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  1. BrotherNefarius

    New GM to Rogue Trader

    BrotherNefarius replied to BrotherNefarius 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    Thanks for your replies and it makes much sense. i guess i am afraid things get out of hand. But its true, there is always a stronger badass than you out there. With chaos and all, should be easy.
  2. n00b f00

    New GM to Rogue Trader

    n00b f00 replied to BrotherNefarius 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    There's a lot of good advice in this topic. Spatula especially had some wise words. You'll get used to the fact that your players are running around with power swords, power armor, storm bolters, everything else in the book and quite a few things you cook up that aren't. It's a higher power level than you might be used to running most DH games. But when you give your players a
  3. lohnpondai
    Hi there folks! Im a big fan of W40k and a big fan of FFG products too. In the last few years managed to get a copy of most of the Rogue Trader and Black Crusade books in my country, which is no small feat . Havent been able to play at all due to well... too much work and small kids, but since i was getting more and more spare time so i gathered a
  4. lohnpondai

    New GM; asking for some advice.

    lohnpondai replied to lohnpondai 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    Hi there guys! Thanks Erathia and Nameless for the kind answers. I've been away for some days (holidays! yay!). Were having our first session next weekend. In the end the group consists of: - Rogue Trader. A decadent kinda guy. He's a descendant of the Haarlock legacy, but as you'll see he has no idea of what has happened to his bloodline at the beginning of the campaign. - Archmilitant. Ex-initiate of the
  5. MagosSteel

    New GM; asking for some advice.

    MagosSteel replied to lohnpondai 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    I had the same situation when playing my game with all of my players being huge fans of Firfly but myself having never seen all of it. The set up we came up with is still the large star ship but all of the crew and ship management happens in the back ground while they can focus on their adventure. They quickly adapted to the Star Trek red shirts being around and the scale of
  6. lohnpondai

    New GM; asking for some advice.

    lohnpondai replied to lohnpondai 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    Well, first game session went pretty well. The noble scion, the tough mercenary and both eldars managed to escape from the Chains of Judgment. The interaction with the different denizens of the derelict ship was really funny, and i think i managed to create a creepy/scary atmosphere by keeping lights low, and using a lot of sound effects (rofl; i downloaded loads of sci-fi sound effects on my ipad (like pressure doors opening, alarm
  7. ASCI Blue

    New GM

    ASCI Blue replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    Go watch Star Wars Rebels seasons 1 and about half of 2. One character is important, named Fulcrum. This person is the one who likely started the Rebel alliance or at the least became the head in a potentially short time. Leia does make an appearance in S2 as a teenager, Luke in S3 also as a teen. Leia's part is FAR more important due to her station as a princess, but the situation
  8. syrath

    New GM

    syrath replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    instead of droids being given the rebel plans by Leia, Captain Antilles gives them to a person in a specially sensor shielded escape pod (making it look like there are no life signs on board). This person lands on Tattoine nearby the player characters( or could be a PC themselves) who are out doing X. They can either aid said person or ignore them. If they aid them, cue stormtroopers who kill everyone they care
  9. Orjo Creld

    New GM

    Orjo Creld replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    perhaps Age of Rebellion would be a better game for this campaign. We know force users can't fight a war for you
  10. progressions

    New GM questions?

    progressions replied to lowdanvan2002 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    1. It sounds to me like you did the right thing. If a PC is at short range from a Stormtrooper, I'd also rule it as being one maneuver to go from short to engaged range, whether the PC was in cover or not. 2. I'm not sure where it says it in the book, but I'm certain that you can take them in any order. You could move, take action, then
  11. kaosoe

    New GM questions?

    kaosoe replied to lowdanvan2002 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    It would take a maneuver to completely get out of cover, but to pop your head over a crate is an incidental. Narratively the black could die represent the attacker hitting the person under cover at a moment where the defender had popped his or her head out. No need to have them spend a maneuver when it's already baked into the rule. Edited January 25, 2015 by kaosoe
  12. Jahpocalypse

    New GM questions?

    Jahpocalypse replied to lowdanvan2002 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    I only count short range movement as a maneuver, if somebody just wants to move to the other side of a box (or do something in engaged range) I don't really consider that a maneuver. This might not work for your group though if the players are constantly trying to abuse it. Luckily for me my players don't do that (they all think they are Rambo, including the technician).I'd say do
  13. Tropheus

    New GM needing info

    Tropheus replied to Tropheus 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    That species list that was posted was awesome. Exactly the kind of resources I was looking for and very well done. Still missing a few of what I consider the primary races like the Sullustans and Duros although I would assume the Sullustans will be in the next book since they are big Rebellion supporters. I like the criminal aspects of things but definitely prefer the Imperial side of things more, cool armor, cool ships
  14. ItsUncertainWho

