Can We Get a Ground Based "Flightpath" System for Star Wars?

By Sergovan, in X-Wing

FFG, the X-wing flightpath system is a very well balanced space combat dogfighting game.

Have you thought about all the ground forces in Star Wars and making a ground based battlefield system? A squad of storm troopers on a single base with a squad maneuver dial and selection of actions taking on a rebel squad of troops.

You have a huge selection of ground troops, vehicles, weapon systems, speeder crafts.

Any news on something like this coming out?

Not at this time. But apparently there is a Dragon fighting version coming out, which proves anything is possible.

I'd love to see a ground-based game, like 40k. Always wanted to get into it, just can't really afford it. But if it were star wars, perhaps...

I would love to see a ground based Flight Path system.

I think that Flight Path (in it's general iterations) isn't necessarily best for ground maneuvers. Part of what (IMO) makes Flight Path so good for gaming is that you can't 'camp' and it FORCES conflict.

You don't have the inertia in ground maneuvers like you do in aerial combat so the system seems like it won't feel right.

A ground based game that ties into xwing would be great. Space squad shoots down comm satellite which allows rebels to break into ground base to destroy shield generator which allows space team to take down giant ship X.

2 games that can be directly played together that offer multiple objectives that can buff or hinder squads and ground troops. I'd buy that in a second.

I also would love a ground pounder system, preferably in the same scale so there can be some cross compatibility, but I agree with mege, it would require a significantly different system to work right.

That said, I have seen several war games, most notably epic scale 40k, that involve secretly assigning orders to units (charge, advance, first fire) at the start of the turn, then revealing those orders one by one and executing them during the turn. Sound familiar? If FFG could come up with a good, diverse set of possible actions for ground units to take they could still use the "maneuver" dials and the basic turn framework in a ground based game and still have it feel like x-wing. If they were in the same scale, that would also allow for the possibility of the 2 games interacting directly, TIE bomber runs vs ground targets and such.


Give me the battle for Hoth!


P.S. I like the idea of some ground based units in X-Wing. Would be a good way to keep X-Wing fresh and exciting. Plus, I would probably get well into a Star Wars board game.

A modified flightpath system would work just fine for a minis game. The attack dice vs. defense dice mechanic is simple and easily adaptable; basic rules for cover, range, and line of sight already exist. The maneuver dial could work as well, although I imagine that it would probably allow more flexibility of movement.

For example, a maneuver dial for a ground unit (which could be anything from a single trooper to a squadron of vehicles) could include cautious advance, medium advance, and rapid advance options, as well as take cover!, aim, and overwatch options. These would be a bit like actions, but would replace the unit's option to move with the ability to add defense dice, attack dice, or attack earlier, respectively. Movement would probably be in any direction for infantry, perhaps using a short movement template several times in a row for faster movement options. Larger vehicles would use templates something like the starfighters use in X-wing.

There's already a great ground based game that was exhausted thoroughly. It may be 5 years out of print, but there's still enough life left in it to make finding pieces for it easy.

There's already a great ground based game that was exhausted thoroughly. It may be 5 years out of print, but there's still enough life left in it to make finding pieces for it easy.

Star Wars Minis?

I love the idea...wiz kids is taking it for DnD. Hopefully we'll get a Star Wars one.

Hopefully FFG will get another acquisition: Aliens. Give me an aliens vs. humans vs. predator ground game!

Actually West End Games did a set of rules back in 1991 for skirmishing with 25mm figures. It was designed to work in with their first edition of the roleplaying game, so if you were playing the RPG and wanted to continue into an epic battle for the finale to your adventure, you could transition your characters to the battle system. Jedi Knights with lightsabers, Bounty Hunters with jet packs, Stormtroopers a plenty - it was all there. It used standard D6s and a regular tape measure. Worked a treat, but I haven't seen it for many years.

Edited by Parravon

I've seen some pretty impressive SW mini battles tables set up at some conventions. Never played it however. A friend still has tons of it also.

Stars Wars minis was just a little too powercreepy... 1st wave or 2 was nice and balanced and then some cheese combos appeared and power creep set in quickly. The mechanics were also an odd jumble of ultra-simple and then weirdly complex.

Stars Wars minis was just a little too powercreepy... 1st wave or 2 was nice and balanced and then some cheese combos appeared and power creep set in quickly. The mechanics were also an odd jumble of ultra-simple and then weirdly complex.

