Using the distant suns option, the back of the instruction manuals all reference to page 42-43 (which is the tech tree) of the original instruction manual. I am trying to find out what happens when someone comes across these guys. My suspicions run like so:
Invasion: player who finds the Lazax survivor may immediately take the token and is worth +3 on all future political card votes.
Probing: the probing player immediately receives 1 VP and draw 3 action cards
Razing: razing player immediately discards all action cards, exhausts all planets and loses all trade goods and may not vote in the next political agenda.
Am I missing something but just finding him feels like a major let down compared to probing or sanctions put on you for having razed him... it just feels like something is missing for "fulfilling the prophecy" anyone have anything to add??
Edited by pyrefly1986