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  1. VarniusEisen

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    VarniusEisen replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Whilst I don't encourage my player to loot the dead. I do allow it. After all it's a perfectly good way of re-stocking ammo. The group actually polices itself when it comes to loot which pleases me immensely. For example, a few missions ago the group managed to down an chaos marine. leaving behind a lager bolter and a slightly odd looking power sword. The guardsman made a be-line for the
  2. HappyDaze

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    HappyDaze replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Lootings less of a problem if the acolytes are acutually paid well. Beyond that, just let the players know that the level of detail you apply in expenses will be proportionate to the level they want to put into looting. If they loot every last little item, make sure they're charged for every last item of a meal (+tips), every service at their lodging (+tips), every vox-call they place, etc. Then the kicker
  3. Archellus

    New GM - Looking For Advice

    Archellus replied to choux 's topic in Shadow of the Beanstalk
    When i created my first genesys campaign and introduced it to my play group we did a prequel run kinda like what you where thinking for your one shot. What i did was allow players to come up with a concept for the setting and then i made a small character stat block like a card with basic stat a sample spell and equipment but not a full char sheet. I wrote out all the
  4. Cifer

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    Cifer replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    I've got to admit that I fail to see the problem. Firstly, Mono is not some miraculous stuff. It's readily available for everyone who wants his melee attacks to compare to modern guns. Then, there are quite a few legitimate opponents for acolytes they can't loot profitably - a lot of those are in the Disciples supplement. That Ogryn is dangerous because of its extreme strength, not because of their highly sophisticated meat
  5. Sedda
    What do you think about modifying those Techniques so that they require an extra Advantage for each one of their effects (2 for entail the weapon, 3 for immobilize in Coiling Serpent; 2 the Strife attack for Peltling Hail Style)?
  6. Avatar111
    Nothing is broken when everything is. Everybody plays this game differently, and I mean it. Just enjoy the game, do cool stories.
  7. The Grand Falloon

    New GM. What's broken or OP?

    The Grand Falloon replied to lologrelol 's topic in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game
    For Coiling Serpent, I would say that each * spent increases the TN on actions using the weapon, rather than saying it can't be used. That way there's still a chance to hit, and the target still has opportunity options. Pelting Hail, on the other hand, is just ridiculous, especially if you use the whole thing about Wargear causing extra Strife. That means a Daikyu would just dump 7 Strife per shot, ignoring TN
  8. Harzerkatze
    Yes, that is a powerful one, as it automatically does its effects on subsequent rounds.
  9. Tenebrae
    I have used range bands. They work better in L5R than in some games (assuming you don't think about them too much). I think they work better in ArM5 tan in L5R5. But in either case, IME, the less attention you pay to range bands, the better they work.
  10. sidescroller
    See? This statement right here. Range bands don't work.
  11. Myrion
    I mean, I'm sure you can do it that way too - it's just more effort than it's worth. If you keep it mostly as theater of the mind, with a simple map - it has worked just fine for us.
  12. T_Kageyasu
    I highly doubt a street thug would require the approval of their daimyo to initiate the formal resolution of grievances through ritualized martial conflict. Sure, there could be an unsanctioned duel between samurai who are bitter rivals, but the formal procession still exists to maintain a semblance of honor. Range bands aren't required in a duel with melee weapons because leaving is tantamount to forfeiture and we can safely assume opponents are tethered together
  13. DSalazar
    Technically, there are no 2-person skirmish, of course, every group can rule otherwise. but Emphasis on the last phrase. Not all conflict duels are formal duels.
  14. Magnus Grendel
    Makes me think of the GW Kharn novel. "You killed him. Remember?’ Ruokh’s eye twitched. ‘That was a fair fight,’ he growled. ‘It was to first blood,’ said Dreagher. ‘I only hit him once,’ said Ruokh. ‘You decapitated him.’ ‘There was a lot of first blood,’ admitted Ruokh."
  15. The Grand Falloon

    New GM. What's broken or OP?

    The Grand Falloon replied to lologrelol 's topic in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game
    Make the increased Deadliness of a finishing blow optional. Problem solved. If you use that increased Deadliness, it's pretty obvious to everyone that you were striking to kill. That also solves the issue with Deceitful Strike, which is that there's no mechanical "trying to kill" vs "not trying to kill". Unless that increased Deadliness becomes optional or you add some houserules to the Iaijutsu techniques, it's basically impossible to have an Iaijutsu
  16. Magnus Grendel

    This new GM is overwhelmed, can you help him get whelmed?

    Magnus Grendel replied to Hollow Bonfire 's topic in Houserules
    As an example: Rings and picking approaches So the shorthand is:
  17. Magnus Grendel

    This new GM is overwhelmed, can you help him get whelmed?

    Magnus Grendel replied to Hollow Bonfire 's topic in Houserules
    Absolutely fine.
  18. Salcor

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    Salcor replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    If the players are looting just for cash, then all the above suggestions are great. Initially with my group I am assigned weapons and equipment by the mission, any other requests need to be filled out in triplicate. One the other hand, if I were playing an alcolyte, as the situation allowed and the equipment was right (unmarked and untainted/corrupt) I would loot to set up a weapons and equipment cache on just about every
  19. Emirikol

    New GM. Order of the scenarios and houserules.

    Emirikol replied to player320064 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Here's how I'd run them: WFRP3D01 A Day Late, A Shilling Short (demo scenario)WFRP301 An Eye for an Eye (Core Set, Tome of Adventure booklet)WFRP302 The Gathering Storm – A Campaign For WFRP – Complete Boxed SetWFRP304 Winds of Change (Winds of Magic boxed set, Liber Mutatis booklet)WFRP3F01 Ghost of Mondstille -fan scenario by Clive OldfieldWFRP306 Horror at Hulgedal (Signs of Faith boxed Set, Liber Infectus booklet)WFRP3F06 The Lone Wolf (Wolfship
  20. player320064

    New GM. Order of the scenarios and houserules.

    player320064 replied to player320064 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Thanks a lot for the help. I think I'll start with An eye for an eye.
  21. Banemus

    New GM. Order of the scenarios and houserules.

    Banemus replied to player320064 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    I remember asking you jh about those images, if you still had those?
  22. Emirikol

    New GM. Order of the scenarios and houserules.

    Emirikol replied to player320064 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Agreed. The other thing to consider is if Skaven are revealed too early in campaigns, they are kind of like an enormous spoiler. jh
  23. Emirikol

    New GM. Order of the scenarios and houserules.

    Emirikol replied to player320064 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Sorry no, the images are gone.
  24. ElCommi

    New GM. Order of the scenarios and houserules.

    ElCommi replied to player320064 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Thanks for the list! (Took a little while as I'm not very faimilar with rpggeek).Unfortunately, the list I found only has a handful of links to scenarios.