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  1. Emirikol

    New GM. Order of the scenarios and houserules.

    Emirikol replied to player320064 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Agreed. The other thing to consider is if Skaven are revealed too early in campaigns, they are kind of like an enormous spoiler. jh
  2. Mark Caliber

    Advice for a new GM?

    Mark Caliber replied to errrik012 's topic in Game Masters
    Yep. Trex may seek revenge personally or report the crime to the local authorities, so there may be some repercussions down the road. The PC's may also gain a positive reputation for being reasonable pirates who are willing to go easy on victims who cooperate. It may lead to other "work" opportunities down the road too.
  3. Superunknown

    New GM, not sure how to handle this situation.

    Superunknown replied to closecraig 's topic in Game Masters
    The thing I've not seen any mention of yet is what kind of people your PCs are. If they steal this shipment, will they be doing so in order to enrich themselves or to stop two criminal empires from enriching themselves on the backs of poor farmers and townspeople? If it's the latter, hey- why not do a little campaign where the PCs distribute cheap, clean water and build support for a movement
  4. Fistofpaper

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    Fistofpaper replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    If you can do it without breaking the suspension of disbelief, anything is possible.
  5. closecraig

    New GM, not sure how to handle this situation.

    closecraig replied to closecraig 's topic in Game Masters
    Thanks again everyone for your responses. It's been very useful to see the discussion regarding prices and the economical and domestic fallout from such an event as this. From your feedback, I've decided the following based upon the assumption that the players will steal the ship: Thoughts?
  6. closecraig

    New GM, not sure how to handle this situation.

    closecraig replied to closecraig 's topic in Game Masters
    This is all far too much money for them at this point in the game (Very low XP characters). Does anyone recommend any interesting, or exciting ways on how I can rob them of their chance to get the motherload? Does anyone have any experience having an NPC scam the PC's? I'm currently thinking that Nym of Lok would buy it from them, somehow manage to get away with the ship and suddenly
  7. Grimmshade
    One of the cool things about this game is that if you do use minis, you aren't constrained to only grid maps. I often toss out a picture from on of the films, or an enlarged panel from a comic or whatever. We then place minis as markers on the map so that everyone remembers where everyone is.I find mini's extremely useful as markers for remembering how many enemies are left, where everyone
  8. ExpandingUniverse

    New GM, not sure how to handle this situation.

    ExpandingUniverse replied to closecraig 's topic in Game Masters
    PM sent instead,,,,
  9. bloody malth

    New GM, not sure how to handle this situation.

    bloody malth replied to closecraig 's topic in Game Masters
    That's not quite correct, at least here in the real world. While a single dirt-poor farmer may not have the money to buy large amounts of water, coalitions, governments, crime syndicates, and businesses will. Controlling water is a business operation; the drought in California cost the state billions of dollars. Getting water from the air, enough for subsistence living, is certainly possible with condensers, but most water that humans on earth use is
  10. Xcapobl

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    Xcapobl replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    Only a lightsaber can divide a fan in half... ?
  11. R5D8
    Hrm, now I have to go look at the books again.
  12. SirSaiCo

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    SirSaiCo replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    My group plays for around 3 hours a week and I award between 5 and 20 xp depending on how much we get done and how good the roleplaying is. I also award 5xp per session if a character diary entry is submitted to me, I highly recommend these as it's a great way for players to express their characters feelings that they would not want other players / characters to know and to catch
  13. Ghostofman
    Also check the D6 Fragments from the Rim, there's some Jedi training odds and ends in the back.
  14. Dario94

    Tips for a new GM

    Dario94 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    Thank you very much to all who had enough patience to decide to join this tread All of you are absolutely amazing!
  15. 2P51

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    2P51 replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    I'd boost it personally to make it consequential. I do 20ish a week in my campaigns and we meet about 5ish+ times a month. I don't know as I'd just multiply because the problem with awarding too much is PCs tend to lose their organic nature and are more inclined to become dice pools. I'd probably go as high as 30 or 35 maybe, and then I'd have some kind
  16. Dario94

    Tips for a new GM

    Dario94 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    Episode II: Storm of the Desert On Nar Shaddaa, the Bounty Hunter took in the previous session a security job at 'Roxcorp' (a weapon industry owned by Ms. Black). So they contact the offices on the Smuggler's Moon in sector 9-E.Behind the main door there are two row of columns and a red carpet, and the protocol droid BL-1CK (called Buck) greets them.So Buck informs the PCs that there is a factory on
  17. CaptainRaspberry

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    CaptainRaspberry replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    The game I'm playing in, where I'm a Kel Dor Seeker, is over 1,000 earned XP at this point. Just last night we played a session wherein I was nearly gunned down by four stormtroopers and their sergeant when I was caught out in the open, our sniper/medic was hobbled by complications with her addiction, and our team leader failed a Charm check which lost us the support of a local vigilante
  18. FlashbackJon
    You could go a lot of directions, depending on the nature of the "resource" the players have access to. It could be the Force itself (canon doesn't work this way, but there's no reason you can't do it if you like it), a library, one or more holocrons, etc. Chronicles of the Gatekeeper has an interesting mechanic where a character's knowledge (a custom Force talent) was deliberately split up across a
  19. Emirikol

    New GM. Order of the scenarios and houserules.

    Emirikol replied to player320064 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    Sorry no, the images are gone.
  20. Comrade Cosmonaut

    Tips for a new GM

    Comrade Cosmonaut replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    Sounds like a good time, man. Feeling a bit more at ease about it all?
  21. Dario94

    Tips for a new GM

    Dario94 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    Thank you very much everyone of your support, tomorrow night we'll run our first session, I'm going to remember these advices
  22. dreenan

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    dreenan replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    Thanks to both of you.
  23. FrogTrigger

    Tips for a new GM

    FrogTrigger replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    I like this tip, instead of a scripted encounter just have an idea of the type of NPC you want them to encounter and then wait for your opportunity to spring him. Or event take place or whatever it is you are planning. This is a lot easier to move and shake with than saying Ok when they get to this building this happens, then they decide to take a detour when you describe the
  24. Nevermind

    Tips for a new GM

    Nevermind replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    I would highly recommend running one of the prepared adventures for your first time. All of the Beginner Games are good ones to start with. The Compiled Resource List also has some good fan-made adventures that you can run through. Like 2P51, you're going to want to read through it a couple of times so you are comfortable with the story before you sit down and play through it with your group.