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  1. Grimandperilous

    New GM hardcover preview...

    Grimandperilous replied to Ghiacciolo 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Being quite happy with my WFRP purchases and the accessories they provide, the hardcover books don't present an immediate draw for me. I think I'll withhold my judgement as to their accessibility and usefulness until they they come out and I have a chance to read some reviews. It seems to me that for someone who already owns all the WFRP products the reason to purchase the hardcovers will simply be as a
  2. Grimandperilous

    New GM hardcover preview...

    Grimandperilous replied to Ghiacciolo 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Thanks willmanx, have downloaded the index now. Looks like a good resource.
  3. Teemeister

    New GM cheat sheet ready (v6)

    Teemeister replied to HedgeWizard 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Thank you for sharing this, HedgeWizard. It's really awesome!
  4. gruntl

    New GM cheat sheet ready (v6)

    gruntl replied to HedgeWizard 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Very nice cheat sheet, thanks a lot for making it!Just a short question. From which supplement(s) is the rules for Scrolls and Wands? Is it in Winds of Magic? Thought I had read that through thoroughly, but I may have missed it.
  5. Gitzman

    New GM cheat sheet ready (v6)

    Gitzman replied to HedgeWizard 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Yes i noticed that too lol. It has been fixed.Thank you!Gitz
  6. player1869801
    Hello there. I'm newbe who considers the possibility of starting playing the game. I usually play online, though, and so much more open to the idea of PDFs + online dice generator than pile of books + heap of stuff. So here goes some points:1) Full set of Guides has all the basic rules + tables instead of cards that were included in core set and some supplements.2) There is no cards and no tables for
  7. Emirikol

    New GM - WHFRP lite

    Emirikol replied to player1869801 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    House rules are in my Sig (equipment list and some other rules that we play by). jh
  8. Gallows

    New GM. Order of the scenarios and houserules.

    Gallows replied to player320064 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Feel free to check out my house rules... link in signature :-)
  9. valvorik

    New GM Here, Need Suggestions....

    valvorik replied to SJMazzella3380 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Unless they know this is "testing rules", I think sending them into a no-win is a very bad idea, grim and perilous or not, and starting by changing combat rules equally bad. Particularly if you don't have a plot line after that encounter.
  10. Emirikol

    New GM Here, Need Suggestions....

    Emirikol replied to SJMazzella3380 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Here's what I'd do instead:* Instead of showing archaon right away, perhaps have several occurrence of evidence of his passing. He of course, wouldn't be alone and would have a lot of minions. This is a chance to foreshadow: coughing, dying beastman, "Archaon is here. You will meet him." Have several locations to explore, such as ruined village, charred farmhouses, a newly designated herdstone, mutated trees from his passing..maybe have him
  11. Emirikol

    New GM Here, Need Suggestions....

    Emirikol replied to SJMazzella3380 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Here is a related article to watch out for Edited August 7, 2014 by Emirikol
  12. Razkir

    Any advice for a new GM?

    Razkir replied to Razkir 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Thanks for all the feedback so far. Here's a couple more questions. Why are wizards restricted to humans? Didn't elves teach humans how to use magic? Pg. 88 of the Players Guide: "A good rule of thumb is that each time your character is injured, a single First Aid check can be made to attempt to fix it." Pg 89: "Each character may benefit from each specific source of healing once per day
  13. Razkir

    Any advice for a new GM?

    Razkir replied to Razkir 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    A follow up question would be, how do you incorporate that in roleplaying terms? Most of my friends are used to D&D, where there's not really any restrictions on healing. So do you have an in game reason you give your players for why they can't just spam heal?
  14. Ralzar

    Any advice for a new GM?

