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  1. captaincutlass

    Any fan-made play-aids for a new GM

    captaincutlass replied to Hedonismbot 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    I've got some work in progress articles & creature generator on my fanpage:'ll be working on an even generator the coming winter with Skolo but I'll be happy to collaborate with anyone who's willing.
  2. sidescroller
    See? This statement right here. Range bands don't work.
  3. bloody malth

    New GM, not sure how to handle this situation.

    bloody malth replied to closecraig 's topic in Game Masters
    That's not quite correct, at least here in the real world. While a single dirt-poor farmer may not have the money to buy large amounts of water, coalitions, governments, crime syndicates, and businesses will. Controlling water is a business operation; the drought in California cost the state billions of dollars. Getting water from the air, enough for subsistence living, is certainly possible with condensers, but most water that humans on earth use is
  4. Grimandperilous

    New GM hardcover preview...

    Grimandperilous replied to Ghiacciolo 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Being quite happy with my WFRP purchases and the accessories they provide, the hardcover books don't present an immediate draw for me. I think I'll withhold my judgement as to their accessibility and usefulness until they they come out and I have a chance to read some reviews. It seems to me that for someone who already owns all the WFRP products the reason to purchase the hardcovers will simply be as a
  5. Grimandperilous

    New GM hardcover preview...

    Grimandperilous replied to Ghiacciolo 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Thanks willmanx, have downloaded the index now. Looks like a good resource.
  6. dwraley

    Another new GM

    dwraley replied to dwraley 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Well three of my characters have expressed a desire to begin on a Hive World. Do you suppose Scintilla or Malfi would make a better place to start a campaign off? All the intrigue instrinic to Malfian culture seems like fun.
  7. closecraig

    New GM, not sure how to handle this situation.

    closecraig replied to closecraig 's topic in Game Masters
    This is all far too much money for them at this point in the game (Very low XP characters). Does anyone recommend any interesting, or exciting ways on how I can rob them of their chance to get the motherload? Does anyone have any experience having an NPC scam the PC's? I'm currently thinking that Nym of Lok would buy it from them, somehow manage to get away with the ship and suddenly
  8. closecraig

    New GM, not sure how to handle this situation.

    closecraig replied to closecraig 's topic in Game Masters
    Thanks again everyone for your responses. It's been very useful to see the discussion regarding prices and the economical and domestic fallout from such an event as this. From your feedback, I've decided the following based upon the assumption that the players will steal the ship: Thoughts?
  9. Teemeister

    New GM cheat sheet ready (v6)

    Teemeister replied to HedgeWizard 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Thank you for sharing this, HedgeWizard. It's really awesome!
  10. gruntl

    New GM cheat sheet ready (v6)

    gruntl replied to HedgeWizard 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Very nice cheat sheet, thanks a lot for making it!Just a short question. From which supplement(s) is the rules for Scrolls and Wands? Is it in Winds of Magic? Thought I had read that through thoroughly, but I may have missed it.
  11. Gitzman

    New GM cheat sheet ready (v6)

    Gitzman replied to HedgeWizard 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Yes i noticed that too lol. It has been fixed.Thank you!Gitz
  12. Mark Caliber

    Advice for a new GM?

    Mark Caliber replied to errrik012 's topic in Game Masters
    Yep. Trex may seek revenge personally or report the crime to the local authorities, so there may be some repercussions down the road. The PC's may also gain a positive reputation for being reasonable pirates who are willing to go easy on victims who cooperate. It may lead to other "work" opportunities down the road too.
  13. player1869801
    Hello there. I'm newbe who considers the possibility of starting playing the game. I usually play online, though, and so much more open to the idea of PDFs + online dice generator than pile of books + heap of stuff. So here goes some points:1) Full set of Guides has all the basic rules + tables instead of cards that were included in core set and some supplements.2) There is no cards and no tables for
  14. Tenebrae
    I have used range bands. They work better in L5R than in some games (assuming you don't think about them too much). I think they work better in ArM5 tan in L5R5. But in either case, IME, the less attention you pay to range bands, the better they work.
  15. Gallows

    New GM. Order of the scenarios and houserules.

    Gallows replied to player320064 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Feel free to check out my house rules... link in signature :-)
  16. Harzerkatze
    Yes, that is a powerful one, as it automatically does its effects on subsequent rounds.
  17. The Grand Falloon

    New GM. What's broken or OP?

    The Grand Falloon replied to lologrelol 's topic in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game
    For Coiling Serpent, I would say that each * spent increases the TN on actions using the weapon, rather than saying it can't be used. That way there's still a chance to hit, and the target still has opportunity options. Pelting Hail, on the other hand, is just ridiculous, especially if you use the whole thing about Wargear causing extra Strife. That means a Daikyu would just dump 7 Strife per shot, ignoring TN
  18. Avatar111
    Nothing is broken when everything is. Everybody plays this game differently, and I mean it. Just enjoy the game, do cool stories.
  19. dwraley
    Saturday, I will run my first game of Dark Heresy. It will probably be a brief 1 or 2 session run knowing the group I game with, but I've waited since the day Dark Heresy first appeared on the shelves at my local Game Store for a chance to run this game. On their first mission, the acolytes will search for signs of heresy on a fuedal world called Bastion Prime. Members of The
  20. Sedda
    What do you think about modifying those Techniques so that they require an extra Advantage for each one of their effects (2 for entail the weapon, 3 for immobilize in Coiling Serpent; 2 the Strife attack for Peltling Hail Style)?
  21. Versch

    EotE BG first play through as a new GM

    Versch replied to Ender07 's topic in Game Masters
    Sounds like you made some sweet gaming memories.Grats!
  22. Cifer

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    Cifer replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    I've got to admit that I fail to see the problem. Firstly, Mono is not some miraculous stuff. It's readily available for everyone who wants his melee attacks to compare to modern guns. Then, there are quite a few legitimate opponents for acolytes they can't loot profitably - a lot of those are in the Disciples supplement. That Ogryn is dangerous because of its extreme strength, not because of their highly sophisticated meat
  23. Ender07
    Hey everyone! So I had my first playthrough of EotE BG this past Saturday and it went really well. I was concerned with the time it would take and that my crew would breeze right through it so I added some additional side missions and encounters to keep the story exciting, while not railroading them through everything. All of us have no tabletop RPG experience, only playing RPG type games on game consoles, and I
  24. Emirikol

    New GM Here, Need Suggestions....

    Emirikol replied to SJMazzella3380 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Here's what I'd do instead:* Instead of showing archaon right away, perhaps have several occurrence of evidence of his passing. He of course, wouldn't be alone and would have a lot of minions. This is a chance to foreshadow: coughing, dying beastman, "Archaon is here. You will meet him." Have several locations to explore, such as ruined village, charred farmhouses, a newly designated herdstone, mutated trees from his passing..maybe have him
  25. Vonpenguin
    Agreed. This is very much an "eyeball it" system.