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  1. Emirikol

    The New GM

    Emirikol replied to Rat Catcher 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    I've been Gm/DM since I started gaming in '81. Here are a couple things that I always keep in mind..and they oftentimes don't have to do with the scenario, but have to do with just running a good game (first) and scenario design (next):1. Establish expectations at the beginning of EVERY campaign and the beginning of every game. Make it a habit. "Here's how you run the game..."2. Always
  2. Timofeo
    Hello all, I started WHFRP maybe 3 months back but then was sidetracked a bit to play DND 4th since one player was very against playing WHFRP, I have since convinced him to play lol.I have 7 Players (yes I know its insane, but I am not sure who to cut and would feel bad to do so)+ I am slightly confused on Attacks, if a Character High Elf Sword Master with Strength 3 attacks
  3. Timofeo
    Thanks this helps a lot, I am not sure what got me thinking it was a opposed action and am glad to learn otherwise that makes it alot more sensible.
  4. dwraley
    Saturday, I will run my first game of Dark Heresy. It will probably be a brief 1 or 2 session run knowing the group I game with, but I've waited since the day Dark Heresy first appeared on the shelves at my local Game Store for a chance to run this game. On their first mission, the acolytes will search for signs of heresy on a fuedal world called Bastion Prime. Members of The
  5. Roland the Red
    I've been using 23x20 easel pads for 4E D&D, and will likely use it for things like this too (ABout $1 per sheet). Not that the dimensions are critical, but a scale model (scaled to the carboard character mini's) would help visualize where people are. If a combat where to break out inside the lodge, I'd treat moving room to room as being a maneuver and anyone in a room is
  6. philosophant
    This is indeed a great question. I got the gitzman map so I was going to draw the house map without the clues presents and have them go off of it.
  7. Sedda
    What do you think about modifying those Techniques so that they require an extra Advantage for each one of their effects (2 for entail the weapon, 3 for immobilize in Coiling Serpent; 2 the Strife attack for Peltling Hail Style)?
  8. Versch

    EotE BG first play through as a new GM

    Versch replied to Ender07 's topic in Game Masters
    Sounds like you made some sweet gaming memories.Grats!
  9. Domino25
    Thanks everyone for the tips, and thanks Jay for looking over what I had planned. A little more background, this is my first time as GM/DM for any RPG, and last year was my first time playing a tabletop game in general. So part of my tenitiveness here is because I don't have much to draw on yet. I played with the group through the Gathering Storm, and then offered to swap with the
  10. Angelic Despot

    New Gm looking for a little mentoring and sanity check

    Angelic Despot replied to Domino25 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Domino25 said: I think actually TEW is a good campaign to start with. There is plenty of stuff in the book to help you drive the story, so if you're short of ideas, there are lots of hints and examples. A lot of it set in human cities, and with fairly mundane combatants, so you don't need to get a handle on all sorts of wierd rules and creatures. There is a lot
  11. Cifer

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    Cifer replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    I've got to admit that I fail to see the problem. Firstly, Mono is not some miraculous stuff. It's readily available for everyone who wants his melee attacks to compare to modern guns. Then, there are quite a few legitimate opponents for acolytes they can't loot profitably - a lot of those are in the Disciples supplement. That Ogryn is dangerous because of its extreme strength, not because of their highly sophisticated meat
  12. dreenan

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    dreenan replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    Thanks to both of you.
  13. Ender07
    Hey everyone! So I had my first playthrough of EotE BG this past Saturday and it went really well. I was concerned with the time it would take and that my crew would breeze right through it so I added some additional side missions and encounters to keep the story exciting, while not railroading them through everything. All of us have no tabletop RPG experience, only playing RPG type games on game consoles, and I
  14. MaSc
    I remember a time, when I used a pencil and an eraser for my character sheets. Dumb computer ;-D
  15. Vonpenguin
    Agreed. This is very much an "eyeball it" system.
  16. Ender07

    EotE BG first play through as a new GM

    Ender07 replied to Ender07 's topic in Game Masters
    Thanks for reading through it...I know it was quite long but encompassing the whole adventure took alot more than I thought it would! It was alot of fun and we are getting together to start LAOTH this Sat. and I am really looking forward to it!
  17. player546410

    EotE BG first play through as a new GM

    player546410 replied to Ender07 's topic in Game Masters
    Nice write up, and sounds like it was an awesome game. I look forward to hearing about Long Arm of the Hutt
  18. Nimsim

    New GM needs help badly!

    Nimsim replied to cegorach 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    I'll try to gather links for everything up, but here is some basic advice for organization of ALL. THAT. STUFF. I'm going to assume a worst case scenario where in a gleefully mad bit of unboxing you unpunched everything and mixed all of the cards into one massive pile. StorageIf you're cool with it, you can probably get away with storage just being a bunch of ziplock bags (those included in the
  19. Nimsim

    New GM needs help badly!

    Nimsim replied to cegorach 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Also, for actually running the game, I would go against the grain and say that you should really give all of the rules a shot before dismissing them or houseruling. Here is some general advice on things. The funny diceYour players are your friends. Ask them what they think should happen. As a general rule, have the players say what the good things that happen are, while the GM says bad things. Don't be
  20. cegorach

    New GM needs help badly!

    cegorach replied to cegorach 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Wow folks! Such awesome advice. I'm going to print it out and study it. Thank you all so much
  21. Archellus

    New GM - Looking For Advice

    Archellus replied to choux 's topic in Shadow of the Beanstalk
    When i created my first genesys campaign and introduced it to my play group we did a prequel run kinda like what you where thinking for your one shot. What i did was allow players to come up with a concept for the setting and then i made a small character stat block like a card with basic stat a sample spell and equipment but not a full char sheet. I wrote out all the
  22. player546410

    New GM to Rogue Trader

    player546410 replied to BrotherNefarius 's topic in Rogue Trader Gamemasters
    Rogue Trader is a very different scale, and it takes some getting used to. You as a person are not that much more powerful, but you have better equipment and more importantly, you have resources. It's not the best quality power sword that trips up most GMs, it's the platoon of stormtroopers they're leading.
  23. wakeley

    New GM

    wakeley replied to Kaic 's topic in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    Thank you for your answers. I will search the forums .
  24. R5D8
    Hrm, now I have to go look at the books again.
  25. HappyDaze

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    HappyDaze replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Lootings less of a problem if the acolytes are acutually paid well. Beyond that, just let the players know that the level of detail you apply in expenses will be proportionate to the level they want to put into looting. If they loot every last little item, make sure they're charged for every last item of a meal (+tips), every service at their lodging (+tips), every vox-call they place, etc. Then the kicker