    Ralzar replied to Razkir 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    To put it in more plain mechanics, you could allways rule that each time an Action is performed the same day on the same target, the difficulty is increased by one Difficulty Dice. Lots of healing Actions have nasty effects for Banes or Chaos Stars.
  15. SemperSarge

    New GM Seeking Advice

    SemperSarge replied to SemperSarge 's topic in WFRP Rules Questions
    Thanks guys! I really appreciate it. 1.) I'll discuss with my players, but I'm tempted to limit the number of maneuvers, or things a character can perform a turn, to their Agility attribute rating. 2.) Doing two maneuvers instead of an attack and one maneuver sounds reasonable to me. 3.) Sounds like individual players can only have a maximum of three fortune dice at any time. I'm guessing this is independent on
  16. McBamf

    Questions From a New GM

    McBamf replied to McBamf 's topic in WFRP Rules Questions
    Thank you so much for the help all. I learned a lot. Yes, I was mistaken in thinking the neutral position was always in the middle of a stance meter, no matter how many red vs green there were. So it makes sense to me now. I appreciate it! And will probably have a few more questions later!
  17. sandwich

    New GM looking for some tips

    sandwich replied to sandwich 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Thanks for the replies! I'm definitely planning on doing EoN as 2nd adventure, after Eye for an Eye. Looks like I did get the XP wrong though... I'm guessing my sessions will be 2 hours or so each, I guess 1XP per each of these should be ok? As a follow-up question... I do have the new version of Enemy Within. After a brief skim-through it seems set up for a
  18. DurakBlackaxe

    New GM looking for some tips

    DurakBlackaxe replied to sandwich 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    oops I replied to wrong post Edited February 18, 2016 by DurakBlackaxe
  19. Adeptus-B

    New GM to Deathwatch - it's in the bag (kinda)

    Adeptus-B replied to Mazer Rackham 's topic in Deathwatch
    May the Force Emperor be with you! Edited June 1, 2015 by Adeptus-B
  20. Braendig

    New GM: Questions About Starting Team Balance

    Braendig replied to dxanders 's topic in Game Masters
    If you're that concerned about it, give them the opportunity to loot stimpacks off of their opponents. That will provide them 'instant' healing within the context of the game and, as that's the primary method people get healed without a doctor, it makes sense that their opponents would have stimpacks. On the actual combat note, don't have anyone with blaster rifles or anything heavier shooting at them until they've had a
  21. Spatulaodoom

    New GM to Rogue Trader

    Spatulaodoom replied to BrotherNefarius 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    Taken literally my response would be to use the acquisition rules on page 271 of rogue trader or the requisition rules on page 140 of DH2.But it seems to me what you're actually saying is that you're not entirely comfortable with your players getting powerful equipment and you want to know how to limit that. Am I correct? Do you want these things to be unavailable?Are you trying to run Rogue Trader
  22. player546410

    New GM to Rogue Trader

    player546410 replied to BrotherNefarius 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    Rogue Trader is a very different scale, and it takes some getting used to. You as a person are not that much more powerful, but you have better equipment and more importantly, you have resources. It's not the best quality power sword that trips up most GMs, it's the platoon of stormtroopers they're leading.
  23. player546410

    New GM to Rogue Trader

    player546410 replied to BrotherNefarius 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    Out of curiosity, how long are you thinking of doing DH2 "Acolyte" stuff before you hit "Rogue Trader" stuff? This might have a major influence on how you go about making the transition, and how it feels. Because as some noted above, this can be "Inquisitorial/interrogator with a ship" to "Made a Rogue Trader to get rid them" to "One of my fellow acolytes was secretly a Rogue Trade Scion, now we work together for
  24. Decessor

    New GM to Rogue Trader

    Decessor replied to BrotherNefarius 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    There's nothing wrong with running Rogue Trader using different rules, if you are willing to house rule the changes. One of my current campaigns uses mostly Only War rules with bits of Rogue Trader bolted on (e.g. ship combat, profit factor, and acquisitions). The scale of Rogue Trader does take some getting used to. If you like running sandbox games with lots of player options, I can think of few better. Remember that there