4th Corner Expansion: The Nekropolis

By Johonasen, in Talisman Home Brews

Hello fellow Talisman Gamers!

My Roommate and I could not wait for a fourth board corner expansion to come out and so a little over a year ago we began work on our own corner expansion. The idea that most moved us was a realm of the undead and terrifying monstrosities, the Nekropolis. This expansion was the result of many many hours of work and has been play-tested extensively. There have been some revisions which are in the revised prints. There have been a couple minor changes since the prints were made but overall we are happy with this print version. Please keep in mind that this expansion was finalized before the City Expansion. We would kindly thank you for trying it out or even just glancing through it and letting us know what you think. Our attention has now turned to a smaller expansion (an Ork, Ogre, goblin, and monster invasion with new Spell dynamics) and a much larger, in-depth Primal Gods expansion that will expand alignments into different Primal Forces/Gods. Wish us luck!

To Print you should be able to save each image and then print them out. If not please let me know how to post them is someone has a different method or better know-how.


DropBox Link for those interested:


Edited by Johonasen

If you want to upload the expansion in one file to somewhere like Dropbox, and send me the link - I can upload it to Talisman Island if you wish.


We would LOVE to see it on Talisman Island. I will get on it. Your site gave us strange Aeons and the very idea and methods on how to create an expansion so thank you thank you!

Harbourmaster the dropbox Link is:


Please let me know if you have difficulty or if the link does not work. I will do what is necessary to fix it. Thank you again.

I've got the file and will organise the files so the download is a lot smaller for people. For instance, pngs are great, but jpgs will do well enough. Also, you do not need multiple copies of the cardbacks plus the 2 massive tif files are not needed with the broken down copy of the board.

I'll post it tomorrow when I am done with the files.

If you can let me know numbers of cards in each category I'd be obliged. I presume the reprint files will replace certain cards in other files, so you do not need to include those that will appear twice.

**Also, I need names for the credits.

***Just to report - I have compressed it to 41 megs from 499 megs!

Edited by talismanisland

Thank you!

One (1) new Board Corner Expansion "The Nekropolis" to begin outside the graveyard (sits kitty-corner to the City)

Characters - 7

Endings - 7

Craft Enemies - 50

Strength Enemies - 58

Events - 18

Followers - 18

Strangers - 12

Places - 12

Objects - 32

Nekropolis Treasure Cards - 8

New Spells - 46

New Warlock Quests - 8

New Warlock Quest Rewards - 14

New Purchase Deck Item -1

Special Thanks to Jon and Shy77 (for Talisman Island and the ability to manipulate layers of a board and ideas on how to begin such an expansion)

Edited by Johonasen

...and it is up on the Expansions page at Talisman Island. If you want the credits altering, just let me know.

Was wondering if anyone took a look yet and/or had comments or critiques. Let us know!

This looks awsome. Are all print on regular A4 sheets? I really wanna try this! :)

What is this forestboard/unhallow i see? :D

Edited by arolig

This expansion looks fun. I do not play Talisman much anymore since my gaming group finds it too randomish but I will give it a try once I have some spare time.

Are the cards in the revised printing folders supposed to be more purple-ish in color? Likewise, is the necronomicon supposed to be orange-ish?

The cards in the revised deck are a little more purple as the shading elements in their originals were either nonexistent ot interferred with the text/images. The Necronomicon is supposed to take on a separate orange hue to designnate it as a special card.

The Hallow expansion is SHymova77's expansion and was accidentally uploaded as part of mine as they created the original idea dn board layerng allowing my roomie and I to manipulate the board and their work gave us the confidence to forge ahead with the project.

What template did you use to make the corner board? And can you share? I would like to try and make one myself looks lime fun.

Wow that looks impressive.