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  1. OddballE8

    Dealing with loot - new GM

    OddballE8 replied to Frostweasel 's topic in Game Masters
    Yeah, but in that episode, they actually put the guns on their body (using the straps on the guns or putting them in their waist or whatever), but my players tend to only put stuff in that lovely spacers duffle that their bounty hunter carries around. Also, nice to see another fan of darths and droids
  2. ASCI Blue
    I need to work on that one, I think I'm going to ditch my old group due to, in part, not being able to keep on task due to players derailing things.
  3. Archlyte

    Dealing with loot - new GM

    Archlyte replied to Frostweasel 's topic in Game Masters
    There is an episode of Mythbusters where they loot bodies of gun like this. I am always reminded of what a cumbersome walking junkheap someone becomes when they have a bunch of stuff on hand--except in video games. I too find that they tend to focus on guns lol.
  4. Frostweasel

    Dealing with loot - new GM

    Frostweasel replied to Frostweasel 's topic in Game Masters
    Yeah me too, it sounds really helpful.
  5. dwraley

    Another new GM

    dwraley replied to dwraley 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Whisper, you're a genius! Inquisitor Vaarak could send one cell to investigate House Ulthar at the same time he asks the PCs to track down what became of the missing priest for Prater Dominus. Clan Ulthar kill teams could liquidate the first squad leaving behind one or two survivors, but the first kill teams don't wear insignias identifying themselves as working for Clan Ulthar. The encounter between the kill teams and the unforntunate
  6. Stethemessiah

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    Stethemessiah replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    Indeed. I have a player in my group who's character is mechanically a Gank, as the cybernetics fit her background of crash survivor. During lockdown she's written half a novel's worth of extra background, including a large section about being rescued and rehabilitated by a small group of post war Clone deserters, on the planet she was stranded on. She asked the other day if I'd allow her to use one
  7. T_Kageyasu
    I highly doubt a street thug would require the approval of their daimyo to initiate the formal resolution of grievances through ritualized martial conflict. Sure, there could be an unsanctioned duel between samurai who are bitter rivals, but the formal procession still exists to maintain a semblance of honor. Range bands aren't required in a duel with melee weapons because leaving is tantamount to forfeiture and we can safely assume opponents are tethered together
  8. OddballE8

    Dealing with loot - new GM

    OddballE8 replied to Frostweasel 's topic in Game Masters
  9. Sith Interceptor

    Dealing with loot - new GM

    Sith Interceptor replied to Frostweasel 's topic in Game Masters
    That could be really useful and time consuming. Would be interested in using it if you care to share it here?
  10. whisperer in the vault

    Another new GM

    whisperer in the vault replied to dwraley 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    There is no actual need to have a senior acolyte "baby sit" your group, just set the scenario to state that the group is part of a web of cells that are currently involved in the investigation. Should trouble arise, you can have another cell aid your group, or have your group aid another cell only to have it/ or find it decimated with the survivors temporarily merging with your group. The extra NPCs can
  11. Frostweasel

    Dealing with loot - new GM

    Frostweasel replied to Frostweasel 's topic in Game Masters
    Thanks for the replies, I want to discourage looting largely but know what some of my players are into so I may have to get creative.
  12. NicoJMont has several adventures for rebellion set before Yavin to download and run.
  13. angelman2

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    angelman2 replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    Yeah, I've been contemplating suggesting the Marshal specialization, but thus far (in our AoR campaign) it hasn't quit fit the story or character yet. We've gone for Universal Specialization: Imperial Cadet (fits backstory), and lately Commander: Squad Leader (fits current role) specs, but Marshal is something I think might become a thing later on (especially if we are going to transition this campaign into a new campaign set several years later and
  14. MrDodger
    Whilst I get what you're saying, I think it depends on the group. My players like to see some sort of layout (I use a dry-wipe battle mat). Once I've laid everything out and placed the minis I can say "Ok, you're here, these guys are at medium, these guys are at long". I seems to work ok, with everyone just being able to ignore the grid.
  15. dwraley

    Another new GM

    dwraley replied to dwraley 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Does anyone suggest I have an Interrogator or senior acolyte accompany the players around for their first mission? The presence of someone with higher rank could provide the players with a lot of benefits, but the game will go south real fast if the players start to feel like their being lead around by the nose. Players in my group tend to do the opposite of what they feel the game master wants when they
  16. ira2
    Nojo509 said: I chose scum for a few reasons. Gaming reasons because he starts with alot of fellowship skills that I believe a noble should have, but a guardsmen doesnt. And I would imagine fleeing from his family for 10 years his command skills would deminish, as well as his more combat related skills. Guardsmen start with a ton of combat training skills and equipment. He has been fleeing with limited equipment. Later down the
  17. Fistofpaper

    New GM Question: Experience Points

    Fistofpaper replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    I love the Colonist career, cross spec the Politico in to Marshal, and you have a face with a blaster whose talents just compound with one another no matter your archetype. It's my current favorite.
  18. Avatar111
    Nothing is broken when everything is. Everybody plays this game differently, and I mean it. Just enjoy the game, do cool stories.
  19. Magnus Grendel
    Makes me think of the GW Kharn novel. "You killed him. Remember?’ Ruokh’s eye twitched. ‘That was a fair fight,’ he growled. ‘It was to first blood,’ said Dreagher. ‘I only hit him once,’ said Ruokh. ‘You decapitated him.’ ‘There was a lot of first blood,’ admitted Ruokh."
  20. Magnus Grendel

    This new GM is overwhelmed, can you help him get whelmed?

    Magnus Grendel replied to Hollow Bonfire 's topic in Houserules
    As an example: Rings and picking approaches So the shorthand is:
  21. morgath32
    So I didn't like EfaE so decided to write a similar story with a fair few alternatives, less NPC's the manage, different chaos god and so forth. My current group composition is:Dwarf gambler, High Elf thief, Human Mercenary, Human Initiate of Sigmar, with an Apprentice Wizard if the Grey Order joining next session. Overall the group has a nice balance, with a theme of being sneaky, shadow wizard, a theif and a
  22. Fistofpaper

    Advice for a new GM?

    Fistofpaper replied to errrik012 's topic in Game Masters
    This is the beginning of Long Arm of the Hutt, and could be easily implemented/upgraded by adding a second, personal, transponder that the PCs aren't able to find as quickly, or a second BH ship to increase the likelihood of an on planet crash of the Krayt Fang into Ryloth.
  23. VarniusEisen

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    VarniusEisen replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Whilst I don't encourage my player to loot the dead. I do allow it. After all it's a perfectly good way of re-stocking ammo. The group actually polices itself when it comes to loot which pleases me immensely. For example, a few missions ago the group managed to down an chaos marine. leaving behind a lager bolter and a slightly odd looking power sword. The guardsman made a be-line for the
  24. arrivan

    Advice for a new GM?

    arrivan replied to errrik012 's topic in Game Masters
    If my players tried this out of the blue in the middle of combat and succeeded there would need to be a reason or story hook attached to it. Sure he surrendered and exchanged his ship for his life because... Any way you slice it, that one action can be used as the hook later on. Just remember charm, deception, etc are not mind control so it's fine to say he had motivations or
  25. HappyDaze

    Loot and DH -a new GM

    HappyDaze replied to Mister Starx 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Lootings less of a problem if the acolytes are acutually paid well. Beyond that, just let the players know that the level of detail you apply in expenses will be proportionate to the level they want to put into looting. If they loot every last little item, make sure they're charged for every last item of a meal (+tips), every service at their lodging (+tips), every vox-call they place, etc. Then the kicker