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  1. Lukey84

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    Lukey84 replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    I use Obsidian Portal to track my players and our adventures. They can go back through it for a recap, and I can keep good track of who gets what in the GM section.
  2. ElCommi

    New GM Here, Need Suggestions....

    ElCommi replied to SJMazzella3380 's topic in WFRP Gamemasters
    I personally dislike the idea of killing off characters for the sake of it.I understand that the Old World is grim and perilous ; but if people have to consistently make new characters to play I can see them getting pissed off quickly.Having them enjoy the game world and explore is a lot more fun - if they happen to do something completely ridiculous and die ; so be it.But don't set players up to fail - it
  3. emsquared

    New GM

    emsquared replied to Havatr_Einar 's topic in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG
    I think you need to study the Star Wars time line, understand it, conceptualize how it would happen "without Luke and Leia" (who actually had nothing to do with it's beginning - both being new burns at the time and Luke a moisture farmer at that). By which I mean - how would it start without certain high level members of the former-Galactic Senate conspiring to form a unified resistance - and then coming up with
  4. DSalazar

    This new GM is overwhelmed, can you help him get whelmed?

    DSalazar replied to Hollow Bonfire 's topic in Houserules
    I think there’s a free beginner book available on drivethrurpg. Never actually read it, but I think it has a built in adventure already helping the GM to what kind of rolls the players would to solve problems, so that could help you teaching on how to adjudicate. To be fair, I haven’t played any of the adventure sets from 5th edition, but overall critique about them has been pretty positive. I’ll
  5. Scapino

    Advice for a brand new GM?

    Scapino replied to Scapino 's topic in Game Masters
    So I ran the Beginner's Game yesterday for EotE the first act of the Long Arm of the Hutt expansion. My players decided to steal the R5 unit from Vorn's shop on Tatooine and, at the New Meen mine, decided to steal the construction equipment from the Aqualish thugs and use it to pancake some of the bad guy's buildings to send a message to them. It was pretty chaotic and everyone
  6. guest397152

    Dark Heresy New GM Question - Complexity

    guest397152 replied to PencilBoy99 's topic in Dark Heresy
    Don't even try to remember all the skills and talents, just note which ones your characters and NPCs have. Use Note cards for stuff that's more complicated. Have you considered picking up the GM screen? It's a great reference for combat.
  7. SuperFieroStatus

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    SuperFieroStatus replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Ok so I ran the game last night. We got pretty far into the story (up to act 5. the final act) for only 3.5-4 hours of play. I am now tasked with an entirely new set of problems. As far as my player's motivation...I have no idea. I got the distinct feeling that they were bored 80% of the time. I tried different things. I tried to throw in combat (which
  8. themensch

    New Gm requiring help on Gungan personal shield.

    themensch replied to eva02soul 's topic in Game Masters
    You sure about that? It's a widely-discussed and debated topic but the devs keep coming back to say that no, it doesn't stack. Under duress, the players and GM pick the best defense rating and that's it. There are a limited number of Talents that say you can increase Defense but by and large, it's my understanding that these are few and far between.
  9. JRRP

    Dealing with loot - new GM

    JRRP replied to Frostweasel 's topic in Game Masters
    There isn't a system for looting. It isn't really encouraged. Mostly, that's not the type of game this is designed to be. Players generally expect their PCs to get paid for doing some kind of job: smuggling, exploring new worlds and selling both their discoveries and the hyperspace coordinates of the new planet, being paid mercenaries, collecting bounties when they turn in some hapless fool who skipped out on a Hutt, selling
  10. Nojo509
    Ah, I'm glad this wasn't the background for a normal 400 xp starting character.But I don't get the choice of Scum. If I had this background, I would want Guardsman skills,Given your well thought out background, your GM could let you take a few Scumish skills or tallents as elite advances.But that's just me. However, you might talk to the GM about taking some Guardsman abilities as elite advances. You
  11. jadrax
    Tell him if it doesn't change, that you will not play.I know it sounds harsh, but not only does it mean you will not be trapped playing a game you dont want too. It will also underline the experience for the GM and make him relaise that players enjoying the game is the most important part of roleplay.
  12. Friend of the Dork

    Total new GM confusion and fright

    Friend of the Dork replied to SuperFieroStatus 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Moff8 said: Ah that brings back memories! I played that module twice despite it obvious flaws. Thank the emperor that DH system and modules are infitiely better and easier. To the OP: Probably said before, but yeah relax. Every GM has been there before, when I first GMed WoT I was very inexperienced, but with time and training I have become better and more confident.For the "flavour" text and predone dialoge: Don't do them
  13. AdmiralAlice

