Nicholasville, KYNeconilis: Agawam, Massachusetts If there's room I'll never object to making new friends and having good new players.JDSampo: Belchertown, Massachusetts Seether00: Longmeadow, Massachusetts Rocktopotomus: Baltimore, MDMaethalion: Maryland, MDWinter Soldier: Bangor, MEOdhinnfist: Mt. Pleasant, Michigan Markus_Blackletter: Rochester MichiganShadowedKnight: Michigan MegaUltros: Woodbury, Minnesota M: Minneapolis, MNBrother Domis: Charlotte, NCPinky Narfanek: Omaha, NEWise Woodsman: Omaha, NEBladerunnerk: Lincoln, Nebraska Sha1emade: Omaha, Nebraska AgentX: New York City, NYBrooklynMike: New York City, NYNullius: New York City, NYdread0395: Cincinnati, Ohmekanitz : Duncan, OKEjacobs: Lawton, OKRax: South OKC, OKJdguy: Stillwater/Tulsa, OklahomaBrick Bungalow: Portland, ORchomann40k: Astoria, Oregon joe_momma: Medford Oregon Ghost 058: Nanticoke, PAripper.mcguirl: Providence, RIDocIII: Columbia, SCKairos: Columbia, SCValasCbrl: Florence, SCCommissar Campbell: Shaw AFB, SCHot Hands: Knoxville, TNTallthulu: Knoxville, TN, GM and player. Jesterjeff: Nashville, TNRhodesW: Houston, Texas, New Gm and Advent playerbryce963: Austin, TXRenavato: Austin, TXRenfield007: Austin, TXShadow Psyker: Bedford (DFW) , TXThonius: San Antonio, TXNoGas: Norfolk, VACreon: Alexandria
  23. PM102
    Indiana Cpip: Louisville, KYAttila-IV: Nicholasville, KYNeconilis: Agawam, Massachusetts If there's room I'll never object to making new friends and having good new players.JDSampo: Belchertown, Massachusetts Seether00: Longmeadow, Massachusetts Rocktopotomus: Baltimore, MDMaethalion: Maryland, MDWinter Soldier: Bangor, MEOdhinnfist: Mt. Pleasant, Michigan Markus_Blackletter: Rochester MichiganShadowedKnight: Michigan MegaUltros: Woodbury, Minnesota M: Minneapolis, MNBrother Domis: Charlotte, NCPinky Narfanek: Omaha, NEWise Woodsman: Omaha, NEBladerunnerk: Lincoln, Nebraska Sha1emade: Omaha, Nebraska AgentX: New York City, NYBrooklynMike: New York City, NYNullius: New York City, NYdread0395: Cincinnati, Ohmekanitz : Duncan, OKEjacobs: Lawton, OKRax: South OKC, OKJdguy: Stillwater/Tulsa, OklahomaBrick Bungalow: Portland, ORchomann40k: Astoria, Oregon joe_momma: Medford Oregon Ghost 058: Nanticoke, PAripper.mcguirl: Providence, RIDocIII: Columbia, SCKairos: Columbia, SCValasCbrl: Florence, SCCommissar Campbell: Shaw AFB, SCHot Hands: Knoxville, TNTallthulu: Knoxville, TN, GM and player. Jesterjeff: Nashville, TNRhodesW: Houston, Texas, New Gm and Advent playerbryce963: Austin, TXRenavato: Austin, TXRenfield007: Austin, TXShadow Psyker: Bedford (DFW) , TXThonius: San Antonio, TXNoGas: Norfolk, VACreon: Alexandria
  24. plutonick
    having some rules intrepretation issues with my players. I am the GM and I know that the axiom is 'the GM is always right even if he bends the rules, but I want to follow the rules as much as possible (which is a tough task with WFRP 3rd, given that rules are not so clear cut). My gaming group are rather new players (and I am a rather new GM), mostly with a wargaming background, which means they follow the rules to the letter, even if they don't make sense storyywise. The healing/resilience rules are a cause a lot of fiction currently and I would like your take on how to handle the resilience mechanic, according to Rules As Written. I know the whole thing borders on rules lawyering on my and my players part, but I'd rather go by the rules, than bend them at this
  25. Illustrious
    Good evening folks. I bought the WFRP3 box set about a week ago, and had the chance to GM my first real adventure this weekend. I played with two of my close friends. The party is a dwarven thug with hand-to-hand specialisation and strength 5, and a human soldier also with hth spec. I decided to use the "Eye for an Eye" story. I wanted to share my experience with you in order to help solicit your advice on several issues I had (what with being a first time GM and WHFRP n00b).The party began in the main town. Taking inspiration from someone else on the forums, I decided to include a red herring regarding peasant discontent. I began the session with the PCs witnessing the exectution of a peasant 'malcontent' by the city forces. Both being slightly strange characters, they both heartily approved of the execution ... done to increase the immersion for the PCs as they were wandering around failing to get anything out of the NPCs? How far is it permissible to go to lead them by the nose to plot points?- Was I right to wake them up in the night? Would you have had your PCs awake to a band of cultists, a demon and around a dozen beastmen?- Is the GM's toolkit worth it, or should I wait for the new GM vault/guide? I've heard that there is lots of good GM advice in there, and I feel like I need it.I learned that I really need to do more preparation on the encounters. I wasn't prepared to run the cultist encounter properly since the PCs butchered them so quickly.I'd appreciate your feedback and thoughts on these topics, and any else that my ramblings provoke you to share