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  1. Twodogz

    New GM. Order of the scenarios and houserules.

    Twodogz replied to player320064 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    I have heard stories of that guy sometimes taking years to even get back to people.
  2. captaincutlass

    New GM. Order of the scenarios and houserules.

    captaincutlass replied to player320064 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Not sure if this been already said but the main houserule that I totally dig is that any social action that says "you influence the target" also deals one shame to the target.
  3. gameogre43

    New GM and no dice,need help

    gameogre43 replied to gameogre43 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Thanks again! While I don't have the book any longer I will still keep a eye on the game and see what happends. If the dice become avialable at the same time I happen to have some extra cash I can see buying it all again. Two of my players were really bummed out about the whole deal as they really loved Warhammer 2nd edition. So my guess is this isn't goodbye as
  4. Johann Rowlocks

    New GM and no dice,need help

    Johann Rowlocks replied to gameogre43 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Come on back and join the fun! Merry Xmass!
  5. morgath32
    So I didn't like EfaE so decided to write a similar story with a fair few alternatives, less NPC's the manage, different chaos god and so forth. My current group composition is:Dwarf gambler, High Elf thief, Human Mercenary, Human Initiate of Sigmar, with an Apprentice Wizard if the Grey Order joining next session. Overall the group has a nice balance, with a theme of being sneaky, shadow wizard, a theif and a
  6. morgath32

    New GM starting campaign

    morgath32 replied to morgath32 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Should have proof readed that, I'm half awake so I do apologise for the grammatical errors.Also, is there an edit button for posts? If so I couldn't find it.
  7. plutonick
    Pickles said: You are right, but I used the Plundered Vaults version which is v2.
  8. Emirikol

    The New GM

    Emirikol replied to Rat Catcher 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    I've been Gm/DM since I started gaming in '81. Here are a couple things that I always keep in mind..and they oftentimes don't have to do with the scenario, but have to do with just running a good game (first) and scenario design (next):1. Establish expectations at the beginning of EVERY campaign and the beginning of every game. Make it a habit. "Here's how you run the game..."2. Always
  9. Timofeo
    Hello all, I started WHFRP maybe 3 months back but then was sidetracked a bit to play DND 4th since one player was very against playing WHFRP, I have since convinced him to play lol.I have 7 Players (yes I know its insane, but I am not sure who to cut and would feel bad to do so)+ I am slightly confused on Attacks, if a Character High Elf Sword Master with Strength 3 attacks
  10. Timofeo
    Thanks this helps a lot, I am not sure what got me thinking it was a opposed action and am glad to learn otherwise that makes it alot more sensible.
  11. Roland the Red
    I've been using 23x20 easel pads for 4E D&D, and will likely use it for things like this too (ABout $1 per sheet). Not that the dimensions are critical, but a scale model (scaled to the carboard character mini's) would help visualize where people are. If a combat where to break out inside the lodge, I'd treat moving room to room as being a maneuver and anyone in a room is
  12. philosophant
    This is indeed a great question. I got the gitzman map so I was going to draw the house map without the clues presents and have them go off of it.
  13. Roland the Red

    New Gm looking for a little mentoring and sanity check

    Roland the Red replied to Domino25 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Looking for a sanity check in Warhammer? Dangerous territory my friend….sanity is in short supply here :-P
  14. Domino25
    Thanks everyone for the tips, and thanks Jay for looking over what I had planned. A little more background, this is my first time as GM/DM for any RPG, and last year was my first time playing a tabletop game in general. So part of my tenitiveness here is because I don't have much to draw on yet. I played with the group through the Gathering Storm, and then offered to swap with the
  15. Angelic Despot

    New Gm looking for a little mentoring and sanity check

    Angelic Despot replied to Domino25 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Domino25 said: I think actually TEW is a good campaign to start with. There is plenty of stuff in the book to help you drive the story, so if you're short of ideas, there are lots of hints and examples. A lot of it set in human cities, and with fairly mundane combatants, so you don't need to get a handle on all sorts of wierd rules and creatures. There is a lot
  16. MaSc
    I remember a time, when I used a pencil and an eraser for my character sheets. Dumb computer ;-D
  17. valvorik

    New Gm help please

    valvorik replied to player1053558 's topic in WFRP Rules Questions
    I don't have it in front me, it should say that in the adventure text.
  18. Ralzar

    New GM needs help badly!

    Ralzar replied to cegorach 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    This is basically how I have stuff organized. I know others have all kinds of fancy stuff for this, but I have been doing fine with some rubber bands for cards and some plastic bags for chips etc. 1: Split all the card decks into their separate kinds. 2: Action Cards: Make sure you do not mix NPC actions and PC actions. NPC actions are usually easily recognizable by being marked with suggested monsters. 3
  19. r_b_bergstrom

    New GM needs help badly!

    r_b_bergstrom replied to cegorach 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    I put all the (PC) Action Cards in 9-pocket pages in binders. One binder has all the blessings, one has all the spells, and the last binder has all the other Actions. For the spell and blessing binders, I further sorted them by order or religion, and then rank. For the binder with all the other actions, I sorted them by the relevant skill, and stuck little tabs on the pages so it's
  20. Nimsim

    New GM needs help badly!

    Nimsim replied to cegorach 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    I'll try to gather links for everything up, but here is some basic advice for organization of ALL. THAT. STUFF. I'm going to assume a worst case scenario where in a gleefully mad bit of unboxing you unpunched everything and mixed all of the cards into one massive pile. StorageIf you're cool with it, you can probably get away with storage just being a bunch of ziplock bags (those included in the
  21. Nimsim

    New GM needs help badly!

    Nimsim replied to cegorach 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Also, for actually running the game, I would go against the grain and say that you should really give all of the rules a shot before dismissing them or houseruling. Here is some general advice on things. The funny diceYour players are your friends. Ask them what they think should happen. As a general rule, have the players say what the good things that happen are, while the GM says bad things. Don't be
  22. cegorach

    New GM needs help badly!

    cegorach replied to cegorach 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Wow folks! Such awesome advice. I'm going to print it out and study it. Thank you all so much
  23. Emirikol

    New GM

    Emirikol replied to Kaic 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Which scenario are you running first? Eye for an Eye or the Demo scenario download? jh
  24. wakeley

    New GM

    wakeley replied to Kaic 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Thank you for your answers. I will search the forums .
  25. captaincutlass

    Any fan-made play-aids for a new GM

    captaincutlass replied to Hedonismbot 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    I've got some work in progress articles & creature generator on my fanpage:'ll be working on an even generator the coming winter with Skolo but I'll be happy to collaborate with anyone who's willing.