    Help a new GM with some rules

    ItsUncertainWho replied to zjungle 's topic in Deathwatch
    1- I can't be specific, no books at hand, but it is in the book. It has to do with taking wounds exceeding the armor value that breaches the environmental seal. Repair cement fixes the seal.2- Thunder Hammers can't parry. Weapons who try to parry the Thunder Hammer have a high chance of being destroyed due to the power field.
  15. zjungle

    Help a new GM with some rules

    zjungle replied to zjungle 's topic in Deathwatch
    Thank you if can find where the amour damge is could you post it on this post Thank you
  16. herichimo

    Help a new GM with some rules

    herichimo replied to zjungle 's topic in Deathwatch
    ItsUncertainWho said: 1: when power armor takes damage in excess of the armor value the armor is no longer environmentally sealed. Repair cement fills those cracks and makes it sealed once more.2: Incorrect. A weapon can be destroyed only if a more powerful weapon parries it. The only thing I can be certain atm capable of destroying a thunder hammer is a runeblade. Runeblades can destroy power weapons, power weapons destoy normal weapons. You can
  17. player546410

    New GM questions?

    player546410 replied to lowdanvan2002 's topic in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG
    I've never charged a maneuver to leave cover, only to enter it. The assumption being that in a minute, coming out from behind cover doesn't take much relative time compared to running from in the open. Meanwhile, spotting, running to and getting behind cover in a usable fashion (ie, where you can pop out and shoot from) a much more involved process.
  18. ak-73

    New GM, several questions

    ak-73 replied to Saladin4 's topic in Deathwatch Rules Questions
    For the sake of completeness: he may also neither Parry nor Dodge. Alex PS Hi, Charmander.
  19. Siranui

    New GM, several questions

    Siranui replied to Saladin4 's topic in Deathwatch Rules Questions
    As to '1' we ruled that a character who causes Fear delivers an automatic point of Horde damage per point of Fear each turn when visible and in combat with one. No other effect is suffered by hordes from the Fear.This gives Fear an effect against hordes, without requiring any extra dice rolls or similar.As regards the powersword, others have made points as to size issues and that it should not share a stat-line
  20. Hehateme

    New GM With A Crossover Game

    Hehateme replied to lurkeroutthere 's topic in Deathwatch Gamemasters
    If the only thing holding your fiance back from playing a Tac Marine is fear of being thrust in a leadership role, then I'd try to reassure her not to worry about that too much. Tac Marines make good leaders, but they don't have to fill that role. Their talents also make for a real good rifleman/grunt as well. Not all Tac Marines need to have good Fellowship and social skills, some of
  21. BloodDrinkersSpaceMarine

    New GM First Campaign Iv'e Written

    BloodDrinkersSpaceMarine replied to BloodDrinkersSpaceMarine 's topic in Deathwatch Gamemasters
    Cheer mate unfortunately i already have my idea of the archon now all my players submitted extensive background history for their characters and My Raven Guard Tact Marine player has an archon in his story thats sorta his personal nemesis so thats what ima use the archon ive put in the game for genreally to piss him off stealing **** from him etc. and not to mention hes a bad as warrior to boot lol. But
  22. Gaire

    New GM here Have a couple questions..

    Gaire replied to Silvershock 's topic in Deathwatch Gamemasters
    Well… that depends. Rites of Battle is the Advanced Player's Handbook for Deathwatch, including things like an extended armory, advanced specialties, and vehicles. It also includes rules for making your own chapters, using successor chapters, and playing an Imperial Fist, though the ImpFist rules are… not the best in the game.First Founding has rules for playing Iron Hands, Raven Guard, Salamanders and White Scars, as well as advanced rules for the four First Founding
  23. Gaire

    New GM here Have a couple questions..

    Gaire replied to Silvershock 's topic in Deathwatch Gamemasters
    Achilus Assault has more to do with the war effort, while Jericho Reach is more about the Reach itself and the Deathwatch in the Reach. Personally, I prefer Jericho Reach, but I've used both for my campaign.
  24. KungFuFerret

    New GM

    KungFuFerret replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    Because sometimes you have a story in mind, and the players are actors taking on a specific role. Just like any play or movie would handle it. I've done that with my players before, given them premade PC's with backgrounds and motivations, and they just act them out.
  25. Visitor Q

    A new GM enters the arena !

    Visitor Q replied to Enmi 's topic in Deathwatch Gamemasters
    Adeptus-B makes an excellent suggestion and one I have used myself. Although I was slightly harsher to my players and put them up against actual captured xenos, Orks as it happened. The training excercise took place on an enclosed orbital platform specially designed for training missions, monitered by Watch Keepers. The whole training excercise developed into a mini scenario when it transpired that one of the Orks was in fact a Wierd Boy that