Announcing a 2 month long LCG and Call of Cthulhu Sale and Event, finishing with a Store Championship!
Heroes Haven Games & Collectibles
1277 Lexington Ave
Mansfield OH 44905
Next to Marco’s Pizza, above the Post Office
In an effort to bring Call of Cthulhu to a wider audience and bring fellow fans in Central Ohio together, we are making Call of Cthulhu our Game of the Month (Standard monthly event with sales, tournaments etc) however since we are having several LCG events, this will be a 2 month event (March 1st through May 1st) of sales and games, with Call of Cthulhu being the Jewel in our LCG Crown, as we will be having a weekly game night for it every Wed from here on out.
Our Events are as follows
Game of the Month Night - Call of Cthulhu Living Card Game: Demo / Casual Event Tournament
Tues March 4 th , 11 th and 18 th
Starting Time 6-7pm
$5 Entry Fee; includes one 75 cent drink/snack item of choice
Tournament will be best 2 out of 3 elimination. Winners of their games will compete in single elimination until 1 winner is chosen
1 st Place = Promo Card and 10% off Coupon on any LCG product
If we have 6 or more players, 1 st Place will receive an Asylum Pack and a Promo Card! So bring your friends!
2 nd Place will receive a Promo Card and a 10% off Coupon on any LCG Product!
(10% off Coupon combines with Game of the Month sales, but no additional sales, discounts, or offers)
Decks will be available to borrow from Justin the Events Coordinator / Judge for new players without their own cards or decks
If you are a new player and would like help constructing a deck with your new cards, Justin will be on hand to assist you.
Call the store or contact me via Facebook or this forum to arrange a date and time.
Game of the Month Finals!
Tues March 25 th
Start Time 6-7pm
$10 Entry Fee; includes one 75 cent drink/snack item of choice
Tournament will be Swiss, 50 minute Games (Official FFG Tournament Scoring)
1 st Place wins a Call of Cthulhu Core Set or Deluxe Expansion of their choice, Y’Golonac Promo Card, and a Terror in Venice Custom Playmat!
2 nd wins an Asylum Pack of choice and Promo Card
3 rd wins 10% off Coupon on any LCG product & Promo Card
(Requires 5 players minimum, prizes may be adjusted with less attendance)
Call of Cthulhu Official Game Night! Every Wed!
Special Prizes and Sales Events
March 5 th , 12 th , 19 th , and 26 th
April 2 nd , 9 th , 16 th , 23 rd and 30 th
$10 Entry Fee; includes one 75 cent drink/snack item of choice and Promo Card!
Tournament will be Swiss, 50 minute Games (Official FFG Tournament Scoring)
1 st Place wins Asylum Pack of Choice
If we have 6+ players
1 st Place wins a Deluxe Expansion of Choice!
2 nd Place wins Asylum Pack of Choice!
Now of course, the biggy!
Saturday, March 29 th - Registration begins at 12pm – Tournament begins at 2pm
$15 ($10)**** Entry Fee; includes one 75 cent drink/snack item of choice and 1 Darkness Promo Card!
Tournament will be Swiss, 50 minute Games (Official FFG Tournament Scoring)
1 st Place wins a Store Championship Trophy, Custom Deck Box (Choice of Syndicate or Yog-Sothoth ),
Denizens of the Underworld Playmat, and a Winner’s Certificate for a 1 st Round Bye at 1 Regional Championship!
2 nd Place wins a Custom Deck Box and Denizens of the Underworld Playmat
3 rd and 4 th Place win a Denizens of the Underworld Playmat
Possible other prizes and additional promo cards may be available as well!
***Entry fee may be modified by attendance. Our goal is $10, but we need 6+ people to cover the championship kit. More the merrier!
I am currently attempting to collect promo cards from various sources and packs, and may have some custom domain cards to add to the various prizes, so these are all subject to change (in a good way!) If anyone has any extra promo cards or goodies available for sale or trade please let me know!
As most folks here will be new players, and beginning any new card game can be a daunting task, and often an expensive one, we're offering the following sales, to go along with our events and prizes
Call of Cthulhu Core Set - $35 ($5 Savings)
If you pre-order or pay in advance for a Core Set of Call of Cthulhu AND sign up and prepay for any of our LCG events you will receive the following!
-Shifting Sands Asylum Pack FREE! (This contains the current tournament legal story cards! A must have for ALL Call of Cthulhu players, and it's yours free just for purchasing the Core Game and Signing up!)
A $5 Credit toward any entry fee for any of our Game of the Month LCG Game Night Events! If you sign up for a Tues $5 Demo Tournament, then your Entry to that is free along with your Core Set and Bonus Asylum Pack!
(Limit 1 free asylum pack and entry fee credit per person)
Deluxe Expansions – 10% off!
Asylum Packs – 15% off!
Buy 5 Asylum Packs, GET 1 Free! (Must prepay 50% down for custom orders if not in stock; remember every Asylum Block is 6 packs!)
Our Store also has a Membership Program which grants additional savings and bonuses, please contact store for details.
Sorry for the sales pitch and long post, just excited for the event and chance to get folks interested!
If you have any questions, please contact the Shop or myself
Thanks kindly folks, hope to see ya there!