Sounds like a ripoff of Heroclix then. XD

I agree that adapting these rules (X-Wing) into ground combat might take a little bit of transition, but I can't see it being more complex than the epic scale ships that are already slated for release soon.

I thought of this a few weeks ago: a squad of troops would exist on octagonal shaped bases, and would be able to stand their ground (0 move, green) or go half of a range 1 (we'll call it a Short) in any direction that would be set in the 8 directions on their dial that would correspond with the four cardinal directions. They would have three actions by default: Focus, Cover (which grants them a point of defence against all attacks for the turn) and Charge (which would let them move another 1 Short but not in the direction they just came from).

Additionally, they wouldn't be able to use the Modification/upgrade cards with the exception of Ace Talents in some cases and Crew Members (possibly Teams as well?). They would also have their own upgrades, in the form of the Blaster Icon. Like secondary weapons they would have their own criteria for use and their own cost. For example...

E-Web Blaster - 3 points, Range 1-3, 2 Attack. You may use this attack when you have not moved or used the Charge action.

So what do you all think? The only question would be overlapping with ships flying overhead, but I somehow don't see it causing the fighters any action denial.

I also have been thinking of some ground based combat, specifically for a Hoth scenario. Troops can use focus and evade actions (taking cover is basically the same). Troops that are hit can be suppressed (get a stress token) even if they save the damage. Therefore they may need to remain stationary (green maneuver) to recover. Full freedom of movement sounds reasonable, no maneuver dials required.

What sort of scale would work best? Each troop base being a platoon or squad? This would allow some different actions for a unit that consist of 3 or 4 bases. This could allow for some "fire and maneuver" tactics, troops advancing under covering fire. Troops in base contact with other troops get to assault with opposing dice rolls.

Would Stormtrooper armor become a factor? Maybe Stormies get to ignore the first hit taken by infantry weapons?

If troops used alongside vehicles (AT-ATs) then their shooting range and movement may need to be reduced to reflect their limited tactical view. Possibly only range 1 for their standard weapons but troops could be upgraded to support elements with longer range (range 2). They would not interfere with flying vehicles movement. Possibly troops could be upgraded to "AA types".

In terms of the dice mechanics not changing much , the ground "squads" could have a certain attack value against other ground "squads" but a lower value when shooting at ships.

You could easily use something similar to the flight path system if you look at it as "giving orders to" your troops rather than actually "being" the troops and moving. Then the distance on the template would represent the speed you told them to advance at, with them either advancing that full distance or pulling up short if they encounter something.

I doubt you can modify the X-wing maneuver style to fit a ground game without making it something totally new, and there it's probably easier to start from the other side and think about what you want/need instead of coming from modifying an existing system. You could probably reuse some ideas for the flying elements of the ground game, but not really for ground forces.

The maneuver system as is, represents effects like inertia and "always in motion", which just don't apply to ground forces.

Lambda Dial?

the 0-Maneuver becomes Green, or White if you to a 0-Turn Maneuver.

I think the dice and action mechanics could easily translate to most things ground based. The idea would be to have both air and ground assets having some interaction as well. Bombing of ground targets would be a great scenario. The movement of ground forces could be kept simple with just a maximum move allowance for different unit types, only using the templates for distance purposes. These could be classed as green, white or red maneuvers. For example a vehicle moving at speed 2 on a road could treat this as a green maneuver, but off-road it might become a white maneuver or on difficult terrain it would be a red maneuver. All ground units would pretty much have to move before aerial units but could still move by initiative order, making reconnaissance units better able to outflank other units.

When dealing with ground forces the complications are going to be more terrain modifiers and cover or line of sight rules then anything else. There would also be many different weapon load outs a squad could take (heavy weapon, sniper rifles, blasters, explosives) but we are already seeing this with the missile and torpedo as well as cannon and mine choices.

The idea was to use the simplicity of the maneuver dial for assigning maneuvers to your squads and then choosing actions to do, much like the flightpath system does already. And by keeping the basics of the flightpath system you could merge the two to have a full 3D battlefield.

I could see battlefield tiles with modifiers printed on them (like red bordered or green bordered) to modify things from the terrain.

If FFG wanted to do a ground combat game for star wars with infantry squads and walkers, would Dust Warfare not make a more sensible backbone?

WWII With Walking Tanks is pretty close to Star Wars to start with....