    New GM any tips

    AdmiralAlice replied to Ardentstone 's topic in Game Masters
    I'm always most comfortable running sandboxes, so here's my advice: Find stats for a few minor NPCs, nemeses and minions, that you can quickly reskin to be whoever your players are dealing with in the moment. You don't need new stats for every shop owner and street thug they encounter, and just because the stat block says they're all Aqualish Thugs doesn't mean you have to tweak things under the
  14. riplikash
    I can definitely relate to the power shock. In most games it doesn't hit you until your players get to the mid/upper levels. In RT it starts the first game. It is a challenging game to GM, and requires a lot of preperation.Most of what I wrote is either implied or outright stated by the rule book. As written you have to buy everything for a ship except for basic crew. It doesn't
  15. Desslok

    New GM

    Desslok replied to Gunnolff 's topic in Game Masters
    My suggestion - keep running the canned games until you get your feet under you. There's tons and tons of them out there, so plenty of stuff to get used running the game. Then you can branch out. Also, this might be of help: The GM Handbook Edited July 31, 2017 by Desslok
  16. darkstar952

    New GM: Question about Players

    darkstar952 replied to player645901 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    What we often do if people don't show up and we only have 2 players show up, is have some low level npc's that are nominally under the control of the players. So the players mostly control the characters, but the GM has to power to prevent certain actions, like the players using the npcs as bait or trying to sacrifice them to save themselves etc.
  17. Dario94

    Tips for a new GM

    Dario94 replied to Dario94 's topic in Game Masters
    Understood, I didn't know of the existence of those resources, thank you. I'll read the adventures right away! Unfortunately in the past I've assisted at scenes like this, and I agree with you. As the manual says "rules lawyering should be avoided by both players and GM". Nonetheless it's important to say that rules are important, but not so important than the enjoyment of both players and GM.
  18. whisperer in the vault

    Another new GM

    whisperer in the vault replied to dwraley 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    Nojo509 said:Nojo509 great minds think a like (or perhaps my simple mind is easy to read?)! In a vein of similar thought, I normally gift my beginning cell of acolytes with a senior acolyte who represents the interest of the cell's Inqusitor. The serves as a deux machina of sorts, allowing new players an example of how the game (social interaction mainly) works. The sublte etiquette of Imperial Society, the intimidation of the
  19. Adeptus-B

    new GM

    Adeptus-B replied to grontha 's topic in Dark Heresy Gamemasters
    I strongly recommend not playing the introductory adventure, Shattered Hope, with actual Player Characters (as opposed to the sample characters included)- multiple 'Instant Death on a single dieroll' situations. "The adventure can't continue until you jump over this chasm. Roll under your Agility. Didn't make it? Roll up a new character..."
  20. Magnus Grendel
    I can't understate the importance of both 'session zero' and the world-building. It's very easy to try and rush past character creation, but things like ninjo, giri, and advantages & disadvantages are huge. Creating characters really needs to be done cooperatively with the GM because they're not just 'I take weak eyesight to have more points to spend on melee skills', they cause major in-world plot elements: who is your Lord
  21. Oden Gebhac

    Advice for a New GM

    Oden Gebhac replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    Dice rolls don't have to be pass or fail.Encourage your players to be creative and support their creativity. Don't worry about strict adherence to rules so long as people have fun (including you) and it doesn't totally wreck verisimilitude.Be clear in expectations for both players and you.
  22. 2P51

    Advice for a New GM

    2P51 replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    I never joke about my vices....I engage in them with zeal...the whole pirate lifestyle....arrr
  23. John Do''h
    I'd agree with Jack, if your friend has been GMing as long as you say (and again, I'm another one suddenly feeling old having been gaming since '87 and GMing since about '89, and the wife even longer then that!) and given your issues are valid (which they do appear to be) explain to him on the basis of the background and fluff what the issues are.He may have specific reasons for what
  24. Ghostofman

    Advice for a New GM

    Ghostofman replied to HistoryGuy 's topic in Game Masters
    Play around with the dice system when you prep. It's easy to grasp, but takes some getting used to, so practice help. Search out Skill Monkey for podcasty explanations and examples.
  25. Hinklemar
    I don't know if my group is on these boards, but if your PCs are Frank, Tengarak, Lars, TOM, Ryn, or Legs please skip this post. Edited October 7, 2016 by Hinklemar